Document 1350

The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes May 1994

Author(s): Mrs Shona C Forrest

Copyright holder(s): Mrs Shona C Forrest



Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Thursday 19th May 1994 in the Guild Room

Mrs A [CENSORED: surname], President in the chair, Mrs S [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Miss M [CENSORED: surname], Mrs F [CENSORED: surname], Mrs J [CENSORED: surname], Mrs K [CENSORED: surname], Mrs P [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E [CENSORED: surname], Dr. L [CENSORED: surname], Miss A [CENSORED: surname]


Mrs E [CENSORED: surname], Mrs P [CENSORED: surname]


Minutes of the meeting held on 20th April 1994 were approved and signed.


a) Labels for furniture
The proposed metal labels were too big. Miss [CENSORED: surname] reported that some of the furniture is already labelled with white stickers. It was decided to consider wording for white stickers for the rest in September.

b) Valuation of furniture
The Treasurer will look for a previous valuation certificate. If one is not found we would need to then obtain one.

c) Estimates for cups, saucers, coffee maker
The Treasurer has obtained estimates tor these. It was agreed to buy 30 cups and saucers, (not plain white) in a different type from those at Merchants' Hall.

We would not purchase a coffee maker.

d) Silver tags for decanters
The President and Vice-President will purchase solid silver tags.

The decanters will be stored in the locked Guild Room cupboard. The Guild has a silver tea-set in Merchants' hall. It is being valued at Hamilton and Inches and will be kept locked in the Guild Room.

e) Aerobics Club
The Secretary has written to Kim [CENSORED: surname] of the Swimming Club but so far has had no response. Mrs [CENSORED: surname] has put a list up for interested parties at the Swimming Club and it is hoped that Aerobics Club would get under way at the start of the next school session.

Mrs [CENSORED: surname] still needs drivers.
Miss [CENSORED: surname] gave two possible names.

It was decided that in view of the apparent impossibility of obtaining white envelopes of the correct size, manilla one would be acceptable as a last resort.

6 DINNER 1994:-

Allocation of duties
The Committee will wear name badges and the Secretary will be in charge of those. A remuneration for Bart [CENSORED: surname] was decided on and the Treasurer will bring this.

Guests will not be announced on arrival. There are 372 people attending including the guests. The Committee will each meet their guests and they will congregate at far corner of Reception Suite.

Miss [CENSORED: surname] will look after Mr and Mrs [CENSORED: surname]
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will look after Mrs [CENSORED: surname]
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will look after Lynda [CENSORED: surname]
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will look after Miss [CENSORED: surname]
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will look after Caroline [CENSORED: name] [CENSORED: surname]
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will look after Miss [CENSORED: surname]
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will look after Linsay [CENSORED: surname]
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will look after Lorna [CENSORED: surname]
Miss [CENSORED: surname] will look after Rev and Mrs [CENSORED: surname]
Dr. [CENSORED: surname] will look after Mr and Mrs [CENSORED: surname]
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will look after Mr and Mrs [CENSORED: surname]
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will look after Mr and Mrs [CENSORED: surname]
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will look after Mr and Mrs [CENSORED: surname]
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will look after Margery [CENSORED: surname] and Evelyn [CENSORED: surname].
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will deliver decanters to Balmoral and organise their return for the following morning to school. Miss [CENSORED: surname] will bring back silver lectern to school from Balmoral.

Time of arrival for Committee 6.30 pm sharp.


a) Procedure
The Committee will wear badges. 500 people will be at main lunch and 52 in Ravelston House. Girls will stand at school entry points with hand-outs on checking in etc. Ladies will be directed to check-ins, tickets checked and lunch token given. (This will be handed over at buffet). They can then go on Tour. Lunch starts at 12.

b) Lunch and Wine/Orange Juice
Compass now tell us that they have 600 glasses that we can use. They would like the Wine as early as possible. This is being purchased from Oddbins. Wine will cost £3.19, red and £3.59, white. A discount will be given depending on how much is sold. We will sell this at £1 per glass, 50p for Orange juice. The Treasurer will bring all floats. Wine Helpers should bring their own corkscrews.

c) Souvenirs
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] and girls will sell F.P Guild and Tercentenary Souvenirs. The school will provide float for latter and the Treasurer for the former.

d) Table etc. requirements
We would ask for 3 double sized tables for name labels in Crush Hall, possibly under the dux boards.

In the Assembly Hall we would need one large table for Guild Membership, one large table for the sale of brooches and possibly 2 double tables for the sale of memorabilia, 2 chairs will be required per table and 4 easels.

Secretary will notify Mrs [CENSORED: surname] what we require and ask if Janitors can bring Merchant Malden Hospitals souvenirs etc.

e) Guests
Mr and Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Miss [CENSORED: surname], Miss [CENSORED: surname], Margery [CENSORED: surname] and Evelyn [CENSORED: surname].

Secretary will do reserved notices for tables
1965 and 1948
Miss [CENSORED: surname] and the Vice-President will help guests

f) Allocation of duties
Committeee are to be there as early as possible. The Committee were given sheets on which duties were detailed.

g) Press ie. - Scotsman, Evening News, Herald and Post.
The Secretary will notify Press

8 CONCERT 1994:-

Allocation of duties
President and Mrs A [CENSORED: surname] will look after guests
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will give out programmes. A £20 tip will be given to Church Officer.
Bouquets are ordered for artists which Arran [CENSORED: surname] will collect from the Flower Shop earlier. Committee helpers should arrive at 6.30 - 6.45pm.


a) Service
The Secretary had spoken with Mrs [CENSORED: surname] of Greyfriars, who in view of the prospective attendance will consult Church Officer etc. about prospect of using upstairs and dowstairs rooms. The cost of tea, coffee, milk, sugar etc. will be 50p and Greyfriars will provide polystyrene cups.

A block of seats will be reserved for F.Ps probably on far side church entrance.

The Secretary has ordered a posy bowl for the grave of Mary Erskine which Arran [CENSORED: surname] will collect at the same time as bouquets.

b) Sandwich/Traybake reguirements
This will be in the Church House.
Committee will provide sandwiches, tray bakes etc. and will bring own plates, trays etc. They will take them in to the Church House before the service.


a) Traybake reguirements
The Secretary has written to Compass who will provide tea/coffee and biscuits for approximately 50 people at 50p per head.

The President, Secretary, Mrs E [CENSORED: surname], Miss M [CENSORED: surname], Mrs A [CENSORED: surname] and Mrs P [CENSORED: surname] will attend and will each bring a traybake at 10.30 am. Mrs A [CENSORED: surname] will give the girls a short talk.

b) Handout
The Secretary has up dated these and will have them printed in time for 22nd June.


The Treasurer and Secretary will "man" the stall.

12 DINNER 1995:-

The Secretary has received brochures, terms etc. from the Scandic Crown, Sheraton, George Roxburghe, Royal British and Barnton Hotels. The Scandic crown, Sheraton ad George are very expensive. The Roxburghe can not provide dinner on the date given. This will be the 11th March as there is a Rugby Match on the 4th.

The Barnton is reasonable both for b & b terms and menus. Best deal still seems to be the Royal British.

The prospect of holding the dinner at the School was discussed.

The Secretary will ask Compass to quote for a 3 course dinner with coffee and petits fours for approximately 200 she will also find out from Miss [CENSORED: surname] if school is available.


We are being allocated 12 places for the Guild.
The Committee felt that the President and Secretary should attend and the President felt that Miss Ann [CENSORED: surname] being one of the oldest members should be asked. The rest of the places would be decided by ballot of the Tercentenary Committee and Guild Committee.

14 COMMITTEE 1994/95:-
Elsle [CENSORED: surname] will be Assistant Secretary going on to be Secretary in due course.
Susie [CENSORED: surname] will be Assistant Treasurer.

Nancy [CENSORED: surname] and Irene [CENSORED: surname] would be approached


Date of next meeting - Tuesday 13th September.
The President reported that The M.E.S Boarding House has no printer for their computer and asked the Committee's approval for buying them one. The Committee gave their approval.
The President suggested a token of appreciation for the 3 art contributions to the notelet.
It was agreed to give Graham [CENSORED: surname] £10 notecards.
The girl whose design was used would be given notelets and a tapestry kit.
The runner-up would receive a tapestry kit.

The meeting ended at 9.40 pm.

The next meeting is on Tuesday 13th September.

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The SCOTS Project and the University of Glasgow do not necessarily endorse, support or recommend the views expressed in this document.


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The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes May 1994. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 14 October 2024, from

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"The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes May 1994." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 14 October 2024.

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The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech, s.v., "The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes May 1994," accessed 14 October 2024,

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Information about Document 1350

The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes May 1994


Text audience

Adults (18+)
Informed lay people
Audience size 1000+
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Handwritten
Year of composition 1994
Word count 1423

Text medium

Other Circulated at committee meetings

Text setting


Text type

Prose: nonfiction
Written record of speech (e.g. hansard, legal proceedings, minutes of meetings)


Author details

Author id 919
Title Mrs
Forenames Shona
Initials C
Surname Forrest
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1940
Educational attainment University
Age left school 18
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Counsellor
Place of birth Edinburgh
Region of birth Midlothian
Birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Falkirk
Region of residence Stirling
Residence CSD dialect area Stlg
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Bank Manager
Father's place of birth Edinburgh
Father's region of birth Midlothian
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Housewife
Mother's place of birth Edinburgh
Mother's region of birth Midlothian
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
French Yes Yes Yes Yes Basic
Japanese Yes Yes Yes Yes Beginner's level. With Japanese family member.
