Document 1349

The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes April 1994

Author(s): Mrs Shona C Forrest

Copyright holder(s): Mrs Shona C Forrest




PRESENT: Mrs A.[CENSORED: surname], President, in the Chair, Mrs A.[CENSORED: surname], Mrs F.[CENSORED: surname], Miss M.[CENSORED: surname], Mrs P.[CENSORED: surname], Mrs J.[CENSORED: surname], Mrs P [CENSORED: surname], Mrs K.[CENSORED: surname], Mrs E. [CENSORED: surname], Mrs E.[CENSORED: surname], Mrs E. [CENSORED: surname] and Mrs
S.[CENSORED: surname], Secretary.

Dr.L.[CENSORED: surname], Miss A.M. [CENSORED: surname] and Miss C.[CENSORED: surname].

Minutes of the Meeting held on 23rd February 1994 were approved and signed.

a) Labels for furniture.
Mrs E.[CENSORED: surname] reported that the labels would be available shortly. Some concern was expressed by the President on the size of these and Mrs J. [CENSORED: surname] undertook to measure the area of furniture (e.g. on the underside of chairs) to be labelled. It was decided to label Guild Room furniture also. This would necessitate 21 labels altogether.

b) and c) Valuation of furniture and Insurance.
These will be attended to when the Treasurer has fully recovered her health.

d) Estimates for cups, saucers, coffee-maker (Jackson in Merchants' Hall)
We would have to wait until the Treasurer's return before a decision was made. Mrs A. [CENSORED: surname] can aquire a coffee-maker at a discount price. The Secretary reported that upon consultation with Mr [CENSORED: surname] at Merchants Hall she discovered that there was no Jackson in situ.

e) Confirmation of next year's Coffee Morning.
The Secretary has confirmed a booking on 28th January 1995 with Merchants' Hall.

f) Transport Volunteers List.
There had been a poor response to Mrs E.[CENSORED: surname]' s request. The Committee would try again to come up with one person each.

g) Decanters.
It was agreed that these be deposited in the bursar's office safe. The Bursar had suggested that they be labelled by a collar but the Committee agreed with the President that loose tags would be more suitable tor cleaning.

The President reported a successful evening, although the food was generally thought to be disappointing. The Secretary will write to Compass reporting the criticisms.

a) Founders Day.
The Mural is in place and is looking suberb.The final cheque will be sent shortly. There have been 85 tickets distributed with 15 on the waiting list. The applications have now been closed.

With regard to F.P.s, friends and families viewing the Mural; it had been suggested that several Saturday mornings leading up to the official unveiling might be appropriate. {Prior to the publication of these Minutes however.Mrs [CENSORED: surname] regretfully reported to the President that, when put to the Management Committee, this idea was dismissed on the grounds of staffing difficulties for these mornings and people wishing to view are asked to telephone for an appointment}

b) Dinner.
The President showed the Committee the mock-up of the Menu/Greetings Card. There will be 2200, 400 as menus of these produced. The question of manila envelopes or otherwise for these cards was discussed and it was suggested that, given the relative cost of the Tercentenary, we should order properly sized white envelopes. Committee Members would phone round Printers for estimates as 9.5'' x 4'' is not a standard in white.

269 Dinner tickets have already been sold plus 23, invitations issued. The Hotel can comfortably accomodate 350 which would be our preferred maximum. Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will stop selling tickets when the number reaches 340. The President reported tht we will be able to provide a glass of sherry per person. There will be an order stall for wine and the Secretary will arrange for a Menu to be displayed at this stall.

The President suggested that the Celebration Cake would be more appropriate at the September Tea-Party rather than at the Dinner with the added advantage that the Cake could be smaller and thus cheaper. The Secretary will contact the cake-icer to inquire when she would need the cake.

The President suggested that there was no need for a Vote of Thanks after the Dinner and the Committee agreed.

c) Saturday Tour and Lunch.
Ticket sales now stand at 455. 500 people can be accomodated outwith the separate reunion. There will be tables on the back balcony of the hall and there will be two sittings, between 12 noon and 1.30pm approx. After Lunch coffee will be in the Hall.

Mrs [CENSORED: surname] has again been most helpful and will organise girls at arrival points who will hand out Lunch arrangements

The Secretary will invite Margery [CENSORED: surname] and her associate Mrs E.[CENSORED: surname] to the Luncheon.

The President stated that the expenses of the Lunch must be covered by making a profit on the sale of wine and orange juice which we would purchase and serve. It could be sold at 1.00 or 1.20 .Wine prices and arrangements would be discussed again at the next Meeting. Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will investigate other sources.

There will not, as had previously thought, be an appeal meeting at this function. The Principal will, however mention it in his address.

There would not be a limit on Members for tours. Labels would be written beforehand by the sub-committee, possibly with different colours for different decades of leaving. Girls will sell souvenirs, possibly on the platform. Mrs [CENSORED: surname] volunteered to organise this.

8 people might be needed for checking in but this will be decided at the next meeting. Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will have the Medical Room key.

There might be 5 coffee points plus chairs in the Hall.

d) Concert
311 tickets out of a maximum of 600 have been sold so far. The three artistes have been invited to the Dinner, Margaret [CENSORED: surname], an F. P., will donate artistes bouquets and Mary [CENSORED: surname] of the Scotsman will write an article on Caroline [CENSORED: surname]

e) Greyfriars.
Mrs [CENSORED: surname] has suggested inviting the Class Captains to the Service.

The Secretary has written to Mr [CENSORED: surname] at Mortonhall about the condition of the grave of Mary Erskine and a reply was awaited.

The President reminded the Committee about the sandwiches which we intend having after the Service. This will be discussed at the next meeting

The President read out the letter which Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will send to disappointed ticket applicants.

It was reported that 125 Tea Party tickets had been sold and the guests invited. Applications are now closed.

f) Video.
This was decided against.

g) Publicity.
An advert in the Scotsman is not necessary. The Press will be asked to the School for the celebrations

h) Membership Address List.
No new update will be done at the moment. The Membership Secretary reported a total of 2212 names on the computer and about 1938 active Members.

A new printer has been purchased at a cost of 176.25 from Edinburgh Computer Services.

This is arranged for Wednesday 22nd June. Mrs E.[CENSORED: surname], Mrs E.[CENSORED: surname], Mrs A.[CENSORED: surname], the President, the Secretary and possibly Mrs E.[CENSORED: surname] indicated that they might be present.

The Secretary will find out numbers of leavers and will update the hand out.

H.M. The Queen and H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh will visit the School on 30th June 1994. The Mural will be officially unveiled by the Queen then so there will, therefore, be no handing over ceremony on Founders Day.

8. DINNER 1995.
Dates suggested 4th or 11th March 1995.

The President will ask the Bursar about the dates of Rugby Internationals. There was a discussion regarding the venue and it was decided that the Secretary will write to The Scandic Crown, Sheraton, Royal British, Barnton, George and Roxburghe Hotels enquiring about minimum numbers (100) menus and Band B terms.

9.COMMITTEE 1994-95.
The Treasurer's term of office expires. Also Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Mrs [CENSORED: surname], Miss [CENSORED: surname] and Mrs [CENSORED: surname].

Mrs [CENSORED: surname] will be willing to serve another year as School Staff representative. Also Mrs [CENSORED: surname] as Membership Secretary.

We will require a new Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer who will be willing to take over as Secretary and Treasurer in due course.

Susie [CENSORED: surname], Nancy [CENSORED: surname] and Irene [CENSORED: surname] may be willing to serve on the Committee and would be approached. The Committee was asked to suggest other possible candidates

10) A.O.B.
The Secretary will contact the Swimming Club Secretary and Miss [CENSORED: surname] with regard to the Aerobics Club.

The Merchant Maiden 1993 is now available and it was wondered whether we should give the School money for sales. This was decided against.

The date of the next meeting is Thursday 19th May 1994.

The Meeting closed at 9.25pm.

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The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes April 1994. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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"The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes April 1994." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 27 July 2024.

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Information about Document 1349

The Former Pupils' Guild of the Mary Erskine School - Minutes April 1994


Text audience

Adults (18+)
Informed lay people
Audience size 1000+
Writer knew intended audience

Text details

Method of composition Handwritten
Year of composition 1994
Word count 1415

Text medium

Other Circulated at committee meetings

Text setting


Text type

Prose: nonfiction
Written record of speech (e.g. hansard, legal proceedings, minutes of meetings)


Author details

Author id 919
Title Mrs
Forenames Shona
Initials C
Surname Forrest
Gender Female
Decade of birth 1940
Educational attainment University
Age left school 18
Upbringing/religious beliefs Protestantism
Occupation Counsellor
Place of birth Edinburgh
Region of birth Midlothian
Birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Country of birth Scotland
Place of residence Falkirk
Region of residence Stirling
Residence CSD dialect area Stlg
Country of residence Scotland
Father's occupation Bank Manager
Father's place of birth Edinburgh
Father's region of birth Midlothian
Father's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Father's country of birth Scotland
Mother's occupation Housewife
Mother's place of birth Edinburgh
Mother's region of birth Midlothian
Mother's birthplace CSD dialect area midLoth
Mother's country of birth Scotland


Language Speak Read Write Understand Circumstances
English Yes Yes Yes Yes
French Yes Yes Yes Yes Basic
Japanese Yes Yes Yes Yes Beginner's level. With Japanese family member.
