Document 1206
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 106/2001
Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.
Highlight word:
Tuesday 26 June 2001
Section A - Daily Business List
Section B - Business Programme
Section C - Agendas of Committee Meetings
Section D - Oral questions selected for answer on 28 June 2001
Section E - Written questions lodged on 25 June 2001
Section F - Motions and Amendments
Section G - Bills, amendments to Bills and proposals for members’ Bills
Section H - New Documents
Section J - Parliamentary Bureau: Note of Decisions
Section K - Progress of Parliamentary business
Tuesday 26 June 2001
Section A – Daily Business List
Meetings of Committees
All meetings take place in Committee Chambers, Edinburgh unless otherwise indicated.
Justice 2 Committee
19th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 2
1. Item in private: The Committee will consider whether to take part of item 7 in private.
2. International Criminal Court (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider the Bill at Stage 2.
3. Petition: The Committee will consider written evidence on petition PE336 by Frank Maguire, on behalf of Clydeside Action on Asbestos, on civil justice for asbestos victims.
4. Procedures Committee Inquiry into the application of the Consultative Steering Group principles in the Scottish Parliament: The Committee will consider a draft response to the inquiry.
5. Youth Justice - Audit Scotland inquiry: The Committee will consider the appointment of a Reporter.
6. Inquiry into the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service: The Committee will consider written evidence received.
7. Inquiry into the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service: The Committee will consider the appointment of Advisers.
Finance Committee
17th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 10.00 am in Committee Room 1
1. Committee Business: The Committee will consider whether to take agenda items 4, 5 and 6 in private.
2. Proposed Amendment to Contingent Liability: The Committee will consider a minute from the Scottish Executive Health Department concerning Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service Protein Fractionation Centre clinical trials (SE 2001/127) and will take evidence from—
Dr Aileen Keel, Deputy Chief Medical Officer.
3. Proposed Contingent Liability: The Committee will consider a minute from the Minister for Transport & Planning concerning Scottish Transport Group Pension Fund Surplus; Indemnities to be granted by Scottish Ministers to the Trustees of the Scottish Transport Group Pension Fund (SE 2001/131) and take evidence from—
W R J McQueen, Head of Division, Scottish Executive Development Department, Transport Division 2
D N G Reid, Head of Division, Scottish Executive Transport and European Finance
M A Sinclair, Divisional Solicitor, Scottish Executive Development Department.
4. PFI/PPP Inquiry: The Committee will consider a paper from its adviser, Professor Peter Jackson.
5. Voluntary Sector Funding: The Committee will consider a draft submission by the reporters.
6. CIPFA Conference: The Committee will consider a proposal for the Convener to attend the CIPFA Scotland conference on three-year budgeting.
Procedures Committee
6th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 10.30 am in Committee Room 4
1. Stage 3 Order of Consideration: The Committee will consider a paper.
2. Meeting on 1 May of Justice 1 and Justice 2 Committees: The Committee will consider a paper.
3. Committee Reports: Minority Views: The Committee will consider a paper.
4. Substitution on Committees of the Parliament: The Committee will consider a paper.
5. Decision Time: The Committee will consider a paper.
6. Accessing the Parliament: The Committee will consider a paper from the Standards Committee.
7. Enquiry into the Application of the Consultative Steering Group principles in the Parliament: The Committee will consider a paper.
8. Provisional Dates of Meetings and Major Work Outline: September - December 2001: The Committee will consider a paper.
Subordinate Legislation Committee
22nd Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 11.15 am in Committee Room 3
1. Executive Responses: The Committee will consider the responses from the Scottish Executive to points raised on the following instruments—
The Crofting Community Development Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/208)
The Public Service Vehicles (Registration of Local Services) (Scotland) Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/219)
The Air Quality Limit Values (Scotland) Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/224)
The Gaming Act (Variation of Fees) (No.2) (Scotland) Order 2001, (SSI 2001/230)
The BSE Monitoring (Scotland) Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/231).
2. Draft instruments subject to approval: The Committee will consider the following instrument—
The International Criminal Courts (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2001, (Draft).
3. Instruments subject to approval: The Committee will consider the following instruments—
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (Scotland) Order 2001, (SSI 2001/237)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) (Orkney) (No.2) (Scotland) Order 2001, (SSI 2001/241).
4. Instruments subject to annulment: The Committee will consider the following instruments—
The Adoption of Children from Overseas (Scotland) Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/236)
The Water Supply (Water Quality) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/238)
The Protection of Wrecks (Designation) (Scotland) Order 2001, (SSI 2001/242)
The Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (Scotland) (No.2) Amendment Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/243).
5. Instruments not laid before the Parliament: The Committee will consider the following instrument—
The Adoption (Intercountry Aspects) Act 1999 (Commencement No.6) Order 2001, (SSI 2001/235).
Transport and the Environment Committee
19th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 1.30 pm in the Chamber, Assembly Hall, The Mound, Edinburgh
1. Areas of Questioning (in private): The Committee will consider areas of questioning for witnesses as part of its consideration of the Scottish Executive’s proposals for the future of the Highlands and Islands ferry service network, and as part of its consideration of PE96.
Not before 1.40pm
2. Items in Private: The Committee will consider whether to take item 7 in private.
3. Public Petitions: The Committee will consider the following Public Petitions—
PE8 / PE187: Petition PE 8 from the Scottish Homing Union on the impact of the number of birds of prey on the sport of pigeon racing, along with Petition PE187, from the Scottish Gamekeepers Association on the culling of raptors. The Committee will consider a report from the reporter.
Not before 2.00pm
4. Highlands and Islands Ferry Services: The Committee will take evidence from—
Sarah Boyack, Minister for Transport, Scottish Executive.
Not before 3.00pm
5. Petition PE 96 on Sea Cage Fish Farming: The Committee will take evidence from—
Rhona Brankin, Deputy Minister for Environment and Rural Development, Scottish Executive.
6. Consideration of PE 96: The Committee will discuss the evidence taken under item 5 on Petition PE96, on Sea Cage Fish Farming.
7. Committee Away Day: The Committee will consider a paper from the Clerk on whether to have an away day in the Autumn.
Audit Committee
10th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 1
1. Committee Business: The Committee will consider whether to take agenda item 4 in private.
2. Youth Justice in Scotland: The Committee will receive a briefing from the Auditor General for Scotland on his report entitled ‘Youth Justice in Scotland (AGS/2001/5).
3. Work Programme: The Committee will consider the Auditor General for Scotland’s draft programme of reports for 2001/02.
4. National Health Service Bodies in Tayside: The Committee will consider a draft report on its inquiry into National Health Service Bodies in Tayside.
Local Government Committee
20th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in Committee Room 3
1. Items in private: The Committee will decide whether to take items 3, 4 and 5 in private.
2. Police and Fire Services (Finance) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will take evidence on the general principles of the Bill at Stage 1 from—
Scottish Executive:
Iain Gray, Deputy Minister for Justice
Bill Hepburn, Head of Branch 1, Justice Department, Police Division 1
Bill Giles, Head of Branch 1, Justice Department, Fire Service and Emergency Planning Division
Ruth Inglis, Solicitor, Office of the Solicitor to the Scottish Executive.
3. Proposed Local Government (Timing of Elections) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will consider proposals for consideration of the Bill at Stage 1.
4. Proposed Long Term Care Bill: The Committee will consider proposals for consideration of the Bill at Stage 1.
5. Work Plan: The Committee will consider its work plan.
Rural Development Committee
17th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 2.00 pm in the Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh
1. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following instruments under the negative procedure—
The Control of Pollution (Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/206)
The Agricultural Processing and Marketing Grants (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/220)
The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/221)
The Suckler Cow Premium (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/225)
The Agricultural Subsidies (Appeals) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/226).
2. A Forward Strategy for Scottish Agriculture: The Committee will consider an Executive document A Forward Strategy for Scottish Agriculture and will decide the scope of an inquiry.
3. Sea Cage Fish Farming: The Committee will discuss evidence from Rhona Brankin taken at the Transport & the Environment Committee meeting.
4. Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill (in private): The Committee will resume consideration of a draft report.
(The meeting will be suspended at approximately 2.55 pm).
The Committee will resume at approximately 4.00 pm in Committee Room 4.
Tuesday 26 June 2001
Section B - Business Programme
As agreed by the Parliament on 21 June 2001
Wednesday 27 June 2001
2.30 pm Time for Reflection – Sister Isabel Smyth, Secretary of the Scottish Inter Faith Council
followed by Ministerial Statement
followed by Executive Debate on Serious Violent and Sexual Offenders (for text of motion see S1M-2041 in Section F)
The Clerk has been informed that the following document(s) are relevant to this debate.
Scottish Executive White Paper – Criminal Justice: Serious Violent and Sexual Offenders
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members’ Business - debate on the subject of S1M-1740 Michael Matheson: Lung Disease in Scotland (for text of motion see Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 25 June 2001)
Thursday 28 June 2001
9.30 am Stage 1 Debate on the Protection from Abuse (Scotland) Bill (for text of motion see S1M-1994 in Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 25 June 2001)
followed by Finance Committee Debate on the 2002/2003 Budget Process
followed by Ministerial Statement
followed by Business Motion
2.30 pm Question Time (for text of questions see Section D of Business Bulletin for Thursday 20 June 2001)
3.10 pm First Minister’s Question Time
3.30 pm Executive Debate on the New Opportunities Fund
followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members’ Business - debate on the subject of S1M-1970 Annabel Goldie: Endometriosis (for text of motion see Section F of Business Bulletin for Monday 25 June 2001)
Tuesday 26 June 2001
Section C – Agendas of Committee Meetings
Health and Community Care Committee
27 June 2001
18th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in the Chamber, Assembly Hall, The Mound, Edinburgh
1. Items in Private: The Committee will consider whether to take items 6 to 9 in private.
2. Time limit on debates: The Committee will be asked to agree to limit debate on emergency affirmative SSIs to 15 minutes.
3. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following negative instrument—
The Sweetners in Food Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/212)
and the following affirmative instruments—
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/237)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) (Orkney) (No.2) (Scotland) Order 2001, (SSI 2001/241).
4. Petitions: The Committee will consider a report on petitions.
5. Contacts: The Committee will consider a report on contacts.
6. Petition PE 123 by the Warm Homes Campaign on Fuel Poverty: The Committee will consider a draft report.
7. Petitions PE 185 and 45 on Haemophilia and Hepatitis C: The Committee will consider a report on the evidence taken to date.
8. Report on Petition PE 217 on Single GP Practices: The Committee will consider a draft report.
9. Legislation arising from the Scottish Executive's consultation paper "Better Care - for all our futures": The Committee will consider a list of possible witnesses.
Standards Committee
27 June 2001
10th Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 9.30 am in Committee Room 3
1. Item in private : The Committee will consider whether to take item 3 in private.
2. Complaint Against Richard Simpson MSP : The Committee will consider whether there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct.
3. Complaints Against Members: The Committee will consider two draft committee reports concerning complaints against Members.
Education, Culture and Sport Committee
27 June 2001
21st Meeting, 2001
The Committee will meet at 11.00 am in Committee Room 2
1. Assessment of Educational Need: The Committee will consider a draft response to the Scottish Executive's consultation document "Assessing our children's educational needs. The Way Forward".
2. Public Petition PE 342: The Deputy Convener will report on her meeting with COSLA on the subject matter of Petition PE 342 (School Closures) by Mr Neil Kay.
3. Committee Work Programme: The Committee will consider whether to hold a seminar to discuss its programme of work for the remainder of the session.
4. Gaelic Broadcasting Inquiry: The Committee will consider future work on its Inquiry into Gaelic Broadcasting.
5. Inquiry into the Application of Consultative Steering Group (CSG) Principles in the Scottish Parliament: The Committee will consider a paper from the Procedures Committee.
6. Subordinate Legislation: The Committee will consider the following instruments under negative procedure—
The Sports and Sporting Events (Designation) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2001, (SSI 2001/209)
The Education (Assisted Places) (Scotland) Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/222)
The St. Mary's Music School (Aided Places) (Scotland) Regulations 2001, (SSI 2001/223).
Tuesday 26 June 2001
Section D - Oral questions selected for answer on 28 June 2001
First Minister's Question Time
1. Mr John Swinney: To ask the First Minister when he will next meet the Prime Minister and what issues he plans to raise. (S1F-1186)
2. David McLetchie: To ask the First Minister when he will next meet the Secretary of State for Scotland and what issues he plans to raise. (S1F-1177)
3. Cathy Jamieson: To ask the First Minister how the Scottish Executive’s plans for Scottish agriculture will contribute to its objective of securing social justice. (S1F-1187)
4. Nora Radcliffe: To ask the First Minister what involvement the Scottish Executive will have in any future review of UK energy policy. (S1F-1179)
5. Richard Lochhead: To ask the First Minister to what extent the pattern of land ownership is expected to change should the proposals contained in its draft Land Reform (Scotland) Bill be implemented. (S1F-1193)
6. Scott Barrie: To ask the First Minister how the Scottish Executive will ensure that the message of its new initiative on drug driving reaches all sections of society. (S1F-1188)
Tuesday 26 June 2001
Section E - Written questions lodged on 25 June 2001
S1W-16487 Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive how the treatment of the £416,000 additional funding allocation to Scottish Borders Council complied with paragraph 5 of Circular 5/2000, Pre-Budget Statement – Additional Financial Resources for School, given the £350,000 reduction made by the council to their schools budget earlier this year.
S1W-16541 Stewart Stevenson: To ask the Scottish Executive how many accidents there were in each of the last seven years at the junctions of the A90 with (a) the A975 at Longhaven and (b) the unclassified Gask road at Longhaven.
S1W-16542 Ben Wallace: To ask the Scottish Executive how much was spent on long-term care for the elderly in (a) Scotland and (b) each local authority area in each year from 1997 to 2001 and what percentage each local authority’s expenditure was of its social services budget.
S1W-16543 Ben Wallace: To ask the Scottish Executive how much was spent on caring for young and disabled people in (a) Scotland and (b) each local authority area in each year from 1997 to 2001 and what percentage each local authority’s expenditure was of its social services budget.
S1W-16544 Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Executive when it will publish the strategy for Scottish agriculture.
S1W-16545 Linda Fabiani: To ask the Scottish Executive how many central heating units were installed under its central heating initiative in May 2001.
S1W-16546 Linda Fabiani: To ask the Scottish Executive how many central heating units were installed under its central heating initiative in April 2001.
S1W-16547 Fiona Hyslop: To ask the Scottish Executive how many additional exemptions to the right of tenants to purchase their own homes will be introduced if the Land Reform (Scotland) Bill is passed as currently drafted.
S1W-16548 Bristow Muldoon: To ask the Scottish Executive whether working arrangements for the process to renew the Scottish passenger rail franchise have been agreed with the Strategic Rail Authority and the Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority.
S1W-16549 Mr Andrew Welsh: To ask the Scottish Executive what funding is being made available to the Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institution to allow it to continue its farm plastic recycling project.
S1W-16550 Mr Andrew Welsh: To ask the Scottish Executive what measures are being taken to encourage the recycling of farm plastics.
Tuesday 26 June 2001
Section F - Motions and Amendments
The full text of all outstanding motions and amendments will appear in the Business Bulletin every Monday.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are new or have been altered. Asterisks in the text show the extent of alterations made.
Motions which members wish to be considered for debate as members’ business in the Parliament are marked with a hash symbol (#)
*S1M-2041 Mr Jim Wallace: Serious Violent and Sexual Offenders—That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the Executive’s White Paper on serious violent and sexual offenders, fulfilling the Programme for Government commitment to "review the law by 2001 in relation to sexual and violent offenders, including harassment and in particular stalking"; agrees that the public deserves to be protected from the highest risk offenders, and commends the Executive’s proposals for a new sentencing, management and treatment regime for this small group of offenders as an important step in building a Scotland where people are safer and feel safer.
Supported by: Iain Gray*
S1M-2040 Maggie's Centre (lodged on 22 June 2001) Irene Oldfather*
S1M-2039# Bank Arrestments (lodged on 22 June 2001) Mr Adam Ingram*, Mr Lloyd Quinan*, Mr Gil Paterson*, Shona Robison*
S1M-2038 Scottish Ambulance Control Room (lodged on 22 June 2001) Richard Lochhead*
S1M-2037 Frozen Money (lodged on 21 June 2001) Alex Neil*, Shona Robison*
S1M-2035 PHACE West Youth Works Project (lodged on 21 June 2001) Alex Neil*
S1M-2033# Very Sheltered Housing (lodged on 20 June 2001) Alex Neil*, Mr Adam Ingram*, Mr Gil Paterson*, Shona Robison*
S1M-2022# Crown Prosecution and the Piper Alpha Disaster (lodged on 19 June 2001) Mr Adam Ingram*, Mr Lloyd Quinan*, Mr Gil Paterson*, Shona Robison*
S1M-2021 His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Joseph Winning (lodged on 19 June 2001) Henry McLeish, Mr Jim Wallace, Mr John Swinney, David McLetchie, Colin Campbell*, Mrs Mary Mulligan*, Fergus Ewing*, Mr Adam Ingram*, Mr Lloyd Quinan*, Mr Gil Paterson*, Shona Robison*, Irene Oldfather*
S1M-2020 Committee to examine amendments to the Scotland Act 1998 (lodged on 19 June 2001) Colin Campbell*, Mr Adam Ingram*, Mr Lloyd Quinan*, Mr Gil Paterson*, Shona Robison*
S1M-2019 Clyde Shipyard Workers (lodged on 18 June 2001) Irene Oldfather*
S1M-2018# National Refugee Week (lodged on 18 June 2001) Colin Campbell*, Shona Robison*
S1M-2017 National Kidney Research Fund 40th Anniversary (lodged on 15 June 2001) Colin Campbell*, Mr Kenny MacAskill*, Shona Robison*, Irene Oldfather*
S1M-2016 National Transplant Week (lodged on 15 June 2001) Colin Campbell*, Shona Robison*, Irene Oldfather*
S1M-2015# University of Glasgow Honours Course in Scottish Politics (lodged on 14 June 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-2014 Arctic Convoy Medal (lodged on 14 June 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-2013 Soweto Day (lodged on 14 June 2001) Colin Campbell*, Shona Robison*, Irene Oldfather*
S1M-2011# Borders Education Crisis (lodged on 13 June 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-2010 The Scottish Working People's History Society (lodged on 13 June 2001) Shona Robison*, Irene Oldfather*
S1M-2009 The Scottish Labour History Society (lodged on 13 June 2001) Shona Robison*, Irene Oldfather*
S1M-1999# Recognition of the Rights of Children and Young People (lodged on 11 June 2001) Colin Campbell*, Mr Kenny MacAskill*, Shona Robison*
S1M-1998# Forth & Clyde Canal (lodged on 6 June 2001) Colin Campbell*, Irene Oldfather*
S1M-1996# Residential Home Closures (lodged on 6 June 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1987# Scottish Civic Trust and Buildings at Risk (lodged on 1 June 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1986 Action on International Debt (lodged on 1 June 2001) Richard Lochhead*, Mr Kenny MacAskill*, Shona Robison*
S1M-1978# Dementia Awareness Week, 4-9 June 2001 (lodged on 30 May 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1970# Endometriosis (lodged on 29 May 2001) Mr Kenny MacAskill*
S1M-1969# Colour of Scotland's National Flag (lodged on 29 May 2001) Colin Campbell*, Shona Robison*
S1M-1968 Verdant Works (lodged on 29 May 2001) Colin Campbell*, Shona Robison*
S1M-1967 Stobhill Hospital Industrial Action (lodged on 24 May 2001) Colin Campbell*
S1M-1964 Centenary of Donibristle Pit Disaster (lodged on 24 May 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1963# Epilepsy (lodged on 23 May 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1947 National Missile Defence System (lodged on 18 May 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1946 National Childcare Week (lodged on 18 May 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1944 Meetings of the Parliament in North East Scotland (lodged on 17 May 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1943 The Disability Claim Form (lodged on 17 May 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1938 Adult Learners' Week 12-18 May 2001 (lodged on 16 May 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1930# National Autistic Society Report 2001 (lodged on 15 May 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1928 International Nurses' Day 2001 (lodged on 10 May 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1925# European Year of Languages and BSL (lodged on 10 May 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1916 National Cot Death Awareness Week (lodged on 8 May 2001) Shona Robison*
S1M-1915 Caithness General Hospital (lodged on 8 May 2001) Colin Campbell*, Shona Robison*
S1M-1911 Kelvin Hall (lodged on 4 May 2001) Colin Campbell*
S1M-1888 Glasgow Rent Deposit Scheme (lodged on 30 April 2001) Colin Campbell*
Tuesday 26 June 2001
Section G - Bills, amendments to Bills and proposals for members’ Bills
Proposals for Members’ Bills
Names marked with an asterisk (*) are new names of support. Proposals that have attracted 11 supporters have those supporters’ names shown in bold. The member who lodged such a proposal has the right to introduce a Member’s Bill to give effect to that proposal under Rule 9.14.
Donald Gorrie: Proposed Protection from Sectarianism Bill—Proposal for a Bill to make sectarian behaviour an aggravation of a criminal offence and to create a code of conduct on tackling sectarian behaviour. (lodged 12 June 2001)
Supported by: Nora Radcliffe, Robert Brown, Margo MacDonald, Alex Neil, Lloyd Quinan, Tommy Sheridan, Margaret Smith, Iain Smith, Ian Jenkins, John McAllion, Mike Rumbles, Robin Harper, Dennis Canavan, Mike Watson, Nick Johnston
Tommy Sheridan: Proposed School Meals (Scotland) Bill—Proposal for a Bill to provide universally free and nutritious school meals for every child attending a local authority managed secondary, primary or special needs school. (lodged 21 June 2001)
Supported by: Alex Neil, John McAllion, Dennis Canavan, Dorothy-Grace Elder, Lloyd Quinan, Donald Gorrie, Gil Paterson, Margo MacDonald, Sandra White, Robin Harper
Tuesday 26 June 2001
Section H - New Documents
Subordinate Legislation
Negative Instruments
The following instruments were laid before the Parliament on 25 June 2001 and are subject to annulment—
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2001 (SSI 2001/244)—
The Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2001 (SSI 2001/245)—
laid under section 275(5) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997
Other Documents
The following document was laid before the Parliament on 25 June 2001 for approval by resolution
Special Grant Report No.4 and Guidance for Local Authorities: The Domestic Water and Sewerage Charges (Reduction) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SE/2001/132)
laid under section 108A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as inserted by section 167 of the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994
Committee Reports
The following Report is being published on 26 June 2001
Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee, 7th Report 2001: Report on Subordinate Legislation (SP Paper 368)
European Documents
Members wishing to see a list of European documents received in the Parliament should contact the clerks to the European Committee ( Members are reminded that a complete set of all documents received is held by the Reference Centre in G9, PHQ and copies can be made available on request.
Tuesday 26 June 2001
Section J - Parliamentary Bureau: Note of Decisions
Presiding Officer – Sir David Steel (in the chair)
Deputy Presiding Officer – Patricia Ferguson
Deputy Presiding Officer – George Reid
Labour Party Business Manager – Tom McCabe
Scottish National Party Business Manager – Tricia Marwick
Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Business Manager –
Lord James Douglas-Hamilton
Liberal Democrat Party Business Manager – Euan Robson
1. Future Business Programme
It was agreed to recommend to Parliament future business, including Designations of Lead Committee and Approvals of SSIs as detailed in motions S1M-2025 to S1M-2029 (for text of motions see Section F of the Business Bulletin for Wednesday 20 June 2001).
2. Transport and the Environment Committee: Request to Visit Brussels
The Committee’s request to send two reporters to Brussels to meet with European Commission officials and discuss maritime transport in early July 2001 was approved.
3. Committee Meetings at the Same Time as the Parliament
On the recommendation of the Conveners’ Liaison Group, it was agreed to ask the Procedures Committee to consider changing Standing Orders to allow committees the discretion to meet when meetings of the Parliament are suspended for a meal break.
Ken Hughes
Clerk to the Parliamentary Bureau
19 JUNE 2001
Tuesday 26 June 2001
Section K - Progress of Parliamentary business
For further information on the progress of Bills, subordinate legislation and committees shown in this section, please contact either the relevant clerk or web site (end of Section for addresses)
Bills in Progress
Convention Rights (Compliance) (Scotland) Bill
Passed 30 May
Housing (Scotland) Bill
Passed 13 June
International Criminal Court (Scotland) Bill
Stage 2 (Justice 2 Committee) 26 June
Mortgage Rights (Scotland) Bill
Passed 20 June
Police and Fire Services (Finance) (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (evidence, Local Government Committee) 26 June
Protection from Abuse (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 28 June
Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Bill
Stage 1 (Rural Development Committee) 26 June
Regulation of Care (Scotland) Bill
Passed 31 May
Scottish Local Authorities (Tendering) Bill
Passed 6 June
Subordinate legislation in progress
(date of laying) (Lead Committee)
Affirmative Instruments
The Farm Business Development (Scotland) Scheme 2001 (31 May 2001) (Rural Development)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/237) (18 June 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning) (Orkney) (No.2) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/241) (20 June 2001) (Health and Community Care)
The draft International Criminal Court (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2001 (21 June 2001)
Negative Instruments
Subject to annulment until 30 June 2001
The Import and Export Restrictions (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/186) (22 May 2001) (Rural Development)
Subject to annulment until 1 September 2001
The Sex Offenders (Notification Requirements) (Prescribed Police Stations) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/190) (24 May 2001) (Justice 2)
Subject to annulment until 8 September 2001
The Designation of Bell College of Technology (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/199) (31 May 2001) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)
The Bell College of Technology (Scotland) Order of Council 2001 (SI 2001/2005) (31 May 2001) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)
Subject to annulment until 13 September 2001
The Water Supply (Water Quality) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/207) (5 June 2001) (transport and the Environment)
Subject to annulment until 14 September 2001
The Plant Protection Products Amendment (No.2) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/202) (6 June 2001) (Rural Development)
The Control of Pollution (Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/206) (6 June 2001) (Rural Development)
The Sports Grounds and Sporting Events (Designation) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2001 (SSI 2001/209) (6 June 2001) (Education, Culture and Sport)
The Education (Student Loans) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/210) (6 June 2001) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)
Subject to annulment until 15 September 2001
The Crofting Community Development Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/208) (7 June 2001) (Rural Development)
The Right to Time Off for Study or Training (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/211) (7 June 2001) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)
The Sweeteners in Food Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/212) (7 June 2001) (Health and Community Care)
Subject to annulment until 16 September 2001
The Existing Facilities in Quality Partnership Schemes (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/218) (8 June 2001) (Transport and the Environment)
The Public Service Vehicles (Registration of Local Services) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/219) (8 June 2001) (Transport and the Environment)
The Suckler Cow Premium (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/225) (8 June 2001) (Rural Development)
The Agricultural Subsidies (Appeals) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/226) (8 June 2001) (Rural Development)
Subject to annulment until 19 September 2001
The Agricultural Processing and Marketing Grants (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/220) (11 June 2001) )Rural Development)
The Pesticides (Maximum Residue Levels in Crops, Food and Feeding Stuffs) (Scotland) Amendment (No.2) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/221) (11 June 2001) (Rural Development)
The Air Quality Limit Values (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/224) (11 June 2001) (Transport and the Environment)
The Education (Assisted Places) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/222) (11 June 2001) (Education, Culture and Sport)
The St Mary’s Music School (Aided Places) (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/223) (11 June 2001) (Education, Culture and Sport)
The Repayment of Student Loans (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/227) (11 June 2001) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)
The Education (Student Loans) (Scotland) Regulations 2000 Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/228) (11 June 2001) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)
The Students’ Allowances (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/229) (11 June 2001) (Enterprise and Lifelong Learning)
The Gaming Act (Variation of Fees) (No.2) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/230) (11 June 2001) (Justice 2)
Subject to annulment until 21 September 2001
The BSE Monitoring (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/231) (13 June 2001) (Rural Development)
Subject to annulment until 26 September 2001
The Adoption of Children from Overseas (Scotland) Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/236) (18 June 2001) (Education, Culture and Sport)
Subject to annulment until 27 September 2001
The Water Supply (Water Quality) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/238) (19 June 2001) (Transport and the Environment)
Subject to annulment until 29 September 2001
The Protection of Wrecks (Designation) (Scotland) Order 2001 (SSI 2001/242) (21 June 2001) (Education, Culture and Sport)
The Import and Export Restriction (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (Scotland) (No.2) Amendment Regulations 2001 (SSI 2001/243) (21 June 2001) (Rural Development)
Committee Business
Dates indicate when the next meeting is due to take place on the relevant subject.
Audit See Section A
Education, Culture and Sport 27 June
Enterprise and Lifelong Learning 5 September
Equal Opportunities 4 September
European 11 September
Finance See Section A
Health and Community Care 27 June
Justice 1 No date established
Justice 2 See Section A
Local Government See Section A
Procedures See Section A
Public Petitions No date established
Rural Development See Section A
Social Justice 5 September
Standards 27 June
Subordinate Legislation See Section A
Transport and Environment See Section A
[CENSORED: table inserted here in original giving contact information]
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Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 106/2001. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 12 September 2024, from
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