Document 1184
Scottish Parliament: Business Bulletin 51/1999
Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.
Highlight word:
Thursday 9 September 1999
Section A – Daily Business List
Section D – Oral questions selected for answer on 9 September 1999
Section E – New written questions lodged on 6 September
Section F – Motions and Amendments
Section G - Bills, amendments to Bills and proposals for members’ Bills
Section H – New Documents
Section J – Progress of Parliamentary business
Thursday 9 September 1999
Section A – Daily Business List
9.30 am Motion by Donald Dewar—
S1M-127 Donald Dewar: Programme for Government—That the Parliament endorses the contents of Making It Work Together: A Programme for Government
The Presiding Officer has selected the following amendment—
*S1M-127.1 Mr Alex Salmond: Programme for Government—As an amendment to motion (S1M-127) in the name of Donald Dewar, leave out all from "endorses" to end and insert: "condemns the use of valuable Parliamentary time and public resources for yet another public relations re-launch of the floundering coalition, calls upon the Scottish Executive to bring forward a programme of substance rather than spin, and instructs the Scottish Executive to take steps to access and use all of Scotland’s resources to tackle poverty, lack of opportunity and unemployment, and to raise the ambitions of all of Scotland’s peoples
12.20 pm Business Motion—
S1M-132 Mr Tom McCabe on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Business Motion—That the Parliament agrees—
(a) the following amendment to the programme of business agreed on 1 September—
Thursday 9 September 1999
after "Motion to Approve SSIs (to be taken without debate)" insert –
followed by Motion to Approve the Designation of the lead Committee for the Public Finance and Accountability Bill (to be taken without debate)
(b) the following programme of business—
Wednesday 15 September 1999
2.30 pm Debate on an Executive Motion on the Food Standards Agency
followed by, no earlier than 4.30 pm Motion on the Nomination and Appointment of the Auditor General for Scotland
followed by Motion on the Designation of Lead Committees for SSIs (to be taken without debate)
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business Debate on the subject of S1M-86 Alasdair Morgan: Wigtown, Scotland’s National Book Town
Thursday 16 September 1999
9.30 am Non-Executive Business: Debate on a Motion by the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party on the subject of Transport
followed by, no later than 12.20 pm Business Motion
2.30 pm Question Time
3.00 pm Open Question Time
followed by, no later than 3.15 pm Ministerial Statement on the Water Industry
followed by
Debate on an Executive Motion on Homelessness
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business Debate on the Subject of S1M-98 Tavish Scott: Crisis in Salmon Farming
Wednesday 22 September 1999
2.30 pm Debate on an Executive Motion on Tourism
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business
Thursday 23 September 1999
9.30 am Debate on Executive Motion on a Manufacturing and Industrial Strategy for Scotland
followed by, no later than 12.20 pm Business Motion
2.30 pm Question Time
3.00 pm Open Question Time
followed by, no later than 3.15 pm Debate on an Executive Motion on the Voluntary Sector
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members' Business
and (c), the following dates by which other committees should make any recommendations on instruments or draft instruments to the lead committee—
i. The Rural Affairs Committee and the European Committee to report to the Transport and Environment Committee on The Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/43) by 29 September 1999
ii. The Rural Affairs Committee and the European Committee to report to the Health and Community Care Committee on The Food (Animals and Animal Products from Belgium) (Emergency Control) (No. 2) (Scotland) Order 1999 (SSI 1999/32) by 29 September 1999
iii. The Rural Affairs Committee and the European Committee to report to the Health and Community Care Committee on The Animal Feedingstuffs from Belgium (Control) (No. 2) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/33) by 29 September 1999
iv. The European Committee to report to the Health and Community Care Committee on The Spreadable Fats (Marketing Standards) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/34) by 29 September 1999
2.30 pm Question Time
1. Duncan McNeil: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will make a statement on support for local community involvement in regeneration through Citizens’ juries. (S1O-279)
2. Elaine Smith: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will make a statement on the progress being made towards a national childcare strategy. (S1O-250)
3. Maureen Macmillan: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will make a statement on how it intends to keep victims informed of the progress of cases against offenders. (S1O-261)
4. Ms Irene Oldfather: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will outline its proposals for action to prevent young Scots from becoming addicted to tobacco. (S1O-281)
5. Paul Martin: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the Minister for Health during her visit to Stobhill Hospital will meet with the Medical Staff Association to discuss their concerns in connection with revised site proposals to build an Ambulatory Care and Diagnostic Unit on the grounds of Stobhill Hospital. (S1O-295)
6. Bristow Muldoon: To ask the Scottish Executive what the current policy is on the use of land-raise for the disposal of domestic and non-domestic waste. (S1O-286)
7. Karen Whitefield: To ask the Scottish Executive what measures are in place to promote dental health in Scotland. (S1O-259)
8. Alasdair Morgan: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it intends to take to assist the tourism sector in areas of rural Scotland such as Dumfries and Galloway and the Highlands and Islands in the light of the decreases in visitor numbers. (S1O-264)
9. Ms Patricia Ferguson: To ask the Scottish Executive what the cost would be of electrifying the Glasgow to Edinburgh rail line. (S1O-275)
10. Karen Gillon: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress is being made on restoring the European beef market for Scottish producers. (S1O-274)
11. Mr Kenny MacAskill: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to develop the electrification of Scotland’s railways. (S1O-252)
12. Dennis Canavan: To ask the Scottish Executive when the First Minister expects to meet the Secretary of State for Scotland and what subjects he expects to discuss. (S1O-247)
13. Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to enable acute hospital and primary care trusts to meet the aspiration for Joint Investment Funds set out in the ‘ Designed to Care’ White Paper. (S1O-255)
14. Janis Hughes: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will make a statement on whether it intends to promote its relationship with the voluntary sector in Scotland. (S1O-276)
15. Ms Sandra White: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to ensure the retention of the Paediatric Cardiac Surgery service at Yorkhill Hospital. (S1O-296)
16. Nicola Sturgeon: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to help bring about a settlement in the dispute over teachers’ pay and conditions. (S1O-267)
17. Fiona McLeod: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will make a detailed statement on the current financial situation at Hampden Stadium and the Scottish Football Museum and on the implications for the future operation for the National Stadium and Museum. (S1O-294)
18. Brian Adam: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to improve the railway network in Scotland. (S1O-248)
19. Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has taken place in relation to the Borders printed circuit board manufacturer Signum Circuit’s request for Regional Selective Assistance which would allow it to expand its operations in Selkirk. (S1O-254)
20. Phil Gallie: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it will take to put an end to the situation whereby minor technical discrepancies prevent court proceedings in cases where there is evidence of an individual’s wrongdoing. (S1O-272)
21. Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to use its planning powers to introduce a national moratorium on the erection of mobile telecommunication masts on school grounds and within densely populated areas such as multi-storey flats in line with the policy of "prudent avoidance" as recommended by Friends of the Earth. (S1O-268)
22. Fergus Ewing: To ask the Scottish Executive what specific measures it will introduce to assist small business in Scotland and whether it will work closely with the Enterprise and Life Long Learning Committee to develop a package of measures to promote small business in Scotland. (S1O-289)
23. Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive how many miles of dual carriageway in Scotland lack central reservation safety barriers and whether it will install such barriers with a view to reducing accidents and loss of life. (S1O-253)
24. Fiona Hyslop: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to improve the position of homeowners in Scotland. (S1O-260)
25. Hugh Henry: To ask the Scottish Executive how many crimes were committed in Scotland by those released on bail, and how many of these were crimes of violence, for each of the last five years. (S1O-293)
26. Jamie McGrigor: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is satisfied that adequate scientific resources are being applied to the outbreak of Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning. (S1O-290)
27. Margaret Jamieson: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will confirm that all pupils who have entered Primary 1 will remain in class sizes of fewer than 30, at least until Primary 4. (S1O-270)
28. Johann Lamont: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will make a statement on its plans to promote the involvement of parents in the education of their children. (S1O-288)
29. Lewis Macdonald: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will make a statement on the progress of the Scottish University for Industry. (S1O-287)
30. Alex Fergusson: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to address the issues currently affecting the Scottish sheep farming industry. (S1O-273)
3.00 pm Open Question Time
1. Mr Alex Salmond: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-886 by Donald Dewar on 24 August 1999, what the current position is in respect of the development of Concordats. (S1O-258)
2. David McLetchie: To ask the Scottish Executive how many times the First Minister has met with the Prime Minister since 1 July 1999 to discuss matters relating to the governance of Scotland and whether further regular meetings between them have been scheduled. (S1O-263)
3. George Lyon: To ask the Scottish Executive what resources, in terms of funding and expertise, are being made available to tackle the algae responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), and to ascertain the threat to public health represented by ASP, and what timescale it has set for lifting the ban on scallop fishing currently in place on Scotland’s north west coast. (S1O-262)
followed by, no later than 3.15 pm Continuation of debate on motion S1M-127
4.30 pm Motion by Mr Tom McCabe—
S1M-131 Mr Tom McCabe on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Time for Reflection—That the Parliament agrees that, further to the decision on motion S1M–1 on Prayers, the provision of a Time for Reflection should be as outlined below—
Time for Reflection will be held in the Chamber in a meeting of the Parliament normally as the first item of business each week;
Time for Reflection will be held in public and will be addressed both to Members and to the Scottish people;
Time for Reflection will last for a maximum of four minutes;
Time for Reflection will follow a pattern based on the balance of beliefs in Scotland; invitations to address the Parliament in leading Time for Reflection will be issued by the Presiding Officer on advice from the Parliamentary Bureau;
Time for Reflection will be recorded in the Official Report
The Presiding Officer has selected the following amendment—
*S1M-131.1 Phil Gallie: Time for Reflection—As an amendment to motion (S1M-131) in the name of Mr Tom McCabe on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, leave out from ‘the balance’ to "Bureau" and insert "the traditional Christian culture and faith of Scotland"
followed by Motion by Des McNulty—
S1M-96 Des McNulty: Membership of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association—That the Parliament agrees—
(a) to apply for admission to membership of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, such membership to be effective immediately on approval of the application by the General Assembly of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association;
(b) to abide by the provisions of the Constitution of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; (c) the required membership fee be paid to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; and
(d) that this motion be communicated to the Secretariat of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association immediately following agreement
To be taken without debate
followed by Motion by Mr Tom McCabe—
*S1M-134 Mr Tom McCabe on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: Approval of SSIs—That the Parliament agrees that the following Orders be approved—
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (Scotland) Order 1999 (SSI 1999/26) and,
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (Orkney) (Scotland) Order 1999 (SSI 1999/27)
To be taken without debate
followed by
5.00 pm Decision Time
followed by Members’ Business—
Debate on the subject of—
S1M-116 Mr Nick Johnston: Unemployment in Clackmannanshire and West Fife—That the Parliament calls the Scottish Ministers’ attention to the problems of social and economic deprivation caused by escalating unemployment in Clackmannanshire and West Fife
Thursday 9 September 1999
Section D – Oral questions selected for answer on 16 September 1999
Question Time
1. Mr Andrew Welsh: To ask the Scottish Executive which services and staff posts have been withdrawn from or reduced in Stracathro hospital over the past five years and what steps are being taken to ensure the future of Stracathro hospital and the services it provides. (S1O-297)
2. Ms Sandra White: To ask the Scottish Executive, if it decides to abolish the Scottish Joint Negotiating Committee, what mechanism it intends to use to achieve the abolition. (S1O-306)
3. Alex Neil: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends making representations to Her Majesty’s Government requesting an increase in the Scottish Block. (S1O-302)
4. Scott Barrie: To ask the Scottish Executive how many miscalculations have occurred in awards made by the Student Awards Agency for Scotland in each of the last four academic sessions. (S1O-339)
5. Christine Grahame: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-1049 by Henry McLeish on 6 September, whether the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), in providing assurances regarding the grant award position at Viasystems, has at any time provided it with a copy of the DTI report of the investigation into the closure of the Viasystems plants in the Scottish Borders. (S1O-336)
6. Fiona Hyslop: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends to double the number of refuge places for women and their children fleeing domestic violence in Scotland. (S1O-310)
7. Trish Godman: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will be possible to launch the Scottish University for Industry in autumn 2000 as planned given that no company has yet been set up and no chief executive or directors have been appointed. (S1O-329)
8. Andrew Wilson: To ask the Scottish Executive what is the allocation within the Scottish Departmental Expenditure limit for expenditure (outturn estimated and planned) by the Secretary of State and Advocate General for Scotland in 1998-1999 and 1999-2000, in cash terms. (S1O-301)
9. Mr Keith Raffan: To ask the Scottish Executive which Ministers have so far met their counterparts from the Cabinet of the National Assembly for Wales. (S1O-305)
10. Mary Scanlon: To ask the Scottish Executive how it intends to assist Inverness College, which faces a deficit of £4 million, in providing high quality further and higher education. (S1O-331)
11. Mr John Munro: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will consider giving Hill Livestock Compensation Allowance payments to deer farmers. (S1O-327)
12. David Mundell: To ask the Scottish Executive what representations it will make to the Strategic Rail Authority regarding the issuing of directions and guidance by it in respect of rail services to or from stations in Scotland, including Lockerbie and Dumfries, where no services to such stations both begin and end in Scotland. (S1O-315)
13. Michael Matheson: To ask the Scottish Executive what action is being taken to improve services for those who suffer from terminal illness. (S1O-300)
14. Tavish Scott: To ask the Scottish Executive whether the Tourism Strategy to be published in January 2000 will address the problem of high transport costs faced by the tourist industry in island areas. (S1O-308)
15. Colin Campbell: To ask the Scottish Executive whether all pupils in Scotland with Records of Needs are receiving appropriate educational provision. (S1O-322)
16. Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive whether any Ministers have plans to visit St Mary’s Episcopal Primary School, Dunblane before the end of the year. (S1O-334)
17. Richard Lochhead: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has made representations to her Majesty’s Government requesting that the Scottish Executive lead European and international fisheries negotiations on behalf of the United Kingdom. (S1O-317)
18. Irene McGugan: To ask the Scottish Executive what assurance can be given that the proposed closure of wards 15 and 6 at Strathcathro Hospital, Brechin will not prejudice the outcome of the acute services review currently being undertaken by Tayside Health Board. (S1O-309)
19. Phil Gallie: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will provide a breakdown of the total cost of the launch of Making it Work Together: A Programme for Government on 6 September 1999. (S1O-314)
20. Mr Kenneth Gibson: To ask the Scottish Executive what action it intends to take to ensure that Scottish local authorities are fully cognisant with the terms of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998. (S1O-332)
21. Karen Whitefield: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will make a statement on the action it is taking to prevent heart disease in Scotland. (S1O-323)
22. Shona Robison: To ask the Scottish Executive why £1 million has been earmarked to support "People’s Juries" rather than existing local community voluntary groups and whether it has any plans to increase funding for such groups. (S1O-333)
23. Fergus Ewing: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it believes that it would be of benefit to business in Scotland if it exercised the tax varying power for the years 2000-2001 and 2001-2002. (S1O-335)
24. George Lyon: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it plans to follow the Land Reform Policy Group’s recommendation that the Scottish Law Commission be invited to review and revise the law of the foreshore and seabed and, in light of the numerous and protracted disputes over the ownership of the seabed around Scotland, what plans it has to review the powers of the Crown Estate in Scotland. (S1O-307)
25. Brian Adam: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will quantify the contingency funds within its budget are as yet uncommitted in the current financial year. (S1O-312)
26. Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will take steps to build, within the next two years, safety barriers on all dual carriageways where they do not currently exist. (S1O-303)
27. Donald Gorrie: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to improve the A8 and adjoining roads in the Coatbridge-Newhouse area. (S1O-299)
28. Bruce Crawford: To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has been made on the establishment of a new road bridge crossing the river Forth near Kincardine. (S1O-313)
29. Dennis Canavan: To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S1W-28 by Donald Dewar on 2 July, whether it will now specify the total number of Special Advisers or political appointees that it has appointed and the total estimated annual cost of their employment. (S1O-298)
30. Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive when it will make a decision on the future of cardiac surgery at Glasgow Royal Hospital for Sick Children. (S1O-316)
Open Question Time
1. Mr Alex Salmond: To ask the Scottish Executive what are the details of its higher education policy. (S1O-318)
2. David McLetchie: To ask the Scottish Executive how many times the First Minister has met with the Secretary of State for Scotland since 1 July 1999 to discuss matters relating to the governance of Scotland and whether further regular meetings between them have been scheduled. (S1O-319)
3. Bristow Muldoon: To ask the Scottish Executive what input it has had in the redrawing of the Objective 2-status map for Scotland. (S1O-328)
Thursday 9 September 1999
Section E - Written questions lodged on 8 September 1999
S1W-1421 David Mundell: To ask the Presiding Officer whether the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body is aware that some residents of Dumfries and Galloway are unable to receive live broadcasts of the Parliament on BBC2 Scotland and whether it will take this issue up with the BBC.
S1W-1422 Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive what criteria will be used to decide on the location of the centralised children’s cardiac service
S1W-1423 Pauline McNeill: To ask the Scottish Executive whether there has been any estimate of the impact on other services provided by Yorkhill NHS Trust should children’s cardiac services be resited in Edinburgh.
S1W-1424 Ian Jenkins: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is aware of the concern amongst traders and some community groups about the increased numbers of charity shops working under preferential trading conditions in the high streets of Scottish towns, and whether there is any research, planned or in progress, into the longer term effects of this increase on property prices, rates and rental levels and other aspects of town centre trading and shopping.
S1W-1425 Brian Adam: To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it has taken to resolve the Junior Hospital Doctors’ grievances over long hours, working conditions and out of hours pay.
S1W-1427 Marilyn Livingstone: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has received representations from the Millan Committee on the Review of the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984 about the Mental Health (Public Safety and Appeals) (Scotland) Bill.
S1W-1428 Colin Campbell: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is satisfied with the provision of rural bus routes in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde.
S1W-1429 Dorothy-Grace Elder: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will ensure that no decision is taken on closing child cardiac operation services at Glasgow’s Royal Hospital for Sick Children or at Edinburgh Royal Hospital for Sick children until the Health and Community Care Committee or the Parliament have debated the issue publicly.
S1W-1430 Mr Duncan Hamilton: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will detail the number of referrals to the gulf veterans’ medical assessment programme (MAP) since MAP was established and whether it will provide details of any research into gulf war syndrome which it currently sponsors.
S1W-1433 Mrs Margaret Smith: To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to ensure that where genetically modified crops are used as ingredients in the food and restaurant industries, products and menus are labelled accordingly, so that consumers can make an informed choice.
S1W-1434 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has any plans for greater involvement of local police forces in the new community schools.
S1W-1435 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive how many placing requests have there been for primary and secondary schools since May 1997 and what proportion of the total number of places this represents.
S1W-1436 Mr Brian Monteith: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will provide a breakdown of the schools’ excellence fund by project and amount for the next three years.
S1W-1437 Andrew Wilson: To ask the Scottish Executive , further to the answer to question S1W-960 by Mr Jack McConnell on 2 September, whether it will give details of the capital costs and a breakdown of the £650,000 per annum running costs for the Scottish Executive European Union office and whether it will specify from which vote this funding will be allocated, in each year from the office’s establishment onwards.
S1W-1438 Mrs Margaret Smith: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends to revise planning law to remove the possibility of renewal of outline planning permission outwith a specific time limit, for example a ten year period.
S1W-1439 Mrs Margaret Smith: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends to revise planning law to tighten up the definition of work on site before renewal of outline consent can be granted.
S1W-1440 Mrs Margaret Smith: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends to revise planning law to remove the loophole of duplicate planning applications.
S1W-1441 Colin Campbell: To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is satisfied that the £5 million in administrative savings required of the Argyll and Clyde Acute Hospitals Trust will not be injurious to the smooth running of its hospitals.
Thursday 9 September 1999
Section F - Motions and Amendments
The full text of all outstanding motions and amendments will appear in the Business Bulletin every Monday
Items or names marked with an asterisk (*) are new. Asterisks in the text show the extent of alterations made
Motions which members wish to be considered for debate as Members’ Business in the Parliament are marked with a hash symbol (#)
*S1M-137 Mr Andrew Welsh: Motion Regarding Appointment of Auditor General for Scotland—That the Parliament nominates Robert Black to Her Majesty for appointment as Auditor General for Scotland.
*S1M-136 Mr Jamie Stone: Sheep Industry—That the Parliament acknowledges the current crisis in the sheep industry in Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross following this summer’s lamb sales in the constituency.
Supported by: Mr John Munro*, George Lyon*, Euan Robson*, Nora Radcliffe*, Robert Brown*
*S1M-133# Dr Elaine Murray: Crisis in Scottish Agriculture—That the Parliament notes the severe problems of Scottish agriculture, in particular in the hill farming and pig sectors, and calls upon the Scottish Executive to give urgent consideration to measures to alleviate the immediate problems, while developing strategies to stabilise the industry in the longer term.
S1M-125 East Timor (lodged on 7 September 1999) Winnie Ewing*, Jamie McGrigor*, Dr Elaine Murray*, Nicola Sturgeon*, Mrs Margaret Smith*
S1M-119 East Timor (lodged on 3 September 1999) Winnie Ewing*, Christine Grahame*, Nicola Sturgeon*
S1M-74 Amendment of Members' Allowances Scheme (lodged on 24 June 1999) Jamie McGrigor*
S1M-66 Impact of tolls on Tourism (lodged on 22 June 1999) Mr Nick Johnston*, Jamie McGrigor*
Thursday 9 September 1999
Section G - Bills, amendments to Bills and proposals for members’ Bills
Proposals for Members’ Bills
Names marked with an asterisk (*) are new names of support. Proposals that have attracted 11 supporters have the names shown in bold. The member who lodged such a proposal has the right to introduce a Members’ Bill to give effect to that proposal under rule 9.14.
Tommy Sheridan: Proposed Debtors (Amendment) Bill—Proposal for a Bill to amend the Debtors (Scotland) Act 1987 to remove the rights of a creditor (or an officer of court on his behalf) to apply for, and of a sheriff to grant, authority for poindings or warrant sales (lodged 19 August).
Supported by: Alex Neil, Michael Russell, Ms Margo MacDonald, Adam Ingram, Fiona Hyslop, Andrew Wilson, Kenny MacAskill, Robin Harper, John McAllion, Michael Matheson, Tricia Marwick, Brian Adam, Dr Winnie Ewing, Dennis Canavan, Mike Watson, Mrs Kay Ullrich, Shona Robison, Ms Nicola Sturgeon, Cathy Jamieson, Trish Godman*, Johann Lamont*
Mike Watson: Proposed Protection of Wild Mammals Bill—Proposal for a Bill to make it an offence to hunt a wild mammal with a dog or to facilitate hunting in certain ways. The Bill would provide exceptions for certain activities directed at pest control and conservation of species, and would allow the Executive to license such activities. It would also provide exceptions, in certain cases, for the retrieval or rescue of animals. It would enable courts of summary jurisdiction to disqualify, by order, persons convicted of an offence from keeping a dog, and make breach of such an order an offence (lodged 1 September).
Supported by: Tricia Marwick, Scott Barrie, Kate Maclean, Bristow Muldoon, Adam Ingram, Tommy Sheridan, Mrs Kay Ullrich, Kenneth Macintosh, George Reid, Ms Nicola Sturgeon, Janis Hughes, Malcolm Chisholm, Ms Patricia Ferguson, Johann Lamont, Trish Godman, Christine Grahame, Andrew Wilson, Kenneth Gibson, Michael Matheson, Duncan Hamilton, Elaine Smith, Robin Harper, Cathy Jamieson, John Young, Irene McGugan*, Dennis Canavan*
Adam Ingram: Proposed Leasehold Casualties Bill—Proposal for a Bill to provide for the extinction of leasehold casualties, to provide compensation in certain cases, and to make void "irritancy provisions" in certain leases of land (lodged 7 September)
Supported by: Michael Russell, Gil Paterson, Duncan Hamilton, Lloyd Quinan, Tricia Marwick, Pauline McNeill, Mike Rumbles*
Thursday 9 September 1999
Section H - New Documents
Committee Reports
The following report was printed on 8 September—
Health and Community Care Committee, 1st Report: Report on Subordinate Legislation (SP Paper 3)
European Documents
Members wishing to see a list of European documents received in the Parliament should contact the clerks to the European Committee ( Members are reminded that a complete set of all documents received is held by the Document Supply Centre and copies can be made available on request.
Thursday 9 September 1999
Section J - Progress of Parliamentary business
For further information on the progress of Bills, subordinate legislation and committees shown in this section, please contact either the relevant Clerk or web site (see end of Section for addresses)
Bills in progress
Mental Health (Public Safety and Appeals) (Scotland) Bill
Stage 2: Committee of the Whole Parliament
Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Bill Stage 1
Subordinate legislation in progress
Affirmative Instruments
For approval by 13 September—
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (Scotland) Order 1999 (SSI 1999/26)
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (Orkney) (Scotland) Order 1999 (SSI 1999/27)
For approval by 24 September—
The Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (Orkney) (No.2) (Scotland) Order 1999 (SSI 1999/42)
Negative Instruments
Subject to annulment until 16 September—
The Scotland Act 1998 (Agency Arrangements) (Specification) Order 1999 (SI 1999/1512)
Subject to annulment until 9 October—
The Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/1)
The Plant Health (Amendment) (Scotland) Order 1999 (SSI 1999/22)
The Food (Animals and Animal Products from Belgium) (Emergency Control) (No.2) (Scotland) Order 1999 (SSI 1999/32)
The Animal Feedingstuffs from Belgium (Control) (No.2) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/33)
Subject to annulment until 13 October—
The Spreadable Fats (Marketing Standards) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/34)
The Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (SSI 1999/43)
Committee business in progress
(Dates indicate when the next meeting is due to take place)
Audit Committee 14 September
Education, Culture and Sport Committee No date established
Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee 15 September
Equal Opportunities Committee 21 September
European Committee 14 September
Finance Committee 14 September
Health and Community Care Committee 22 September
Justice and Home Affairs Committee 14 September
Local Government Committee 15 September
Procedures Committee 21 September
Public Petitions Committee 21 September
Rural Affairs Committee 21 September
Social Inclusion, Housing & Voluntary Sector Committee 15 September
Standards Committee 15 September
Subordinate Legislation Committee 14 September
Transport and Environment Committee 22 September
Note: A full agenda including details of location and timings will be published on the day of the meeting
[CENSORED: table inserted here in original giving contact information]
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