Document 1150

Scottish Parliament: Committees: Public Petitions: Minutes: Meeting 5, 2000

Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.




5th Meeting, Session 1 (2000)

14 March 2000


John McAllion (Convener)
Helen Eadie
Phil Gallie
Christine Grahame
Ms Sandra White

Apologies were received from: Mrs Margaret Smith, Pauline McNeill.

The meeting opened at 2.06 pm.

1. Electronic Petitions: The committee agreed to accept electronic petitions from the Napier University Teledemocracy Centre via the Centre’s "E-petitioner" system for a trial period of one year, after which this arrangement would be reviewed.
2. Consideration of petitions. Members considered and agreed action on the following petitions:

PE129 Petition by Councillor Donald McIntosh calling for the Scottish Parliament to initiate an inquiry into geriatric provision and the continuation of local health services in the Oban area.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Health and Community Care Committee for further consideration.

PE103 Petition by Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to introduce a law ensuring than no more than 10% of a gas or electricity card can be taken for payment against outstanding debt.

Committee agreed that the Clerk should write to the petitioner informing him that the Scottish Parliament has no powers to take the action he has requested in his petition.

PE104 Petition by Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to explain why the Aberdeen E-Coli Testing Centre will be closed, and its funding moved to Edinburgh.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Scottish Executive to address the petitioners concerns.

PE105 Petition by Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to abolish poinding and warrant sales in Scotland and adopt schemes that help those in debt.

Committee agreed that the Clerk should write to the petitioner informing him that the issues raised in his petition are addressed by the Abolition of Poindings and Warrant Sales Bill which is currently progressing through the Scottish Parliament.

PE106 Petition Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to ban the sale of Glasgow's local authority housing stock to private landlords and take positive action to resolve poor council housing issues.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Social Inclusion, Housing and Voluntary Sector Committee to be taken into account as part of its current consideration of the housing stock transfer issue.

PE107 Petition by Save the Overtoun Park Campaign calling for the Scottish Parliament to take action to prevent the sale of part of Overtoun Park, Rutherglen, Glasgow.

Committee agreed that the Clerk should write to South Lanarkshire Council requesting details of the background to the issues raised by the petition.

PE108 Petition by Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to introduce laws to protect school children using public transport during school activities.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Education, Culture and Sport Committee and the Transport and Environment Committee to note and take no further action, unless these committees consider it appropriate to do so. Clerk to write to petitioner informing him of decision.

PE109 Petition by Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to take urgent action on various pension payment issues arising from hospital stays.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Health and Community Care Committee and to the Cross Party Group on Older People to note and take no further action, Clerk to write to petitioner informing him of decision.

PE110 Petition by Greater Easterhouse Council of Voluntary Organisations (GEVCO) calling for the Scottish Parliament to ask the Minister for Communities to intervene on behalf of GEVCO and insist that Greater Easterhouse Social Inclusion Partnership fully fund GEVCO until the new funding regime for the Councils of Voluntary Service is fully implemented.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Minister for Communities asking her to consider the request made by the petitioners. Committee also agreed to pass the petition to the Social Inclusion, Housing and Voluntary Sector Committee for information.

PE111 Petition by Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to order a public inquiry into road accidents involving police responding to 999 calls.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Justice and Home Affairs Committee and the Transport and Environment Committee to note and take no further action, Clerk to write to petitioner informing him of decision. Committee also agreed to pass the petition to the Scottish Executive to respond to the petitioner on the issues raised in the petition.

PE112 Petition by Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to study the report of the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee of the UK Parliament regarding Government proposals to sell off Britains Air Traffic Control system.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Transport and Environment Committee to note and take no further action, Clerk to write to petitioner informing him of decision.

PE114 Petition by Julia Clarke calling for the Scottish Parliament to

a) establish a group to produce cost benefit analysis of establishing after school clubs in primary schools; and

b) call upon the Scottish Executive to make available resources, designate a lead minister and initiate a debate on this issue.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Education, Culture and Sport Committee for further consideration.

PE115 Petition by Julia Clarke calling for the Scottish Parliament to request Scottish Airports to re-route aircraft taking off and landing at Edinburgh Airport away from residential areas to reduce pollution and to consult with residents.

Committee agreed that the Clerk should write to the Edinburgh Airports Advisory Committee and to the relevant DETR Minister requesting a response to the issues raised in the petition.

PE116 Petition by James Strang calling for the Scottish Parliament to introduce appropriate provisions to ensure that aspects of Scots law are compatible with the obligations of Article 6 (1) of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Committee agreed that the Clerk should write to the Minister for Justice for a response to the issues raised in the petition. Committee also agreed to pass the petition to the Justice and Home Affairs Committee for further consideration.

PE117 Petition by Mr Alexander Donald calling for the Scottish Parliament to

a) produce a new film on ice cream van safety;

b) allow ice cream vans to use their hazard warning lights when stopped; and

c)ensure the safe speed limit when passing an ice cream van is 5-10 miles per hour.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Transport and Environment Committee with the strong recommendation that they consider seeking the views of the Scottish Executive. The Committee also agreed to pass a copy of the petition to the Education, Culture and Sport for information.

PE118 Petition by Dr Ronald Crawford calling for the Scottish Parliament to reverse the decision to increase North of Scotland Water Authority charges to domestic customers by 35% in 2000/2001 and 12% in 20001/2002 and to restrict increase to 10% in each of the next four financial years.

Committee agreed that the Clerk should write to North of Scotland Water and to the Minister for Finance for a response to the issues raised in the petition. The Committee also agreed to pass a petition to the Transport and Environment Committee for information only.

PE119 Petition by Mr C Ogg calling for the Scottish Parliament to take immediate action to ensure that suitable allotments are provided according to statute.

Committee agreed that the Clerk should write to the Scottish Executive to seek their views on the legislative status of the issues raised in the petition.

PE120 Petition by Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to ban all school children from visiting farms in Scotland immediately for safety reasons.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Education, Culture and Sport Committee and the Rural Affairs Committee to note and take no further action. Clerk to write to petitioner informing him of decision.

PE121 Petition by Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to raise the issue of safety at Nuclear Power Stations with the Energy Minister of the UK Parliament and request inspections of all nuclear establishments.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the UK Energy Minister seeking clarification on the issues raised in the petition.

PE122 Petition by St Mary's Episcopal Primary School calling for the Scottish Parliament to consider the request that St Mary's EPS's application for grant aided status be granted.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Education, Culture and Sport Committee for further consideration.

PE123 Petition by The Scottish Warm Homes Campaign calling for the Scottish Parliament to identify, discuss and seek to implement measures which would eradicate fuel poverty as a matter of urgency.

Committee agreed the pass the petition to the Social Inclusion, Housing and Voluntary Sector Committee and Transport and Environment Committee for further consideration. The Committee also agreed to pass the petition to the Cross Party Group on Older People for information.

PE124 Petition by Grandparents Apart Self Help Group calling for the Scottish Parliament to consider amending the Childrens (Scotland) Act 1995 to name grandparents in the Act as having an important part to play in the lives of their grandchildren.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Justice and Home Affairs Committee for further consideration.

PE125 Petition by Unison Scottish Health Committee calling for the Scottish Parliament to investigate the justification for the introduction of Car Parking Charges at St John's Hospital, Livingston.

Committee agreed that the Clerk should write to the West Lothian NHS Trust for response to the issues raised in the petition.

PE126 Petition by Dunlop and Lugton Community Council calling for the Scottish Parliament to take whatever action it considers to be the most appropriate to relay concerns over the closure and changes to sub post offices to the Westminster Parliament.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Rural Affairs Committee and the Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee for further consideration.

PE127 Petition by Edinburgh Student Action for Refugees calling for the Scottish Parliament to take a variety of actions regarding the detention of Asylum Seekers in Scotland.

Committee agreed that the Convener should write to the Home Affairs Minister for a response to the issues raised in the petition. Committee also agreed to seek further clarification from SPICe on differences which exist between Scotland and England in relation to the detention of asylum seekers.

PE128 Petition by World Wildlife Fund Scotland calling for the Scottish Parliament to ensure that Marine National Parks are included in the National Parks for Scotland Bill.

Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Transport and Environment Committee for further consideration.

PE130 Petition by Mr Paul Shanks calling for the Scottish Parliament to investigate the potential effects of the proposed closure of the Carrick Street Centre, Ayr on the social justice targets of the Scottish Executive.

Committee agreed that the Convener should write to South Ayrshire Council for a response to the issues raised in the petition requesting that the proposed closure should not go ahead until the Committee has had an opportunity to consider that response.

3. Current Petitions: The committee reviewed the current petitions. The following points were raised:

PE46 Petition calling for the Scottish Parliament to consider legislation to limit the sale of fireworks to organisers of authorised Firework Displays.

Committee noted a letter from Kim Howells MP, the UK Government Minister for Consumer Affairs, which enclosed a copy of his reply to Mr Harvey on the issues raised in his petition. It was agreed that no further action should be taken.

PE83 Petition by Concern for Justice calling for the Scottish Parliament to (a) conduct an inquiry into the criticism of named persons by the courts, in circumstances where those persons are not present as witnesses or represented at the trial; and (b) to enact legislation which would provide an opportunity for those who find themselves in such circumstances to seek legal remedy.

Legal Advice has now been received and the Committee agreed to pass the petition to the Justice and Home Affairs Committee for further consideration.

PE84 Petition by Mr Frank Harvey calling for the Scottish Parliament to order a public inquiry into the door to door sales techniques of both Scottish Power and Scottish Gas, and to ban all door to door salesman in Scotland.

Committee noted a letter received from Scottish Power which enclosed a copy of its reply to Mr Harvey on the issues raised in his petition. It was agreed that no further action was required.

4. Conveners Report

Members were reminded that the next meeting of the Committee would be held at the Volunteer Hall in Galashiels on Monday 27 March at 2pm.

Request from Gauteng Province Legislature, South Africa.

Members were advised that The Gauteng Provincial Legislature based in South Africa had made a request to visit the Scottish Parliament, particularly the Petitions Committee. The request had been passed to the Presiding Officer for consideration.

The meeting closed at 4.27 pm

Steve Farrell
Clerk to the Committee

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Scottish Parliament: Committees: Public Petitions: Minutes: Meeting 5, 2000. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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"Scottish Parliament: Committees: Public Petitions: Minutes: Meeting 5, 2000." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 23 October 2024.

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Information about Document 1150

Scottish Parliament: Committees: Public Petitions: Minutes: Meeting 5, 2000


Text audience

General public
Audience size 1000+

Text details

Method of composition Wordprocessed
Year of composition 2000
Word count 2164
General description Committee Minutes. See

Text medium

Web (webpages, discussion boards, newsgroups, chat rooms)

Text publication details

Publisher Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Publication year 2000
Place of publication

Text setting


Text type

Written record of speech (e.g. hansard, legal proceedings, minutes of meetings)


Author details

Author id 908
Surname Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
