Document 113
Letter: 08
Author(s): Robert Fairnie
Copyright holder(s): Robert Fairnie
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The Scots Leid Quorum
[CENSORED: address]
Eydentlie uphaudin the Scots Leid Campaine
e-screive: [CENSORED: emailaddress]
[CENSORED: forename] [CENSORED: surname],
Heid Teacher,
[CENSORED: name] Primary Schuil,
[CENSORED: address]
24t. Oct. 2001
Guid Mistress [CENSORED: surname],
Scots Tung wad like tae invite aw the schuils athin the Musselburgh Schuils Cluster, baith Saicondary an Primary, tae tak pairt in oor saicont Scots language writin competeetion. We unnerstaun that yer neist forgaitherin isna or the 15t. November sae, tae gie aw the schuils in East Lothian as muckle notice as we can this year, we propone tae pit oot oor standart invite athin the neist twa three days (copy inclosit inower). Aw the particularities o the competeetion is gien in the invite but, gin the'r ocht in it ye dinna gree wi an wad raither hae chynged, juist let us ken an we'll pit oot a correckit vairsion afore the back end o the year.
Forbye a copy o the standart invite, we've inclosit copies o the Scots Tung Wittins that reportit on the 2001 Scots Tung Quaich Competeetion alang wi a copy o particularities o the Scots Language Teachin Resources Collogue tae be hauden in Newbattle Abbey College on St. Andrews Day.
We howp the lave o the [CENSORED: placename] schuils will be able tae jyne in wi [CENSORED: placename] Primary this year in takin pairt in the competeetion. As ye nae doot ken yersel, language is the key tae a body's identity an a kennin o thair ain Scots language gies fowk a first cless inlat tae thair ain history, cultur an identity. It's important for fowk tae ken whit words wis uised tae express the thochts gaun throu the heids o thair forebeirs at the time thair ain history an cutur wis bein mooldit. If this is allooed tae dee oot, aw they'll hae left will be a saicont-haund inlat tae somebody else's cultur an identity.
Wi couthie thochts,
R. Fairnie (Secretar).
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