Document 1122

Scottish Parliament: Committees: European: Minutes: Meeting 16, 2000

Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.




16th Meeting, Session 1 (2000)

Tuesday 19 September 2000


Dr Sylvia Jackson
Dennis Canavan
Ben Wallace Hugh Henry (Convener)
David Mundell
Cathy Jamieson (Deputy Convener)
Irene Oldfather
Maureen Macmillan
Allan Wilson

Apologies: Bruce Crawford, Dr Winnie Ewing, Margo Macdonald, Tavish Scott

Also Present: Brian Monteith MSP, Fiona McLeod MSP and Fergus Ewing MSP

The meeting opened at 2.06 p.m.

1. Inquiry into football transfer fees and the proposals of the European Commission: The Committee began its short Inquiry into this subject. Evidence was heard from-

Mr Tony Higgins, Secretary, Scottish Professional Footballers Association

Mr Martin Rose, Chair, Scottish Federation of Supporters Clubs

Mr David Thomson, Assistant Secretary, Scottish Football League

Mr Lex Gold, Chair, Scottish Premier League

Mr Sandy Bryson, Head of Registrations Department, Scottish Football Association

The Committee will bring forward a draft report for its next meeting. When finalised, it was agreed that, in addition to reporting to Parliament, this report be copied to the European Commission, Scottish MEPs, the UK Government and the FIFA/UEFA Task Force set up to look into this subject.

The meeting was adjourned from 4.04 p.m. to 4.09 p.m.

2. Scottish Aquaculture Industry: The Committee discussed the draft report prepared by Maureen Macmillan MSP on the impact of European List 1 designated disease Infectious Salmon Anaemia and List 2 disease Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia on the Scottish aquaculture industry. A revised draft of this will be prepared for members' further consideration.

3. Convener's Report: The Convener reported to the members on-

A call for views on the application procedure for Structural Funds and the future annual review process of the European Committee. The Committee agreed that the Convener prepare a letter to various organisations who have or could have applied for support through the Structural Funds. Members also agreed to advise the Clerk of any particular areas/organisations they felt should be involved. This process will be supplemented by a news release on the Committee's homepage on the Scottish Parliament website. The Clerk will prepare a synopsis of the responses for the Committee to feed into its annual review of the Structural Funds. Should there be any need for further action, it was agreed that proposals will be brought forward first to the Committee.

EU tobacco subsidies. The Committee agreed that Irene Oldfather MSP prepare a paper setting out the issues in relation to the EU subsidising tobacco growers and the consistency with other policy areas or objectives.

Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning: European testing regulations. It was agreed that the Clerk prepare a paper setting out the issues in relation to this subject.

Proposals for new working procedures and a revised work programme for the Committee (September 2000 to June 2001) and an update on the proposals to commence the scrutiny of EC/EU documents. It was agreed that the Clerk circulate to the members a redrafted version of this report in advance of the next scheduled meeting of the Committee (3 October 2000). It is intended that the revised work programme be discussed and agreed at that meeting.

Use of powers under Section 57 of the Scotland Act 1998. It was agreed that the Convener write to the Scottish Executive, proposing that the Committee is advised in advance of any use of these powers. This advice should be by means of an Executive Note - as is done for Scottish Statutory instruments. This will enable the Committee to consider the reasons for such a route being taken.

The meeting closed at 4.56 p.m.

Stephen Imrie
Clerk to the Committee

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Scottish Parliament: Committees: European: Minutes: Meeting 16, 2000. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 14 October 2024, from

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Information about Document 1122

Scottish Parliament: Committees: European: Minutes: Meeting 16, 2000


Text audience

General public
Audience size 1000+

Text details

Method of composition Wordprocessed
Year of composition 2000
Word count 599
General description Committee Minutes. See

Text medium

Web (webpages, discussion boards, newsgroups, chat rooms)

Text publication details

Publisher Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Publication year 2000
Place of publication

Text setting


Text type

Written record of speech (e.g. hansard, legal proceedings, minutes of meetings)


Author details

Author id 908
Surname Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
