Document 1083

Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 2, no 71

Author(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Copyright holder(s): Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body: © Scottish Parliamentary copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Queen's Printer for Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.



Vol. 2, No. 71 Session 1

Meeting of the Parliament

Wednesday 3 May 2001

Note: (DT) signifies a decision taken at Decision Time.

The meeting opened at 9.30 am.

1. Changes to Standing Orders: Mr Murray Tosh, on behalf of the Procedures Committee, moved S1M-1884—That the Parliament (a) approves the recommendations of the Procedures Committee’s 1st Report, 2001, Changes to Chapters 9 and 9A of the Standing Orders of the Scottish Parliament (SP Paper 316) and agrees to amend the Parliament’s Standing Orders in accordance with Annexe A and Annexe B (Appendix B) to the Report and (b) agrees that these amendments to the Standing Orders come into force on 4 May 2001 and that the amendments set out in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Annexe B (Appendix B) to the Report shall apply only in relation to Bills introduced on or after that date.

After debate, the motion was agreed to ((DT) by division: For 108, Against 3, Abstentions 3).

2. Genetically Modified Organisms: Mr Andy Kerr, on behalf of the Transport and the Environment Committee, moved S1M-1875—That the Parliament notes the 1st Report, 2001 of the Transport and the Environment Committee, Report on petition PE51 from Friends of the Earth Scotland on genetically modified organisms (SP Paper 253).

After debate, the motion was agreed to (DT).

3. Changing Employment Patterns in Rural Scotland: Alex Johnstone, on behalf of the Rural Development Committee, moved S1M-1892—That the Parliament notes the 1st Report, 2001 of the Rural Development Committee, The Impact of Changing Employment Patterns in Rural Scotland (SP Paper 254); recognises the problems faced by Scotland’s rural communities as highlighted by the research findings in the report; further recognises that work is already underway to address some of these concerns, and urges the Scottish Executive to continue to address the Committee’s concerns.

After debate, the motion was agreed to (DT).

4. Business Motion: Euan Robson, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, moved S1M-1893—That the Parliament agrees

(a) the following programme of business—

Wednesday 9 May 2001

2.30 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Executive Debate on Impact of European Union on Scotland

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-1829 Mr Kenny MacAskill: 70th Anniversary of Scottish Youth Hostels

Thursday 10 May 2001

9.30 am Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Business

followed by Business Motion

2.30 pm Question Time

3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time

3.30 pm Executive Debate on Urban Regeneration

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business - debate on the subject of S1M-1742 Dr Elaine Murray: Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Dumfries and Galloway

Wednesday 16 May 2001

2.30 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Executive Business

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business

Thursday 17 May 2001

9.30 am Education, Culture and Sport Committee Debate on its Report on Special Educational Needs

followed by Business Motion

2.30 pm Question Time

3.10 pm First Minister's Question Time

3.30 pm Stage 1 Debate on Scottish Local Authorities (Tendering) Bill

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members' Business

and (b) that Stage 1 of the Scottish Local Authorities (Tendering) Bill be completed by 17 May 2001 and Stage 1 of the International Criminal Court (Scotland) Bill be completed by 14 June 2001.

The motion was agreed to.

5. Question Time: Questions were answered by the First Minister, the Lord Advocate and other Ministers and junior Scottish Ministers.

6. Action on Child Health: The Minister for Health and Community Care moved S1M-1896—That the Parliament recognises that action on child health is essential for the future health of the nation and for addressing health inequalities and supports the clear priority given by the Scottish Executive to improving children’s health as set out in Our National Health: A plan for action, a plan for change and across the Executive’s wider agenda for social justice.

Nicola Sturgeon moved amendment S1M-1896.1 to motion S1M-1896—

Insert at end—

"and calls on the Executive, in addition to ongoing initiatives to improve child health, to provide a free daily portion of fruit to every primary school pupil in Scotland."

After debate, the amendment was disagreed to ((DT) by division: For 31, Against 82, Abstentions 1).

Mary Scanlon moved amendment S1M-1896.3 to motion S1M-1896—

Leave out from "supports" to end and insert—

"calls upon the Scottish Executive to set out clear targets and timetabled objectives to ensure that child health is given priority status across its departments."

After debate, the amendment was disagreed to ((DT) by division: For 45, Against 67, Abstentions 2).

The motion was then agreed to (DT).

7. Membership of Committees: Euan Robson, on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau, moved S1M-1894—That the Parliament agrees that

David Mundell be appointed to the Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Committee following the resignation of Nick Johnston; and

Nora Radcliffe be appointed to the Justice 1 Committee following the resignation of Jamie Stone; and

Jamie Stone be appointed to the Equal Opportunities Committee following the resignation of Margaret Smith.

The motion was agreed to (DT).

8. Decision Time: The Parliament took decisions on items 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 as noted above.

9. McDermott UK Pension Plan – Former Adversier Employees: The Parliament debated S1M-1463 in the name of Mrs Margaret Ewing—That the Parliament notes that more than 1,500 former employees of the Ardersier fabrication yard were compulsory contributors to the McDermott UK pension plan which was first introduced in 1975; further notes that subscriptions continued to be collected until five years ago when McDermott joined with Brown and Root at Nigg to form the Barmac joint venture; expresses concern that the Louisiana-based McDermott International are now planning to take 65% of the £31 million left in the pension plan as part of the process of winding up the pension plan, expresses its support for the campaign to reverse this action by McDermott International, and calls on them to distribute the surplus fairly amongst those workers who paid into the fund.

The meeting closed at 5.42 pm.

P E Grice
Clerk of the Parliament
3 May 2001

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Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 2, no 71. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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"Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 2, no 71." The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 23 October 2024.

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Information about Document 1083

Scottish Parliament: Chamber Minutes Vol 2, no 71


Text audience

General public
Audience size 1000+

Text details

Method of composition Wordprocessed
Year of composition 2001
Word count 1075
General description Chamber Minutes. See

Text medium

Web (webpages, discussion boards, newsgroups, chat rooms)

Text publication details

Publisher Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
Publication year 2001
Place of publication

Text setting


Text type

Written record of speech (e.g. hansard, legal proceedings, minutes of meetings)


Author details

Author id 908
Surname Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
