Document 1053
Minutes of Caledonian Philatelic Society meeting 2140
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Minutes of meeting 2140 held on Thursday 1st February 2001, Room327, John Anderson Building, University of Strathclyde.
The President opened the meeting by welcoming those present, extending a special welcome to [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname].
Apologies: were received on behalf of [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname] and [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname].
Minutes: Were on the table
President’s Intimations: [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname]’s application was on the table for the second reading. Competition entries or intentions of entry should be handed in ASAP
Secretary: The Caledonian auction lists were available. Lanarkshire P.S.’s Philatelic Fair – Motherwell Saturday 3rd Feb. from 10 – 5. Payment for the social evening was due and a request for Silent Auction items was made.
Treasurer: Absent
Packet Secretary: He had been sent a book valued at £599 which unfortunately, because of its value, would have to be returned. It was almost a packet by itself.
Librarian: Nothing to report.
Delegate to Congress: A sub-committee had been formed to ‘examine’ Congress and it was looking for import from members. Is there too much or too little etc. Change of meeting place etc., etc. Attention was drawn to the bi-annual Dundee residential week-end in October and to an article in Business A.M. re. the joys and pitfalls of investing in stamps.
Display: The President introduced Mr [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname] and asked him to present his display of ‘Spanish Civil War’.
Mr [CENSORED: surname] gave a full discourse on the ‘ins and outs’ of the Civil War and how stamps etc. were influenced. The first half comprised a superb display of covers and postal stationery showing the use of the various stamps, censor marks, labels, bisects etc. There were some scarce and rare items with examples from ‘both sides’.
The second round continued in the same vein with no lessening of standards.
Vote of Thanks: [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], in voicing the Society’s appreciation, likened the two sides to Don Quixote, with his tilting at windmills, and to the religious fervour of St Francis Xavier. He thanked Mr [CENSORED: surname] for giving a very fine and virtually complete display of this fascinating subject. The members showed their appreciation with very hearty applause.
Next Meeting: Thursday 8th February – [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname], Aberdeen, showing Finland.
Tea Rota: [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname]
Barrier: [CENSORED: forename][CENSORED: surname].
The President closed the evening by wishing everyone a safe journey home.
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Minutes of Caledonian Philatelic Society meeting 2140. 2024. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 14 November 2024, from
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