Document 1026
Wilton Gardens Residents Association Newsletter June 1989
Author(s): 895
Copyright holder(s): Name withheld
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1989 GARDENS COMPETITION: SUNDAY 13th AUGUST - Classes as previous years
The Association can only distribute Newsletters and carry on its work with the support of the residents paying their annual subscriptions which is our only source of income, so we hope that you will encourage your friends and neighbours to join you as members of the Association. Residents keep telling us how they look forward to receiving information of what is happening in the area and 'must get round to paying their subscription some day'.
If you have not already done so, pay your subscription NOW: £1 per person (senior citizens 50p) may be paid to the Treasurer or to your nearest committee member.
The Committee for 1989-90:
Chairman Jonathan [CENSORED: surname] [CENSORED: house number] Doune Quadrant ([CENSORED: phonenumber])
Vice-Chairman Bette [CENSORED: surname] [CENSORED: house number] Striven Gardens ([CENSORED: phonenumber])
Secretary Maureen [CENSORED: surname] [CENSORED: house number] Wilton Street ([CENSORED: phonenumber])
Treasurer Ishbel [CENSORED: surname] [CENSORED: house number] Striven Gardens ([CENSORED: phonenumber])
Glen [CENSORED: surname] [CENSORED: house number] Wilton Street ([CENSORED: phonenumber])
Jane [CENSORED: surname] [CENSORED: house number] Wilton Street ([CENSORED: phonenumber])
Madge [CENSORED: surname] [CENSORED: house number] Wilton Street ([CENSORED: phonenumber])
Flora [CENSORED: surname] [CENSORED: house number] Doune Quadrant ([CENSORED: phonenumber])
Florence [CENSORED: surname] [CENSORED: house number] Yarrow Gardens ([CENSORED: phonenumber])
Morna [CENSORED: surname] [CENSORED: house number] Wilton Street ([CENSORED: phonenumber])
John [CENSORED: surname] [CENSORED: house number] Melrose Gardens ([CENSORED: phonenumber])
The Association keeps in contact with other local bodies. We have representatives serving on the Community Council. Community Central Hall Management Committee, the Adult Literacy Scheme, the Citizens Advice Bureau, the Crime Prevention Panel and the local churches. We also have contact with CHYP (Council for Housing Young people) at 171 Wilton Street. Kelvin Stevenson Memorial Church is to be commended for its caring action in trying out the opening a weekly drop-in cafe and advice centre for residents in the area. All aspects of likely help was available and as we near the end of their session the development committee will no doubt be assessing the venture.
The Crime Prevention Panel held inaugural meetings in an attempt to form smaller local area groups. Although there was not a very large attendance at these meetings it was agreed that in the Autumn the Crime Prevention Officer would be invited to a Public meeting to show videos, letting local residents know more about Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and later to assess Public interest in more localised activity in this field. In some areas the formation of such groups has helped residents to get to know and care for their neighbours. It is also hoped that the Maryhill area will be able to get a Victim Support Scheme off the ground in the near future with the help of interested volunteers. If anyone present wishes to know more about the Crime Prevention Panel, Victim Support Scheme or Neighbourhood Watch then they should have a word with Maureen [CENSORED: surname] who is our representative. It is interesting to note that on the proposal forms for some Insurance Companies, householders are now asked if there is a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in their area. Some Insurance Companies consider that an area with an active Neighbourhood Watch Scheme is a better risk and this is reflected in premiums for house insurance policies.
Before I finish this report I would like to thank the Committee for their support and commitment to the work of the Association over the year. I also express my sincere appreciation to our hardworking secretary, Maureen [CENSORED: surname], for without her enthusiasm and guidance, this Association may not have been able to have undertaken so much on behalf of the residents over the past year. We are sorry to be losing Mrs Marjorie [CENSORED: surname] from the Committee and wish her well in other work she undertakes in the community. We will miss Marjorie who has worked hard as Assistant Secretary and did a lot of running about for us over the years. Tommy [CENSORED: surname] has also left the committee and is moving from the area. Our good wishes go to him and his wife. We are deeply grateful to the Local Grants Committee for again having contributed so much to the success of the annual Gardens competition in 1988. To date we have not heard whether they will again give us a grant towards prizes for a 1989 Garden Competition but we will give residents due notice if this is possible. My thanks is also extended to our District and Regional councillors and to M.P. Maria [CENSORED: surname] who keeps in touch with the Association. Thanks must also go to the various departments in both district and regional councils who recognise our existence and respond fairly quickly to requests and/or complaints.
Thanks to the residents, outwith the committee, who help with the delivery of Newsletters. There is often not a full complement of committee members available for this task and offers of help are welcomed.
LATE NEWS: Garden Competition will be judged on Sunday, l3th August 1989
Judges as in the 1988 competition (i.e. Ian [CENSORED: surname] (Parks Dept) and Bobby [CENSORED: surname]). Thanks to Strathclyde Regional Council Local Grants Committee for a grant towards prizes.
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Wilton Gardens Residents Association Newsletter June 1989. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 25 January 2025, from
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