Document 1022
Wilton Gardens Residents Association Minutes 10 September 1985
Author(s): 895
Copyright holder(s): Name withheld
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Minutes of a meeting held on 10th September 1985 at the home of M. [CENSORED: surname].
Present : R. [CENSORED: surname] (chair), M. [CENSORED: surname], A. [CENSORED: surname], J. [CENSORED: surname], N. [CENSORED: surname] , M. [CENSORED: surname],
M. [CENSORED: surname], J. [CENSORED: surname], V. [CENSORED: surname] (who attended for a short period)
Apologies: M. [CENSORED: surname], M. [CENSORED: surname] and R. [CENSORED: surname].
A.G.M. Appreciation had been received for P.C. [CENSORED: surname]'s lecture on Home Security. M. [CENSORED: surname] felt that it had been a pity that so few had come to the meeting. It was agreed that, in future, a reminder would be sent out about meetings nearer the time of the meeting rather than leave it at the 21days required for notice of an AGM.
Multi-lets: M. [CENSORED: surname] had been in touch with the Planning dept. and was able to report that the new regulations requiring landlords to apply for a licence to multi-let was in operation. The flat below hers was being converted for the purpose of multi-letting and the residents are hopeful that permission will not be granted since there is already a multi-let in the stair. Our area already has well above the recommended limit of 3%...we have 60%. J. [CENSORED: surname] said that hospitals/University/colleges should provide the necessary accomodation, viz. the Red Road flats.
Letters: A letter be sent to V. [CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: house number] Wilton Street requesting that he cuts back his hedge since all requests from his neighbours have failed. If he fails to respond we would then ask the Roads dept. to take action because of hedge causing obstruction.
M. [CENSORED: surname] reminded the Secretary that the Association was going to write to the factor of the property above M. [CENSORED: surname] at 113 Wilton Street following up complaints and lack of action about the water penetration etc.
M. [CENSORED: surname] had written to the Roads dept. about the flooding outside [CENSORED: house number] Wilton Street (with photos provided by N. [CENSORED: surname]. Also about other matters (1) the return of the fence at [CENSORED: house number] Wilton Street (2) about the need for a yellow box at the junction of Belmont Street and Great Western Rd. (3) about the useless rail erected at the corner of Kelvinside Gardens/Wilton Street when a rail on the wall up the hill had been requested (4) about the indiscriminate parking causing obstruction at the island outside [CENSORED: house number] Wilton Street.
M. [CENSORED: surname] had noted that Cllr. John [CENSORED: surname] had asked the Community Council to list the potholes in the streets in the N.K. area. She thought that we should survey our own area and both N. [CENSORED: surname] and J. [CENSORED: surname] agreed to do this.
N.K.C.C. Jonathan [CENSORED: surname] asked for a seconder for his nomination to the Community Council.
Broken windows at K.S.M. Church: J. [CENSORED: surname] noted that there were many of the windows broken (possibly by vandals) in the church..particularly at the front. M[CENSORED: surname] said that she would raise the matter at the Management Meeting that she would be attending. She commented that it was a continuous task that the churches were having to undertake. She also asked that the usual donation be made to the Church for the use of the Hall for our Public Meetings.
Gardens Competition: This had taken place at the end of August. The standard was down owing to the bad weather over the summer. The increased prize money made it possible to award more for the section for window boxes and other ornamental containers since this was the section that the Parks dept. wished to see encouraged. Mr [CENSORED: surname] felt that a reminder should be issued to householders about a week before the competition as he felt more effort could have been made despite the weather..some had made a good job of the gardens. M.[CENSORED: surname] intimated that the afternoon had been a very pleasant one and had written to thank the judges..Mr J. [CENSORED: surname], Mr D. [CENSORED: surname] and Mr Ian [CENSORED: surname].
Newsletter: M. [CENSORED: surname] will ask the Crime Prevention Officer for a section for the next one which will also cover Noise, the results of the gardens competition, the correspondence with Roads dept. and the successful efforts made by [CENSORED: companyname] Construction to reinstate the fencing tc. in the ornamental area mentioned in our previous newsletters. Unfortunately the local kids had uprooted the fencing that had been replaced.. probably because the ground is soft at present.
Factoring: A. [CENSORED: surname] asked about self-factoring and received advice from J. [CENSORED: surname] and A. [CENSORED: surname]. It was suggested that in some instances self-factoring had been a handicap when the time had come to sell. J. [CENSORED: surname] said that a watertight constitution was required. J. [CENSORED: surname] said that residents could investigate employing a factor, but on their own terms to cover all eventualities.
In the course of the evening V. [CENSORED: surname] came to say her goodbyes to the committee before her removal to Cambuslang.
The date of the next meeting: Tuesday, 9th October 1985 at 7.30p.m. in the home of Mr R. [CENSORED: surname], [CENSORED: house number] Wilton Street. If he was not going to be home he would let M. [CENSORED: surname] know and alternative arrangements could be made.
The meeting closed at 10p.m.
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Wilton Gardens Residents Association Minutes 10 September 1985. 2025. In The Scottish Corpus of Texts & Speech. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 20 January 2025, from
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