Letter from Hogg to Murray, 24 Mar 1821

Author(s): Hogg, James


Grieve & Scott's Edin. March 24th 1821
My dear sir

I think shame for having been
so long in writing to you and now when I
am writing that it should be about myself. But
the truth is that I have been so much engaged
with courting, marrying, and nameleſs other inter-esting
subjects, that I have not had much leisure
to write to distant friends however kindly I thought
about them. Our mutual friend Sir Walter Scott
will have been telling you that I have got a very
extensive farm from my noble master, and perhaps
likewise that I would be straitened of money to stock
it. I have therefore to request that you will be so kind
as settle with me for the Brownie and the Queen's
Wake. The bargain of the Brownie was £50. each
of you, in advance, which I received from both,
and the rest was left to yourselves to be paid accor-ding
as the work sold. In settling with Blackwood
this day he referred me entirely to you saying he
was quite willing to give exactly what you gave therefore
for my sake you must be as liberal as you can for it
counts to me double. The last edition of the Wake needs
no counting for that was stipulated at £100. being £50.
each which I always thought was rather little

Be just like yourself therefore and order me to draw
on you for £100 at once which will be winding up
the matter rather respectably

At all events let me hear from you with your
very first conveniency, and tell me how you are and
if I may hope for a new edition of any thing for believe
me I have very much need of it at present. Blackwood
acknowledges that The Brownie. Pilgrims of the Sun.
and Mador of the Moor are all very nearly out of print
if not quite but he does not encourage new editions
Tell me as a friend rather than a man of business
what you think.

If you see Sir Walter Scott quietly; there is a
work of which he knows; a certain Border Romance
in three vols. which he was going to lend the author
a hand in disposing of. Tell him that author is now
perfectly free to dispose of it as he pleases and that
perhaps he would like as well that it made its app-earance
in Albemarle Street as in any other street
in the world. The conditions between two such men
should never be enquired about; but by all means get
him to promise to give it a touch here and there himself
One genius can do much; but two combined. “think of that
Mr. Ford!” He will also inform you what kind of a
wife I have got but perhaps he does not know that
she brought me a nice young [port] on Sunday last
Mrs. Lockhart is quite well again and goes out to dinner
Constable is very ill. said to be dangerously so I have no
more but that I am
Yours most affectionately
James Hogg

[Murray NB]

[¿]John Murray Esq.

50 Albemarle Street

J Hogg Esq
March 24/21


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Letter from Hogg to Murray, 24 Mar 1821. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 24 January 2025, from

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Letter from Hogg to Murray, 24 Mar 1821

Document Information

Document ID 699
Title Letter from Hogg to Murray, 24 Mar 1821
Year group 1800-1850
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1821
Wordcount 537

Author information: Hogg, James

Author ID 234
Forenames James
Surname Hogg
AKA The Ettrick Shepherd
Gender Male
Year of birth 1770
Place of birth Ettrick, Selkirkshire, Scotland
Occupation Author, farmer, journalist
Father's occupation Farmer
Education Little formal schooling
Locations where resident Ettrick, Edinburgh