Letter from Student to Landlady

Author(s): Stewart, Alexander


Dear Madam

Should I not write to you to thank you
for the many civilities which I received from you whilst I
staid at your house, certainly I would ppear ungrateful &
unworthy of them, but be aſsured that I remember your
kindneſses with Gratitude, and that I will always think myself
in your debt. I am sorry I cannot have the pleasure
of boarding at your house next Winter as I am not to go to
Glasgow, being prevented by a cause unknown to me
when I left your house, but when I return to Glasgow, which
will be again Winter come a year, I shall never stay in any house
except yours, where I expect to get my old Room. Will Drennan
desired me to give his compliments to you and inform you
that he has taken a Room at one Mrs Holmes's, where he
will lodge, but that he will Dine at your house.

My father & Mother join me in compliments to
you & your two daughter, & I am

Dr. Madam your most obliged
and obedt. humble servt.

Alexr. Stewart
P. S. let not Joe Briſset
be forgott in the compliments.


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Letter from Student to Landlady. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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"Letter from Student to Landlady." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 23 October 2024.

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Letter from Student to Landlady

Document Information

Document ID 610
Title Letter from Student to Landlady
Year group 1750-1800
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1770
Place of publication Ireland
Wordcount 193

Author information: Stewart, Alexander

Author ID 191
Forenames Alexander
Surname Stewart
AKA Alexander Steuart
Gender Male
Year of birth 1755
Place of birth Belfast, Ireland
Occupation Student
Education University
Locations where resident Glasgow, Ireland
Other languages spoken Latin, Greek