Student's Letter to the Principal, Letting Him Know About Moving to Edinburgh University from Glasgow University

Author(s): Kirkby, Timothy


Mr Principal

A [near] Sense of ye Loſs of time I suffer every
Day by remaining here & at ye same time, the [Risque] I run
in consequence of it, to merit ye total Displeasure of my
Father & Friends, join'd to ye repeated Desires of the latter,
that I shou'd goe to Edinburgh & the daily letters of my Acquaintances
there advising me of ye Commencemte. of the
Lecutres, which I design to attend this Summer, are, be
aſsur'd, unaccompanied with ye least want of [
] for you or the Faculty, the only Motives for my
Departure from Glasgow without their previous Leave
or Decision of my affair. These reasons, wch I thought
it for several reasons, incumbt. on me to lay before you,
will I flatter myself appear to you and the rest
of the Gentlemen a sufficient Excuse for this seemingly
rash unaccountable Step of mine when duely Consider'd
by you & them, will, I also hope, effectually remove
every Suspicion of any design'd or Voluntary Disrespect
of you or any other of the Members of this University,
towards whom I shou'd be allways glad to Conduct myself
with the utmost Deference & Respect. You and they
may likewise be aſsur'd, that I have, as well for my own
Credit and Satisfaction as in Compliance with their De
sire, settl'd all my affairs & Debts to ye full Satisfaction
of all my Creditors, my room rent only Excepted, wch
if the Gentlemen are not pleas'd to depend on me for the
paym't off as soon as poſsible, Meſsrs Burrowes & Mayne
will be Answerable to them for it. I have nothing farther
to add, but that I hope Mr Leechman & you will
accept of my humble & Sincere Thanks for all the favours
wch ye kindly conferr'd on me, I beg leave to Subscribe
myself with all poſsible respect Sir

College Glasgow
May 15th

Yr. most Obet. & [¿] Servte.
Timt. Kirkby


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Student's Letter to the Principal, Letting Him Know About Moving to Edinburgh University from Glasgow University. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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"Student's Letter to the Principal, Letting Him Know About Moving to Edinburgh University from Glasgow University." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 27 July 2024.

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Student's Letter to the Principal, Letting Him Know About Moving to Edinburgh University from Glasgow University

Document Information

Document ID 609
Title Student's Letter to the Principal, Letting Him Know About Moving to Edinburgh University from Glasgow University
Year group 1750-1800
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1768
Place of publication Glasgow, Scotland
Wordcount 325

Author information: Kirkby, Timothy

Author ID 189
Forenames Timothy
Surname Kirkby
AKA Timothy Kirkby
Gender Male
Occupation Student