Extract from Minutes, Concerning the Misconduct of the Russian Student, Simon Desnitzkoy

Author(s): Anonymous


Minute to be inserted in the Comitia
of January 6th 1769
The Dr Rector pronounced Sentence in the Affair submitted
to his Lordships arbitration viz. That the Insult offered by
Mr Desnitz. to Mr. Anderſon was a manifest breach of all
order by a contempt of the Authority of the University, and
therefore deserved no leſs a punishment than Expulsion; That
he would accordingly have pronounced a Sentence of Expulsion
in the like case against any Native of Brittain or
Foreigner whomsoever; But that in Commiſeration to Mr.
Desnit. peculiar circumstances who might by such a sentence
be utterly ruined, he was willing to mitigate the Sentence
which the Offence deserved; And therefore ordained that the
Sd. Mr Des. should make Acknowledgmts. to the University,
to Mr. Anderſon, & to Mr Alexr. Ferguſon in the following
Which Mr Desnit did in presence of the Comitia & signed the
said Acknowledgmts as above inserted.
And whereas it appeared from Mr Anex. Ferguſons own Declaration
that he had advised & instigated Mr Desnit. to insult Mr
Anderson, the Ld. Rector judged that his Offence deserved Expulsion, & that if
Mr. Desnit. had been expelled Mr. Ferguſon must have been expelld
likeways. But as there were many favourable circumstances in
Mr Ferguſons case, & particularly that when Mr. Desnit. asked
his Advie about an affront which he the sd Mr Desnit. believed
he had received from Mr Anderſon, Mr Desnit. had concealed from
Mr Ferguſon Mr Anderſons having [¿]
Ld. Rector thought it enough by [¿]
Authority of the University [¿]

Students & therefore ordered the sd Mr Alexr. Ferguſon to
be conducted immediatly to priſon by the Beddel for a little
time, not as a mark of ignominy but of due Severity in
maintenance of the discipline of the College. The sd Sentence
was exeducted accordingly

The Lord Rector further declared it as his Opinion
that Mr Anderson or any Master sitting along with
& conducting the band of Music has in common sense
a just right to keep improper persons from entering
the seats in the Chappel where the band which leads
the Congregation in singing sits, and in full Comitia
thanked Mr Anderson for the propriety of his behaviour
in the area upon the 8th of Decembr, in not retaliating
or using any paſsionate Expreſsion when he was
insulted by Mr Desnitzky as it might have been
attended with very dangerous consequences.


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Extract from Minutes, Concerning the Misconduct of the Russian Student, Simon Desnitzkoy. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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Extract from Minutes, Concerning the Misconduct of the Russian Student, Simon Desnitzkoy

Document Information

Document ID 605
Title Extract from Minutes, Concerning the Misconduct of the Russian Student, Simon Desnitzkoy
Year group 1750-1800
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1769
Place of publication Glasgow, Scotland
Wordcount 393

Author information: Anonymous

Author ID 414
Surname Anonymous