Letter from William Millar, Regarding Bills and Decreet

Author(s): Millar, William


30 July 1715

R: Sir

Receive incloſed a Bill on Mr Carſs Collector
for £12:2:6 Ster Received on your account from
Mr Arbuthnot, tho' the Bill is not payable till
Eight Days sight Mr Carſs will pay it upon your sight
I cannot tell you what pains I have taken to
find out that Decreet of Betsy Herbertsons But
cannot Sight and I find that it is Extracted But
cannot find out the warrants. [¿] has been in
the town the good whyle and Deſired me to End
with him and offered me Good Caution for the money
I Dont Know what to Doe about it we muſt ſee
to make ſome Bargain or other for his ſecurity
annent the Decreet, He is gone out of town again

I am
your moſt humble ſerv't

Will Millar


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Letter from William Millar, Regarding Bills and Decreet. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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"Letter from William Millar, Regarding Bills and Decreet." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 23 October 2024.

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Letter from William Millar, Regarding Bills and Decreet

Document Information

Document ID 568
Title Letter from William Millar, Regarding Bills and Decreet
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1715
Place of publication Edinburgh, Scotland
Wordcount 140

Author information: Millar, William

Author ID 172
Forenames William
Surname Millar
Gender Male
Year of birth 1680