Lawyer's Letter, Regarding Property

Author(s): Brown, William


16th Decr 1829


I duly received yours of the
12th [¿] & beg to inform you that I am
bounded on the one side by a parish road
on the opposite a North East side, by the
property of Mr Hugh Girvan of [¿], on the
South east by the [¿] and on the
North west by the property of a Wm Robert
M Jannet in Myre mill near Maybole.
I am
Your [¿] Sert

Will Brown for Mrs McAdam

P. S. Mr Brown for the above mentioned Hugh
Girvan, begs to inform Messrs Mitchell, Graham
& Mitchells, that he sometime ago gave a charter


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Lawyer's Letter, Regarding Property. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 24 January 2025, from

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"Lawyer's Letter, Regarding Property." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 24 January 2025.

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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing, s.v., "Lawyer's Letter, Regarding Property," accessed 24 January 2025,

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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. 2025. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.


Lawyer's Letter, Regarding Property

Document Information

Document ID 520
Title Lawyer's Letter, Regarding Property
Year group 1800-1850
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1829
Place of publication Glasgow, Scotland
Wordcount 102

Author information: Brown, William

Author ID 385
Forenames William
Surname Brown
AKA Will Brown
Gender Male
Occupation Lawyer