Sasine Concerning Land of Thomas Wrighte
Author(s): Wrighte, Thomas
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publick instrument of Seisine That upon the thirty first day of July in the year of our Lord One thousain
Seven hundred and Eighty Six and of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the
third by the grace of God King of great britain France and Ireland and defender of
the faith the twenty sixth year In Presence of me Notary Publick
witneſses after insert bonds subscriving Compeared John Millar of Easter Alton eldest Son and
heir of the deceased William Millar of Easter Alton, and paſsed with us and George McLaws
Millar at Loch Miln Baillie in that part by the precept of Seisine commonly called a precept
of Clare Constat after insert to the ground of the lands after mentioned The said John Millar
having and in his hands holding a precept of Seisine commonly called a precept
of antennony Esquire in his the said John Millar favours. Which precept of
Seisine commonly called it precept of Care Constat the said John Millar presented
to the said George McLaws Baillie desiring him at the same timeto sell about and perform
the duties of his office In agreeableneſs to which desire the said George McLaws Baillie received
the said precept of seisine commonly called a precept of
and delivered the same to me Notary Publick to be read and published to the witneſses standing by
which I accordingly did & of the which precept the tenor follows John Lennox of
Antermony Esquire Superior of the lands and others aftermentioned To George McLaws Millar at
Loch miln and each of you as my Baillies hereby jointly and severally constituted to the effect,
after written Greeting Because by authentick Instruments, and document It clearly
appears That the now deceased William Millar of Easter Alton father of My Lovite John Millar
now of Easter Altoun Bearer hereof [¿] and [¿] in the fie of all and whole the room of
land called Easter Altoun, with the whole parts pendicles and pertinents as sometime poſseſsed by the
said William Millar himself Being part of the lands of Inchbelly, Inchbreck & [¿] And lying
within the Parish of Campsie & shirriffdom of Stirling. And that the said John Millar Bearer
hereof is eldest Son & so nearest and laufull heir of the said William Millar in the said lands of
Easter Altoun with the pertinents thereof And that the same are holden of & under me as
immediate Laufull superior thereof as come in place of John Earl of Wigtown formerly superior of
the same in [¿] and heritage For payment yearly ſome & my heirs and
Succeſsors superiors thereof of the sum of ten merks scots money at the term of Whitsunday in name
of feu farm and doubling the said feu duty at the [¿] of each heir to the said lands, as also
paying to the Minister of Campsie Five merks scots stipend yearly, and relieving me and
my foresaids of all other burdens whoatsoever, payable or that may be payable furth of the said lands
of Easter Altoun with the pertinents And also observing & performing the whole other conditions &
Daniel Thomson Witneſs [¿] Oswald, N: P:
John Forrest Witneſs [¿]
Tho Wingate
Prestations specified & contained in the original rights & inſeſtments of the same For all other burden or [¿]
service which can be asked or required furth of the lands and othersforesaid Therefor I hereby desire & require
you and each of you as my Baillies foresad That upon sight hereof ye give and deliver heritable state and
sasine to the said John Millar wearer hereof a heir foresaid of All and Whole the said lands of Easter Altoun
with the pertinents thereof lying and described as aforesaid and to be Holden as [¿] is By delivery of all
Symbols neceſsary to him or his attorney in his name; bearers hereof [¿] whereof I committ to you
and each of you full power by this my [¿] of Seisine Saving & reserving always my own & every other
persons right according to law In Witneſs whereof I have ordered my seal to be appended hereto
and subscribe these presents written upon stampd Vellum by Charles Kerr apprentice to David Erskine
Clerk to the Signet Att Edinburgh the tuenty Eight day of July Seventeen hundred and Eighty Six
years, Before these Witneſses the said David Erskine and the said Charles Kerr ( Sic subscribitor )
John Lennox David Erskine witneſs Charles Kerr witneſs After [¿] & publishing
of which precept of Seisine commonly called a precept of Clare Constat the said George McLaws Baillie in
consequence of the office of Bailliary thereby committed to him, Gave and delivered heritable state & Seisine
as also reall actuall and corporal poſseſsion to the said John Millar as heir foresaid of all & whole the said
land of Easter Altoun, with the pertinents thereof lying & described as aforesaid and to be holden as said
is And that by delivering to the said John Millar present and accepting of Earth and Stone of and [¿]
the ground of the foresaid lands And so did duely & [¿] inſeſt and sease the said John Millar
[¿] conform to the foresaid precept of Seisine commonly called a Precept of Clare Constat in all points
whereupon and upon all and Sundry the premises the said John Millar
asked & took Instruments in the hands of the Notary Publick subscribing These things were so done al &
upon the ground of the foresaid betwixt the hours of Tuo and four of the afternoon of the day month year of
God and of his majesties reign first abovewritten Being there present John Forrest Millar of
[¿] of Kincaid & Dancel Thomson Schoolmaster at Craighead Witneses to theſe remises
Specially called & required And who have subscribed this instrument [¿] on this & the preceeding
page along with me Notary Publick Subscribing
Et ego vero Jacobus Oswald Clericus Glasguensis Dioceseos ac Notarius
publicus auctoritate Regale ac per Dominos Concilii [¿] Seſsiones
occundum [¿] acti parliamenti admiſsus Quid pramiſses
omnibus it singulis dum sic at praemettitur [¿]
it fierent Und cum [¿] testibies prisens personalities
[¿] omnia it it singula premiſsa sic fieri et dici vidi
[¿] et [¿] ac in Notarr [¿] [¿] presens publicium instrumentum
super hane it precedentum paginam manu Aliena fidelites
scriptum [¿] et in hane publici instrumenti [¿]
[¿] Signoque Nomine et [¿]
it [¿] in [¿] Rebus et testimonium veritatis omnium et
singularum pramiſsorium rogalus et acquisitus
At Stirling the fourteenth day of September Seventeen hundered & eighty six
years, The Seisine written upon this & the preceeding page being presented by
David Dow, Writer in Stirling is regestered on the one hundered & ninety two & one
hundered & ninety third leaves of the Eighth Book of the [¿] particular register
of Seisines reversions & others kept at Stirling for the [¿] of Stirling Clackmannan
& Stewartry of Monteith Ref.
Tho Wrighte D.
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Sasine Concerning Land of Thomas Wrighte. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 24 January 2025, from
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"Sasine Concerning Land of Thomas Wrighte." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 24 January 2025.
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Sasine Concerning Land of Thomas Wrighte
Document Information
Document ID | 383 |
Title | Sasine Concerning Land of Thomas Wrighte |
Year group | 1750-1800 |
Genre | Administrative prose |
Year of publication | 1786 |
Place of publication | Stirling, Scotland |
Wordcount | 1110 |
Author information: Wrighte, Thomas
Author ID | 26 |
Forenames | Thomas |
Surname | Wrighte |
Gender | Male |