Precept by John Lennox and Charles Kerr
Author(s): Kerr, Charles; Lennox, John
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And each of you as my Baillies hereby jointly and severally and specially constituted to the effect after written Greeting Because By authentic instruments
and documents It clearly appears That the now deceast William Millar of Easter Altoun Father of My Lovite John Millar now
of Easter Alltoun Bearer hereof died last vest and seised in the fee of All and whole the room of land called Easter Altoun with the whole parts, pendicles
and pertinents, as sometime poſseſsed by the said William Millar himself Being part of the lands of Inchbelly Inchbreck and Auchinninie And lying within
the parish of Campsay And sheriffdom of Stiring And that the said John Millar Bearer hereof is eldest son And so nearest and lauful heir of the said William
Millar in the said lands of Easter Altoun with the pertinents thereof And that the same are holden of and under me as immediate lauful superior thereof
As come in place of John Earl of Wigtoun former superior of the same In feu farm fee and heretage For payment yearly to me and my heirs and succeſsors
superiors thereof of the sum of ten merks Scots money at the term of Whitsunday in name of feu farm And doubling the said feu duty at the entry of each heir to the
said lands As also paying to the minister of Compsay Five merks Scots the stipend yearly And relieving me and my foresaids of all other Burdens whatsoever
payable or that may be payable furth of the said lands of Easter Altoun with the pertinents And also observing and performing the whole other conditions
and prestations specified and contained in the original rights and inſeſtments of the same For all other burden of secular service which can be asked and
required furth of the lands and others forsaid Therefore Thereby desire and require you and each of you as my Baillies foresaid That upon sight
hereof ye give and deliver heretable state and seisine to the said John Millar Bearer hereof as heir foresaid of All and whole The said lands of Easter Altoun
with the pertinents thereof lying and described as aforesaid And to be holden as said is By delivery of All and whole The said lands of Easter Altoun
bearer hereof And for doing whereof I committ to you and each of you full power by this my precept of Seisine Saving and reserving always my own &
every other persons right according to law In witneſs whereof I have ordered my seal to be appended hereto And subscribe these presents written upon
stampt vellum By Charles Kerr apprentice to David Erskine Clerk to the Signet At Edinburgh the twenty eighth day of July seventeen hundred and eighty
six years Before these witneſses the said Charles Kerr
David Erskine witneſs
Charles Kerr witneſs
John Lennox
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Precept by John Lennox and Charles Kerr. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 17 February 2025, from
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"Precept by John Lennox and Charles Kerr." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 17 February 2025.
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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing, s.v., "Precept by John Lennox and Charles Kerr," accessed 17 February 2025,
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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. 2025. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
Precept by John Lennox and Charles Kerr
Document Information
Document ID | 382 |
Title | Precept by John Lennox and Charles Kerr |
Year group | 1750-1800 |
Genre | Administrative prose |
Year of publication | 1786 |
Place of publication | Edinburgh |
Wordcount | 488 |
Author information: Kerr, Charles
Author ID | 436 |
Forenames | Charles |
Surname | Kerr |
Gender | Male |
Author information: Lennox, John
Author ID | 374 |
Forenames | John |
Surname | Lennox |
Gender | Male |