Letter from the Duke of Argyll, 1718

Author(s): Campbell, Archibald


RosneathMay 13

I thought it was neceſsary
to let you know that I go
to morrow for Inverary, I
shall stay there two or
three days, & as I return
to Edenbury I design to go
by Glascow, I have been informed
from good hands
that my Lord Montrose is resolved
to carrie the Elections
by making Barrons, so that
you will do well to have
your papers ready for those
barons you said you would
make. I hear there is to be
an Exchequer very soon &

dont doubt but My Ld Montrose
will take all the advantage
poſsible. Pray send the inclosed
to My Unckle John &
he told me severall of the Gentlemen
promised to make barrons in
case my Ld Montrose should
endeavour to run them down
that way, & I wish they may
be as good as their word, but
there seems to be A neceſsity
that every thing of that kind
must be readie att the same
time that My Ld Montrose
presents his. Tell Daniell not
to stir from his buiſsineſs
but to send me an account

how his affairs go. I am

Your friend &
humble servant

I have left orders
for my letters which
come here to be
taken care of.


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Letter from the Duke of Argyll, 1718. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 19 September 2024, from

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"Letter from the Duke of Argyll, 1718." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 19 September 2024.

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Letter from the Duke of Argyll, 1718

Document Information

Document ID 373
Title Letter from the Duke of Argyll, 1718
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1718
Place of publication Rosneath, Scotland
Wordcount 207

Author information: Campbell, Archibald

Author ID 167
Forenames Archibald
Surname Campbell
AKA Third Duke of Argyll, Earl of Ilay, Ilay
Gender Male
Year of birth 1682
Place of birth Surrey, England
Mother's place of birth Suffolk, England
Father's place of birth Edinburgh, Scotland
Occupation Nobleman, politician, military, judge
Father's occupation Nobleman, Politician
Education University
Locations where resident Glasgow, Edinburgh
Religious affiliation Presbyterian, Catholic