Letter about a Soldier

Author(s): Campbell, John


Dear Sr

I recdeived yours of the 4th Sept last night I wrote you
of my succeſs but as I have not been out of my lodgings theſe
17 days I have not gott your ſons Commiſsion but shall have
it ready for him against he arrives, and you may trust to
me as one that does not approve of thoſe who acts for their
friends, coolly and by halves; In short I propoſe my younge
sholdier shall by rig'd out in every thing absolutely neceſsary
at your expence and under my direction and that he is to know
that in time coming he is to take care of himself, being
a good deal hurry'd and not perfectly strong I shall give you
no further trouble but to disire you will ever look upon
me as a most sincere friend to you and your family. In
this particular you have no thanks to give to any one
and as to my selfe the pleasure I have in succeeding where
yours is concern'd answers the trouble for I am most sincerely

John Campbell


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Letter about a Soldier. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 16 September 2024, from

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Letter about a Soldier

Document Information

Document ID 368
Title Letter about a Soldier
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1740
Wordcount 186

Author information: Campbell, John

Author ID 291
Forenames John
Surname Campbell
Gender Male