Letter about a Servant

Author(s): Douglas, William



I am heartily sorry for the
bad Situation of Barrowfields affairs and
as I am much affraid its now out of our
power to retrieve them, I shall concur with
you in any meaſure you shall judge moſt
proper for our releif
I have had ſeverall letters from Lauder
the Coal greive complaining moſt heavily of
the injustice done his land that Barrow
owes him 15£ ster and that he is att the
point of starving. I did inded recomend that
man becaus I had a good account of him from
the dutcheſs of [¿] chamber [¿] in whoſe
service he was laſt in, so that I could wiſh to see
justice done him. I am also ingagd for Barrow
(beſides what I am bound for [¿] &c.) to
Campt Barton for £100 ster. of which I also
want to be releivd for since theſe ingagements
can doe no service to the family its reaſonable
I should take care they doe [¿] to me I shall
want of your ſon at Ed. and discourſe with him
more fully on this subject and ſhall then

writt you att more length I offer my respects to
your Lady and am

your moſt humble ſervant
Will. Douglas


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Letter about a Servant. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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Letter about a Servant

Document Information

Document ID 365
Title Letter about a Servant
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1727
Place of publication Dalkeith, Scotland
Wordcount 202

Author information: Douglas, William

Author ID 289
Forenames William
Surname Douglas
Gender Male