Letter from the Duke of Argyll, Regarding Secret Business

Author(s): Campbell, Archibald


Ap: ye 14 1708

this cums to you, to deſire you would give my Brother
all the aſsistance you can in ſumthing he will aquaint
you with I doe aſure you Socko it is long since I have had
an inclyination to serve you, tho I have not heatherto had
an opertunety to convince you of it, thier is a thing that
I know you have a Mind to, which I shall take cair you
shall not be disapointed of, but I beg you will have a little
patience, I wuld tell you the reaſon but that I dont think it
Proper to truſt it in a Letter, my Brother will let you know it. I deſire
you will believe that I am

Your Humble ſervant


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Letter from the Duke of Argyll, Regarding Secret Business. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 12 September 2024, from

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"Letter from the Duke of Argyll, Regarding Secret Business." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 12 September 2024.

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Letter from the Duke of Argyll, Regarding Secret Business

Document Information

Document ID 362
Title Letter from the Duke of Argyll, Regarding Secret Business
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1708
Wordcount 128

Author information: Campbell, Archibald

Author ID 280
Forenames Archibald
Surname Campbell
AKA First Duke of Argyll, Master of Argyll, Lord Lorne
Gender Male
Year of birth 1658
Place of birth Edinburgh, Scotland
Mother's place of birth Dalkeith, Scotland
Occupation Nobleman, politician
Mother's occupation Noblewoman
Father's occupation Nobleman, politician
Locations where resident Edinburgh, London