Letter from James Wauchope to a Friend

Author(s): Wauchope, James


GreensideJuly 6t 1785
Dear Campbell

I received your last letter in
answer to that I wrote you about the Society,
dated June 24th, as far as I could learn from
it, & Ruſsells letter which he has received
from you since; I was happy to think
that you coincided in opinion with me,
in thinking what we had done right: I need
not confine it to myself, as it paſsed unanimously
that his name should be erased,
when he would not comply with their

desires, & behaved so impertinently since
upon several occasions, for I can find
no softer expreſsion for his behaviour.
as soon as it has paſsed three meetings
We adjourn till nor, the middle of it,
by which time I hope we shall have
your aſsistnce. I have been reading
with Woods ever since you left us at least
soon after, but I am obliged to give it over
now as that Cursed Siddons is coming
to perform immediately, for whom he
is preparing. Edinr. is very thin just
now but I suppose the races which

are very soon will bring Company into
town. We are to have a Carrousel at the
riding school the week before the races,
which is, to ride for a gold medal, it does
not depend so much upon the riding
well, as upon being a good marksman
which I am not. I had a letter from
Tod two days ago he is veery well at a
place called Yverdon in Swizerland he
seems to like it very well for the present,
he says in his own way, it is (it fine
country to live in for a short time By
Jove) I see in your letter to Biſsell
you expreſs your surprise to see my letter
dated from Greenside, which I own if

any person had told me two month
ago tht I was to live there I should have
concluded him mad, it is at the head
of Leith Walk opposite Piccardy a house
Sir John Whiteford & Sir George Clarke
lived in an exceeding good house a fine
veiw from it but a damned out of way
place [¿] we were driven to it as we
could get no other, however my Father
has consented to purchase one, if one
should cast up that pleases. I am happy
to hear that Dundas is so well comps
to him when you write. All here join in
comps to you.

I am Dear Archd, Yours
Jas. Wanchope
P. S. Prince Henry is expected here every hour


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Letter from James Wauchope to a Friend. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 11 May 2024, from

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Letter from James Wauchope to a Friend

Document Information

Document ID 321
Title Letter from James Wauchope to a Friend
Year group 1750-1800
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1785
Place of publication Greenside, Scotland
Wordcount 422

Author information: Wauchope, James

Author ID 358
Forenames James
Surname Wauchope
Gender Male
Year of birth 1765