Excerpt from Objections for George Miller, Regarding Ministers' Stipends

Author(s): Anonymous


Excerp from objections for George Miller
of Frankfield & others
The Sherrie of Interim Locality of
the Stipiend of the Revd. Dr. William
Taylor first minister of Glasgow
The Stipend of the Ministers of this parish
has been hitherto paid by the Migistrates of
Glas. [¿] under the crown of the Teinds;
and the Heritors have paid their Teinds to the
city of Glasgow Dr. Taylor having obtained an
augmentation of his Stipend a scheme of Interim
Locality was prepared upon which the Lord
Reton Ordinary pronounced this Interlocutor
"Allows all concerned to see and object to this
Locality betwixt and the first sedereint day of May
This Scheme of Locality is framed upon the supposition
of their being no valuation of Teinds in
the parish. The Teinds of the Lands of each
Heritor are therefore rated at one fifth of his
real rent as stated by the Minister and the
stipend is proportioned accordingly But the
the Teinds of the greatest part of the lands of
the objectors being valued as is instructed by

Decreets of valuation produced and referred to and
their rentals being over rated by Dr. Taylor the
following objections to the scheme of Locality are
now humbly submitted
IV Andrew Scotts
Mr Scotts Rental is stated by Dr. Taylor at £236
p. annum and it is proposed to burden his lands
with 3 Bolls 1 [¿] 2 pecks [¿] victual &
5/1 2/2 [¿] of stipend and Communion Elements
money being his proportion according to this
Rental; But the Teinds of the greatest part of
his Estate are valued and the Rental and
value of the Teinds of the whole appear from
the following state
1st Lands the Teins whereof are valued
Scots money
Stock & teind. teind
1st Spring Roger Easter Mailing of Wester [¿]
P Decreet of valuation N. Stock & Teind Teind
£98 " 13 " 6 £98 " 13 " 1/3
Deduct Mr Gardners part thereof 53 " 13 " 9 10 " 14 " 9
Remain 45 " 1 " 9
Deduct Mr Millers part 29 " 10 " 6 5 " 18 " 1 1/5
Remains Mr Scotts proportion 13 " 11 " 3 3 " 2 " 3
2d Easter Mailing of Easter Cunshlie valued
1 Decreet of valuation No 4 in [¿]
with the other Lands as under vizt.

Deducting also Cunshlie Bog
or north Mailing of wester
Cunshlie the property of a Mr Buchanan
of Provan hall stated in
[¿] of the Provan [¿] £275 85 . 19 . 3 17 . 3 . 10/5
Remains Mr Scotts property 89 . 9 . 7 17 . 17 . 11
Sum P Decreet of valuation £105. " 10. 21. " 2
Which is [¿] is £8. 13. " 10/12 1-13- 2/12
[¿] Lands the Teinds
whereof are not valued
stated at the real rent vizt.
3 Larch grove 35-15" 10/12 8.13" 2/12
So that in place of Mr Scotts Estate being burdened as is
now proposed with Stipend and Communion
Element money to a Rental of £236 yielding
of Teinds £47.4/ [¿] Mr Scotts lands ought
to be localled upon along with the lands of
the other [¿] in the proportion only

of the above rental of £43"13-"10/12 yeilding
of Teinds £8.13" 2/12
The objectors therefore humbly
crave your Lordship to order this Scheme of
Locality to be altered in terms of the preceding
state of the Rentals and Teinds of their
Lands And to find that they can be burdened
with Stipend and Communion Element
money and are liable in the expense of the
Proceſs of Locality along with the other Heritors
Parish in the proportion only
of the sums contained in the Same States
In respect whereof


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Excerpt from Objections for George Miller, Regarding Ministers' Stipends. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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Excerpt from Objections for George Miller, Regarding Ministers' Stipends

Document Information

Document ID 292
Title Excerpt from Objections for George Miller, Regarding Ministers' Stipends
Year group 1850-1900
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1876
Place of publication Glasgow, Scotland
Wordcount 597

Author information: Anonymous

Author ID 349
Surname Anonymous