Letter from Livingston to Murray, 9 Aug 1865

Author(s): Livingstone, David



48 Euston Square
9th August 1865

My Dear Sir

Allow me to
remind you that a
note, requesting a
sort of Firman
from the Sultan of
Zanzibar — and in
the event of my
not being able to
take my own
steamer, a passage

in a man of war
across the Indian
Ocean, was intended
to be prepared before
my starting; and
as I am ready to
go on Monday
next (13th) so as to
meet the mail
of the 20th at
Marseilles — would
you oblige me by
having the document
ready when I call


to take leave of you
between 2 & 3 tomorrow
(Thursday) afternoon?

I have only one
boat — a whaler — with
the steamer and Captain
Richards suggests that
on [A]pplication to
the Admiralty another
whaler would be
lent to me while
in the river Rovuma
This would enable
me to take my whole

Dr. Livingstone

party up without any
separation. A sentence
in addition to the
request for a passage
saying that the loan
of a whaler is necessary
is all that is required
and you will oblige
your most obedient

David Livingstone

Austin Layard Esq [¿]


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Letter from Livingston to Murray, 9 Aug 1865. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 12 September 2024, from

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"Letter from Livingston to Murray, 9 Aug 1865." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 12 September 2024.

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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. 2024. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.


Letter from Livingston to Murray, 9 Aug 1865

Document Information

Document ID 262
Title Letter from Livingston to Murray, 9 Aug 1865
Year group 1850-1900
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1865
Place of publication Mansfield, England
Wordcount 192

Author information: Livingstone, David

Author ID 36
Forenames David
Surname Livingstone
Gender Male
Year of birth 1813
Place of birth Blantyre, Scotland
Occupation Missionary, explorer, mill worker
Education University
Locations where resident Blantyre, Glasgow
Other languages spoken Latin
Religious affiliation Protestant, Congregational Church