Letter from Livingston to Murray, 13 Feb 1865

Author(s): Livingstone, David



Newstead Abbey

13 Feby 1865

My Dear Mr Murray

Fearing that I could
not make my meaning
clear as to the mode of
putting the poison on the
arrows I got Waller
to draw the enclosed for a
wood cut — I have the
promise of the paper
by Dr Kirk & Prof. Sharpey
on the poison which
is very virulent — gives
an alkaloid like
strychnine which
seems to act by lowering
the pulse — Kirk by an

accident took a little &
it lowered the pulse &
cured him of a cold — the
paper will do for the
appendix — C Livingstones
birds & insects are
preparing in British
Museum for the same

I am directed by Mrs Webb
to say something kind to
you for her — so I say
your promise to visit
this Newstead is not
forgotten for I have several
times been asked if I thought
you would come. We are
to have a large party this
week — My brother is safe
as far as Sierra Leone

David Livingstone


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Letter from Livingston to Murray, 13 Feb 1865. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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"Letter from Livingston to Murray, 13 Feb 1865." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 27 July 2024.

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Letter from Livingston to Murray, 13 Feb 1865

Document Information

Document ID 258
Title Letter from Livingston to Murray, 13 Feb 1865
Year group 1850-1900
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1865
Place of publication Mansfield, England
Wordcount 167

Author information: Livingstone, David

Author ID 36
Forenames David
Surname Livingstone
Gender Male
Year of birth 1813
Place of birth Blantyre, Scotland
Occupation Missionary, explorer, mill worker
Education University
Locations where resident Blantyre, Glasgow
Other languages spoken Latin
Religious affiliation Protestant, Congregational Church