Letter from Livingston to Murray, 24 Aug 1857

Author(s): Livingstone, David



Hadley Green

24th Augst

My Dear Mr Murray

When you
asked about
appendices I
forgot my obns
calculated by
Maclear . Admiral
Smythe's son in law

has very promptly
undertaken the
editorship and
as he has found
out a new way
of correcting
Lunars and says
Maclears work
is admirable
I think it will
lend interest to
the book among the


scientific. Printed
in small type
I suppose it will
not occupy
much space
Captain Toynbee
will perhaps
need a few
Nautical Almanacs
from you. I am
at Tete in correction
of slips Will finish all
except the set up

on Wedensday. I go
to Dublin on Thursday
Did you ever get
an opinion on
the grammar
perhaps the observations
will be a better
appendix than it
Mr Rae . Common
wealth, newspaper
wants an early
copy for friendly
review. I said
I would send the order


to you He is 37
Jamaica St. Glasgow
If you send
a copy to the
Editor of the
pray let it be
one in which
an error in
page 96 is
corrected. He
has printed some

sheets correctly.
I would like to
give Captain
Need & Dr
Smith a copy
each for
their kindness
in giving the
drawings —
I sent off this
morning page
544 Press


and the last bundle
of slips but two
If you ever
were afraid
of my not
giving you
bulk , you
are not so
now for I
have an index

I am &c

D. Livingstone

Aug. 1857


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Letter from Livingston to Murray, 24 Aug 1857. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 20 January 2025, from

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"Letter from Livingston to Murray, 24 Aug 1857." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 20 January 2025.

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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing, s.v., "Letter from Livingston to Murray, 24 Aug 1857," accessed 20 January 2025,

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The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. 2025. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.


Letter from Livingston to Murray, 24 Aug 1857

Document Information

Document ID 253
Title Letter from Livingston to Murray, 24 Aug 1857
Year group 1850-1900
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1857
Place of publication London
Wordcount 256

Author information: Livingstone, David

Author ID 36
Forenames David
Surname Livingstone
Gender Male
Year of birth 1813
Place of birth Blantyre, Scotland
Occupation Missionary, explorer, mill worker
Education University
Locations where resident Blantyre, Glasgow
Other languages spoken Latin
Religious affiliation Protestant, Congregational Church