Letter from Hogg to Murray, 11 Jun 1821

Author(s): Hogg, James


Altrive Lake

June the 11th 1821
My dear Sir

It is a great pity that you
that you had not explained this abominable
unbusiness like blunder of Blackwood's sooner
One line from you or any of your clerks would
have done it. I wish you [would] not suffer the
note to be dishonoured What is it to you though
a few copies of the Brownie is to sell? If you would
wind it up it would enable me to get a final [settlem-]
-ent somewhere which I am sick to get accomplis-shed
for I have followed your example in chusing
an agent and [gone] likewise to Oliver & Boyde. The
latter is a man of business. For God's sake Mr Murray
accept the bill and if you will not wind up the
edition of the Brownie [lay] it [¿] the mistake has
been made I will cause O. & B. to account for it
at your next settlement. I am exceedingly vexed
at what has been done but you see it was not
my blame. I have Blackwoods own letter urging
me to draw on you for the [sum]. The man must
be a perfect [stump]. I inclosed him Mr. Glynn's letter
and wonder what he will say I expect he will
deny it. I have no patience with him now.

What is the reason that you will not
write to me now? A half dozen of times would
do my heart good. I wish I may never have
to write a friend about money again for I see
it puts them out of humour. I remain
Dear Sir
Yours most affectionately
James Hogg

John Murray Esq
Albemarle Street

Jas. Hogg Esq
June 11 . 1821


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Letter from Hogg to Murray, 11 Jun 1821. 2025. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 24 January 2025, from

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"Letter from Hogg to Murray, 11 Jun 1821." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2025. Web. 24 January 2025.

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Letter from Hogg to Murray, 11 Jun 1821

Document Information

Document ID 222
Title Letter from Hogg to Murray, 11 Jun 1821
Year group 1800-1850
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1821
Place of publication Selkirk
Wordcount 287

Author information: Hogg, James

Author ID 234
Forenames James
Surname Hogg
AKA The Ettrick Shepherd
Gender Male
Year of birth 1770
Place of birth Ettrick, Selkirkshire, Scotland
Occupation Author, farmer, journalist
Father's occupation Farmer
Education Little formal schooling
Locations where resident Ettrick, Edinburgh