Letter from Hogg to Murray, 31 Mar 1815

Author(s): Hogg, James


Edin March 31st 1815
Dear Sir

Are you taken with the pet likewise
that you so long neglect to answer a poet's letter
If you are I think you might tell me frankly
as usual. I have nothing of consequence to tell
you for there is no literary news here of much
importance save what The Quarterly has created
and what The Edin. is just about to create. The
Lord of the isles is in the latter and seems meant
as a favourable review, in my opinion however
it is scarce middling as we Scots folk say. Mr. Scott
sails for London in The Pilot to day and as he asked
me if I had no word to you or Lord Byron I take
the opportunity of sending you this as a small re-membrance
for I wish to know particularly
about The Queen's Wake and how many copies
remain in your hand. I have had a very
pressing proposal for publishing all my poetical

works in two neat post octavo vols but this
I will not so much as think of nor any literary
thing at present, without consulting you, I myself
think it is rather too early to do so as yet. I know
I will publish something much better than
aught I have yet published if I could hit on a right
theme but till that time it will haply be as
good to keep them seperate and let the things sell
that will sell. pray give me fair play in advertising
reviewing &c. some would insinuate to me that you
do the contrary. I have got hold of the Quarterly
but have not yet got far on with it. The review
of Gibbon is certainly a first rate article as indeed
I think all your principal articles are, but [O] I am
grieved to see such an ignorant and absurd review
of Mannering so contrary to the feelings of a whole
nation for I certainly never saw high and low
rich and poor so unanimous about any book as
that. It is one of those things which render the

whole system of reviewing a mere farce —
What a beast he must be who wrote it!
By — if ever I meet with him I'll insult
him and abide by the consequences. I think
of all the men in Scotland, Scott has been the
most strenous supporter of the character of your
Miscellany as excellent, and there is an indelicacy
in the the thing that cannot be thought of. How I do
despise your London critics. They persuade you to
[refuse] your name to the Pilgrims of the [Sun]
and pretend to damn Guy Mannering
I'll keep both the article and your letter on
the former subject, as two natural curiosities for
the next century. But I find I am in two high
a key to day for writing to a gentleman whom
I sincerely wish to esteem therefore without
more I will [subscribe] myself

Yours very truly
James Hogg

1815 March 31
Hogg Jas
John Murray Esq.
50. Albemarle
[favd] by
Walter Scott Esq.
Adam Park Esq.


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Letter from Hogg to Murray, 31 Mar 1815. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 23 October 2024, from

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Letter from Hogg to Murray, 31 Mar 1815

Document Information

Document ID 213
Title Letter from Hogg to Murray, 31 Mar 1815
Year group 1800-1850
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1815
Place of publication Edinburgh
Wordcount 527

Author information: Hogg, James

Author ID 234
Forenames James
Surname Hogg
AKA The Ettrick Shepherd
Gender Male
Year of birth 1770
Place of birth Ettrick, Selkirkshire, Scotland
Occupation Author, farmer, journalist
Father's occupation Farmer
Education Little formal schooling
Locations where resident Ettrick, Edinburgh