Letter from Somerville to Murray3, 26 Oct 1866

Author(s): Somerville, Mary


Spezia 26th Octr 1866
My dear Mr Murray

I am greatly pleased to find
that you are willing to publish
my MS. I should have been truely
grieved if you could not have
undertaken it. You give me
courage to appear before the public
in my old age. It is 35 years since
your Father published the Mechanism
of the Heavens, and I hope to live to see
you bring out my last work

I have reduced the number of
wood cuts considerably, and I have
written to Dr Carpenter requesting
permission to have casts taken from
his wood cuts and copies from his
plates. I have every reason to hope
that he will grant my request as he had
already given me leave to make any
use I please of his drawings. I think I
may rely on the friendship of Professor
Owen & I have the same reason to

believe that the brother of the botanist
Henfrey now dead will give me leave
to have casts from the wood cuts which
he made himself. They would superceed
all those of Mrs Gatty and

As soon as I receive answers I will let
you know the result. I have no
acquaintance with the Revd
Mr Darwin, or Mr Gosse, all very essential
but I trust that through the kindness of
my dear daughter Mrs Greig that means
may be found of applying to them as
I fear it would be too bold a measure
were I to write to them myself-

I beg you will remember me kindly to
Mrs Murray who I hope is well and the
children thriving, I shall hear all
about you from Mr Pentland who
has promised us a visit while on his
way to Rome. Yours my Dear Mr Murray
very sincerely
Mary Somerville


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Letter from Somerville to Murray3, 26 Oct 1866. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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"Letter from Somerville to Murray3, 26 Oct 1866." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 27 July 2024.

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Letter from Somerville to Murray3, 26 Oct 1866

Document Information

Document ID 187
Title Letter from Somerville to Murray3, 26 Oct 1866
Year group 1850-1900
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1866
Place of publication Spezia, Italy
Wordcount 300

Author information: Somerville, Mary

Author ID 249
Forenames Mary
Surname Somerville
Gender Female
Year of birth 1780
Place of birth Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland
Occupation Author, mathematician
Father's occupation Military
Locations where resident London, Italy
Other languages spoken Latin, French