Letter from Somerville to Murray3, 28 Mar 1857

Author(s): Somerville, Mary


Somerville Mrs
Florence 28th March 1857
Dear Mr Murray

I was much pleased to hear from Mr
Pentland that the Council of Education has adopted
my Phys. Geog. and that a new edition will be required
immediately, but I must protest against going to press
till it is brought up to the present time. Pentland
wishes you to delay till June and so do I, for I am
sure it is impossible to be ready sooner. I have
already Completely recast the chapter on the Ocean from
Maury and shall have much more from that
excellent work. — I can have most of the journals
from the Grand Dukes library, but I much want
information on Africa, an article that must be
intirely rewritten; perhaps you would have the
goodness to send Livingstons book and indeed any
thing that you think would be useful & sent by
steam I shall have it in a fortnight. The gold mines
in California and Australia were not discovered when
the last edition was printed which will show you how
far it is behind. You who are on the spot best know
what is new, and can help me greatly — I shall work
hard but I am not so ready a writer as I used to be
my hand shakes so much. — I have excellent accounts

of Mrs Murray and the children from medical
friends and always hear of them and you with
pleasure — we have all been well during the severe
winter, unusually severe for Tuscany and even yet
the weather is cold. Mr Somerville has never had a
complaint till ten days ago when he caught cold and
had a troublesome cough but I am happy to say it is
nearly gone and he is well again. —
I have just heard news that has surprised us not a little
Sir David Brewster 76 years old was married a few days
ago to Miss Parnell aged 26 a grocers daughter. Sir
David and his daughter have been living at Cannes
which he left a few days before the wedding without
saying a word to his daughter of his engagement but left
her with the Duchess Dow. of Argyle who had to tell her of
it. They were married at Nice and are going to
Rome so we shall have a visit of the sposi on their
way either going or coming. —
I was delighted to hear that Woronzow's leg is quite
well again but I fear he is too busy to take the
exercise he requires — We all join in very kind
remembrance to Mrs Murray and believe me
ever sincerely yours
Mary Somerville

My dear Murray — You will oblige me
if you will procure & send me one of Mappins
Shilling Razor Shop — at No 67 King William Street
yours truly
W Somerville


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Letter from Somerville to Murray3, 28 Mar 1857. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 27 July 2024, from

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Letter from Somerville to Murray3, 28 Mar 1857

Document Information

Document ID 186
Title Letter from Somerville to Murray3, 28 Mar 1857
Year group 1850-1900
Genre Personal writing
Year of publication 1857
Place of publication Florence, Italy
Wordcount 469

Author information: Somerville, Mary

Author ID 249
Forenames Mary
Surname Somerville
Gender Female
Year of birth 1780
Place of birth Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland
Occupation Author, mathematician
Father's occupation Military
Locations where resident London, Italy
Other languages spoken Latin, French