Sassine, Concerning the Claim on an Estate, 22 Oct 1720

Author(s): Anonymous


EdinburghSaturday ye twenty Second day of October One thouſand Seven hundred and twenty

By the Commiſsioners and Trustees Nominated
and appointed for putting in Execution the powers and
authorities Related to the forfeited Estates in
Scotland In and by an Act of Parliament made
in the first year of the Reign of his presents
majesty King George intituted an Act for
appointing Commiſsioners to enquire of the
Estates of certain Traitors and of Popish Recuſants
and of Estates given to Superstitious uſes
in order to raiſe money out of them Severally
for the uſe of the Publick and also In and by
another Act of parliament made in the fourth
year of the Reign of his said present Majesty
Intituted an act for Vesting the forfeited Estates
in Great Brittain and Ireland in Trustees to be
sold for the uſe of the Publick and for giving
Relief to Lawfull Creditors by Determining
the Claims and for the more effectuall bringing
in to the Respective Exchequers the Rents
and profites of the said Estates till sold.
The Claim of William Miller in Easter Altoun
on the Estate late of William late Viscount of Kilsyth
attainted being appointed to be this day determined
and the Claimant duly summoned to attend the
Determination thereof
on his behalf appeared before the said Commiſsioners
and Trustees thereupon when the said Claim was
read (The same setting forth that William late
Viscount of Kilsyth having sold to the Claimant
the Tennendry or Mealling of Land in Easter
Altoun within the parish of Campsie and Sherrefdome
of Stirling for the sum of Two thousand

Two hundred marks or One hundred and twenty two
pound four shilling five penxe and one thirrd Sterling
Did by his Receipt and Oblidgment of the twenty
first of May one thouſand seven hundred and fifteen
acknowledge That he had recieved of the Claimant
the sum of One thouſand marks on fifty five
pound Eleven shillings one pence and one third
sterling in past payment of the forsaid Agreed
price of the saids lands and oblidged him to grant
to the Claimant a few Contract or Charter when required
The Claimant always giving him sufficient
Security for Twelve hundred merks or Sixty
Six pound thirteen shillings and four pence Sterling as ye
remains of the pryce of the saids lands payable at martinmas
one thouſand seven hundred and fifteen
with @rent therefore from martinmas one thouſand
seven hundred and fourteen (which was the time
agreed to be the Claimant's entry to the poſseſsion
of the saids lands) to Martinmas one thouſand seven
hundred and fifteen and the @rent of the said one
thouſand Marks then paid from martinmas one
thouſand Seven hundred and fourteen to Whitsunday
one thouſand seven hundrd and fifteen being half a
year's @rent and the said Receipt and Oblidgment
is registred in the Sherriff Court Books of Stirling
upon the tenty day of December one thouſand seven hundred
and fifteen Therefore praying that the Claimant
be [¿] stated a Creditor upon the lands and Estate
kilsyth for the said sum of Fifty five pound &ten
shilling one pence and one third Sterling and @rents
thereof since the twenty first day of May one thouſand
seven hundred and fifteen or otherwayes That the
Claimant be allowed to continue in poſseſsion of the
saids lands and have a sufficient right given him to
the same for payment of Sixty Six pound thirteen
shilling and four pence sterling and @rents thereof
abovementioned being the remaining price of the

saids lands In Regaird the Bargain was made and
the money paid in presence of Credible witneſses as by the
sid Claim entered on Record in this Court appears and the
Vouchers thereof were produced and the said
as also Councill for the publick were heard therto
and the Claimant's Deposition taken to the Verity of
the said Debt of one thouſand merks and Interest yrof
from the said twenty first day of May one thouſand seven
hundred and fifteen wa read and the Deposition of
James Stark Baillie in Kilsyth and Robet Lang in
Gateside Witneſses adduced On the behalf of the Claimant
(they thereby deposing that at or upon the twenty
first day of May one thouſand seven hundred and fifteen
they were witneſses to the late Viscount of Kilsyth
his agreeing to [¿] to William Miller in Altoun the
lands of Easter Altoun with the pertinents for the Sum
of Two thouſand two hundred merks money whereof
he paid One thouſand Marks to the asid late Viscount
in presence of them the Deonents and further
Deposing that the only nd true cauſe of the said William
Miller his paying to the said late Viscount the sd sum
was upon Condition of his getting and Few Right of the
lands abovementioned was also read. Now this day the
said Commiſsioners and Trustees having fully considered
of the sid Claim Vouchers and Depositions and of what
was offered of the behalf of the Claimant and of ye publick
Do find that the sid Claimaant having paid the sum of
one thouſand marks Scots money in part of the said Five
thouſand and two hundred merks like money (mentioned
in the Contract claimed upon) to the said late Viscount
and fully performing the same by payment of Twelve


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Sassine, Concerning the Claim on an Estate, 22 Oct 1720. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 24 April 2024, from

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Sassine, Concerning the Claim on an Estate, 22 Oct 1720

Document Information

Document ID 389
Title Sassine, Concerning the Claim on an Estate, 22 Oct 1720
Year group 1700-1750
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1720
Place of publication Edinburgh, Scotland
Wordcount 886

Author information: Anonymous

Author ID 379
Surname Anonymous