Register of Sasine, Concerning Land Lying on the Southside of Trongate Street, Glasgow

Author(s): Anonymous


Here follows the Docquet annexed by
Richard Henderson Depute Town Clerk to
each of the Sasines in the following Books
to which he is Notary
Et Ego vero Ricurdus Henderson Communit
Scriba Deputatus dute Burge de Glasgow
notarius Publicus, [Auctintute] Regali, et per
Dominus Concily et Seſsionis secundum
[tenorem] [auti] Parliamente admiſsus,
præmiſses Omnibus et Singulis [dum] [sic] [cal]
præmittitus dicerantin agerentar et fierant
una cum prænominates testibus præseus per
sonaliter interfui, exque omnia et singaa
la præmiſia sic fieri et dni vidi scive et
audivi ai in notaur ceſsi, Ideoque hoc [prise]
aliena fideliter scriptum expinde confeci
signoque nomine et cognomine meis sole
tis et conscietis signari et subsripise in
fideus robur et testimonium veritates omnium
et singulorum præmiſsonime rogatus
et requisatus.

Recorded 24th January 1800
In the name of God amen Know all men by this
public instrument that upon the twenty fourth day of January
In the year of God One thousand Eight hundred and
of the reign of our Sovereign George the third by the
grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland
defender of the faith the fortieth year In presence of me
notary public and witneſses subscribing Compeared personally
an honourable man James Black Esquire
one of the baillies of the city and Burgh of Glasgow,
and paſsed with and at desire of William Scales apprentice
to Claud Marshall Writer in Glasgow as attorney
for and in name and behalf of Samuel
and William Marshall Merchants in Glasgow to
the ground of the lands often described, and there
the said attorney produced a disposition dated the
nineteenth day of December Seventeen hundred and
ninety nine granted by John Steel shoemaker in Glasgow
whereby for the causes therein mentioned he disponed
conveyed and made over from him his heirs
and succeſsors to and in favour of the said Samuel
and William Marshalls their heirs and disponees
whomever heritably and irredeemably but always with
and under the burden often expreſsed all and whole
the eastmost fore and back shop of that tenement of
land lying on the southside of Trongate street of
Glasgow which sometime belonged to John Shiels pentioner
of Partick acquired by the deceased. Alexander
Dick vintner in Glasgow from John Gibson of
Hillhead Bounded by the lands of John Wilson Senr.
Merchant in Glasgow on the west, the land of
on the east, the high street on upon
the north, and upon the south
parts, the ground storey of which tenement was some
time ago converted into one large shop by the said John
Steel, and since into two shops, the one so disponed
being the eastmost thereof together with the sunk cellar
under the said shop, and reaching under part of
the westmost shop. But under the burden of the said
Samuel and William Marshall and their foresaids
and the future proprietors of the said shop making
payment when required so to do and freeing and relieving
the said John Steel and his foresaids and the other
parts of the said tenement of land subjected of the

sum of four hundred pounds sterling of principal contained
in, and due by a Bond and disposition in security dated
the twenty ninth day of March One thousand Seven hundred
and ninety granted by Alexander Dick sometime
residing in Edinburgh in favour of Patrick Robertson
Writer in Glasgow over the foresaid shop and other parts
of the foresaid tenement of land, and also of the interests
to fall due thereon after the sale of the said disposition, the
said John Steel paying all interest due thereon preceeding
that period as the said disposition containing Procuratory
of resignation and other clauses bears And upon
the ground of the said lands appeared James Miller
one of the officers of the said city who as procurator
specially constituted by the granter of the said disposition
as was made known to the said baillie
and me notary public by the Letters of Procuratory,
therein contained did resign and Surrender
all and Whole the said shop back and fore and cellar
lying and described as aforesaid In the hands of
the said baillie by delivering to him staff and baton
as use is in favour and for new Inſeſtment
thereof to be granted to the said Samuel, and William
Marshall in due form But always with
and under the burden before mentioned and which
is by the said disposition appointed to be inserted
in the Inſeſtment to follow thereon which resignation
being, so made admitted and received
by the said baillie he by virtue of his office
and at request of the said procurator Gave and
delivered heretable Inſeſtment state and Seisin
real actual and Corporal poſseſsion of all and
whole the subjects so disponed and resigned
but always with and under the burden before
mentioned to the said Samuel and William Marshalls,
and that by delivering, to the said William
Scales present and accepting, as attorney for them and
in their name earth and stone of and upon the
ground of the said lands, and so did inſeſt them
of resignation therein contained in all points

saving all mens rights, whereupon and upon all and sundry
the premises the said William Scales attorney foresaid
required instruments under the hands of me the said notary
These things were so done at and upon the ground of the
said lands betwixt the hours of one and three afternoon of
the day month year of God and Kings reign above written
being there present John Davidson, and John Muir
two of the officers of the said City of Glasgow Witneſses
to the premiſses specially called and required Sic Sub. Et
ego vero Joannes Wilson & manu aliena &c John Davidson
Witneſs, John Muir Witneſs
Recorded 24 Janry. 1800
In the name of God Amen Know all men by this public
Instrument that upon the twenty fourth day of January
In the year of God One thousand eight hundred and
of the reign of our Sovereign George the third by the grace
of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland defender
of the faith the fortieth year In presence of me
notary public and Witneſses subscribing compeared
personally an honourable man James Black Esquire
one of the baillies of the city and burgh of Glasgow
and paſsed with and at desire of James
Morton clerk to James Galloway writer in Glasgow
as attorney for and in name and behalf of
Mrs. Mary Wright widow of Daniel McInnes laterinen
printer at Croſsmill to the ground of the lands after described,
and there the said attorney produced a disposition
dated the twentieth day of January current granted by
James Inglis merchant and James Galloway writer
both in Glasgow, whereby for the causes therein mentioned
they Sold disponed and Conveyed from them their
heirs and succeſsors to and in favour of the said Mrs
Mary Wright alias McInnes her heirs aſsigneys or
succeſsors whomever heritably and irredeemably all and
whole that dwelling house fronting Trongate and Candlerigs
street of Glasgow at present poſsessed by the said
Mrs Mary Wright and her daughter being the south
most part of the third flatt above the shops of that
new Corrier front tenement on the northside of the Trongate
and west side of the said Candleriggs street erected
by the deceased James McLehose, and which house so

disponed contains the whole of the third flatt of
said tenement excepting that dwelling house fronting
Candleriggs Street which enters from the northside of
the common stair head of said flat, and which house so
excepted was for the year preceeding whitsunday Seventeen
hundred and ninety eight poſseſsed by Mrs.
Dykes, and now by the said Mrs. Mary Wright
together with that cellar in the sunk flatt of said tenement
belonging to said southmost part of the foresaid
third flatt which cellar is marked number four and
is immediately below part of the back shop presently
poſseſsed by Bewly Haberdasher with free ish
and entry and all right and title to said subjects
in time coming, which tenement above described
with the stables offices close, and back ground
thereto belonging were acquired by the said James
Inglis and James Galloway from William Hosier
of Newlands, son of said James McLehose
conform to desposition in their favour dated
the seventh day of June One thousand Seven
hundred and ninety eight and the said tenement
is built, and situated upon that piece
of ground on the northside of Trongate and
west side of Candleriggs street upon which the
old guard house and part of the green market
formerly stood, and also comprehend part of
certain other subjects all which are particularly
described in said disposition in their favour
declaring always as it is by the said first
mentioned disposition provided and declared that
the same is granted under the burden of the payment
other to the said James Inglis and James
Galloway or their foresaids or to the said William
Hosier and his heirs or assigns of the principal
sum of two hundred and Seventy five pounds
sterling being the balance still resting of the price of said
subjects, and that at and against martinmaſs one

thousand eight hundred and Two with a fifth part of said
sum of liquidate penalty and expences in case of failure
and also with the payment to the said James Inglis
and James Galloway or their foresaids of the lawful interest
of the said principal sum from and after martinmaſs
last till payment (all preceeding interest having been
settled) payable the said interest, at two terms in the year
whitsunday and martinmaſs by equal portions beginning
the first terms payment at whitsunday next for the half
year preceding and so forth thereafter with a fifth of said
interest of penalty in case of failure; the said James
Inglis and James Galloway and their foresaids however
being obliged if required to report to their said disponee
the discharges of said William Hosier to them for the
said interest at whitsunday yearly which sums principal
interest and penalty are in the foresaid disposition
by the said William Hosier in their favour and also
are by the said first mentioned disposition declared
to be a real burden on said subjects so disponed
and the declaration to that effect is thereby appointed
to be inserted in the instrument of Sasine to follow
thereon and in all the subsequent dispositions and
Seasines of said subjects till the said debt be extinguished.
And lasty declaring that in the event of the said principal
Sum being paid to the said James Inglis and James
Galloway or their foresaids at the said term they should
be obliged to apply the same towards extinguishing said
heretable burden, and in the event of said principal
sum being paid by their said disponee to the said
William Hosier or his foresaids his discharge and
Renunciation of said heretable debt (which should be at
the expence of their said disponee) should contain an
ample discharge of their personal obligation to the said
William Hosier for the foresaid balance, and also declaring
that the said disposition is granted w. & under
the burden of aproportional part alongst with the proprietors
of the other three flatts of said tenement and
of the remainder of said third flatt fronting Candlerigs
street reserved by the said James Inglis and James
Galloway of upholding in good repair in all time

coming the roof of said tenement, and the different
proportions of which expence should be fixed according
to the several rents of said four flats or the
annual values thereof at the time if in the proprietors
own poſseſsion as the same should be ascertained by
persons to be mutually chosen in case of dispute
and farther the said Mrs. Mary Wright and here foresaids
should be bound in all time coming to
carry the whole [dung] [fulzie] and ashes to be made
in said subject either to the presen & dunghill in
the close belonging to said tenement, or to such other
place at the back of said Tenement or of the adjoining
property as might thereafter be appointed
for a dunghill to said Tenement, as the said
disposition containing Prory of Resignation and
other clauses bears, And upon the ground of the
said lands appeared James Miller one of the officers
of the said city of Glasgow who as procurator specially
constituted by the granters of said dispention
as was made known to the said baillie
and me notary public by the letters of Prory here:
in contained did resign and Surrender all
and whole the foresaid dwelling house fronting
Trongate Street and Candlerigs street of Glasgow
being the southmost part of the third flat above
the shops of the tenement above described together
with said cellar in the sunk flat of the said
tenement as said tenement is bounded and described
as aforesaid In the hands of the said baillie by
delivering to him staff and baton as use is
in favour and for new Inſeſtment thereof to be
granted to the said Mary Wright in due form
but always with and under the real burden
of the principal sum interest and penalty above
specified, and also under the other burdens and
declarations above specified which resignation being
so made admitted and received by the said baillie

he by virtue of his office and at request of the said
procurator gave and delivered heretable inſeſtment state
and Seasine real actual and corporal poſseſsion of All &
whole the subjects so disponed and resigned but always
with and under the real burden of the principal interest
and penalty, and the other burdens and declarations
above specified to the said Mrs. Mary Wright, and that
by delivering to the said James Morton present and accepting,
as attorney for her and in her name earth and
stone of and upon the ground of said lands and so
did inſeſt her therein conform to the said disposition
and procuratory of resignation therein contained in
all points Saving all mens rights whereupon
and upon all and sundry the premises the said
James Morton attorney foresaid required instruments
under the hands of me the said notary. These things
were so done at and upon the ground of said lands
betwixt the hours of one and three afternoon of the
day month year of God and Kings reign above
written being there present John Davidson and
John Muir two of the officers of the said City of
Glasgow witneſses to the premises specially called
and required sic Sub Et ego vero Joanne Wilson &
manu aliena & John Muir Witneſs John Davidson
Recorded 24 January 1800
In the name of God amen, Know all men by this public
instrument that upon the twenty fourth day of January in
the year of God One thousand eight hundred and of
the reign of our sovereign George the third by the grace of
God King of Great Britain France and Ireland defender
of the faith the fortieth year In presence of me notary public
and witneſses subscribing Compeared personally an
honourable man James Black Esquire one of the baillies
of the city and burgh of Glasgow and paſsed with and at
desire of James Hall apprentice to Robert Grahame writer in
Glasgow as attorney for and in name and behalf of Janet
Coulter daughter daughter of the deceased John Coulter late
Provost of Glasgow to the ground of the lands after described
and there the said attorney produced a disposition in Security
dated the twenty fifth day of December one thousand
Seven hundred and ninety nine granted by John Stewart
residing in Edinburgh late Captain in His Majestys forty
ninth regiment of foot, whereby it is narrated that by Bond

granted by him of the said date with the said
disposition in security he acknowledged that upon
the term of martinmaſs one thousand seven hundred
and ninety nine notwithstanding of the date thereof he borrowed
and actually received from the said Janet
Coulter the principal sum of five hundred pounds
sterling which sum of five hundred pounds with
the lawful interest thereof from the said term of martinmaſs
one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine
till the term of payment underwritten he Bound and
obliged himself and his heirs and Succeſsors whomsoever
thankfully to content and pay to the said Janet
Coulter and her heirs and aſsigns, and that at and
against the term of whitsunday one thousand
eight Hundred with one fifth of the said seems
further in name of liquidate damages expences
and penalty in case of failure allow the said principal
sum itself and interest thereof foresaid, and
also the lawful interest thereof from and after the
said term of payment yearly termly and proportionally
during the time the said principal sum should
remain unpaid as the said bond more fully bears
and Subsuming that the said sum of five hundred
pounds was lent and advanced to the said John
Stuart by the said Janet Coulter on condition of
his granting the said disposition in security
in manner underwritten, therefore and for further
and better security to the said Jante Coulter and
here foresaids of the payment of the said sums principal
interest and penal, and without prejudice to
the personal bond above written or to any diligence
or execution competent to follow thereon but in corroboration
thereof he thereby Sold disponed conveyed &
made over from him to and in favour of the said
Janet Coulter and her foresaids not only all and whole
an annualrent or yearly interest of twenty five
pounds Sterling or such other annualrent more or
leſs as may by the law for the time after and correspond
to the said principal sum of five hundred
pounds Sterling yearly to the paid and uplifted and

taken at two terms in the year whitsunday and martinmaſs
by equal portions beginning at whitsunday one
thousand eight hundred for the half year and preceding, and
thereafter continuing in the regular payment of said interest
at the terms aforesaid with one fifth part of one terms
payment further in name of liquidate expences damages
and penalty for each failure in the regular payment of
the said interest allow the same itself furth of and
from all and whole the subjects after described But also
all and whole the subjects after described themselves viz
all and whole that low change House or dwelling house on
the south side of the close of the fore tenement of Land after mentioned
fronting the King Street of Glasgow, and on the west side
thereof as sometime poſseſsed by William Campbell &
Wright. Item that shop fore and back on the north
side of the cloſs of the said tenement as sometime
poſseſsed by Andrew Vere writer in Glasgow, Item the
highest dwelling house or third storey above the said
change house and shop of the tenement foresaid as sometime
poſseſsed by Patrick Blackburn then by the deceased
Alexander Stewart the granters father with the
haill garrets above the said highest dwelling house
or third storey with the dunghill or middenslead and
two open coal houses on the north side of the area or
cloſs at the back of said tenement Item the public brewhouse on
the southside of the said area or cloſs, and lying next
to Mains wynd, and that private brewhouse at the
back or southside of the said public brewhouse Item these
two high cellars and two sunk cellars under the said
high cellars, on the east side of the said private brewhouse,
and whose entry is from without the said area
and closs by a paſsage from the said close, and entry
of four feet breadth on the southside of the said private
brewhouse and cellars being all parts and portions of the
after designed John Craig his tenement of land high and
laigh back and fore with closs and pertinents lying on
the west side of Kings street of Glasgow, and built on
the northmost part of four Hundred and eighty one
ells square of ground disponed by the Magistrates and
Town Council of Glasgow in favour of the deceased John
Craig Wright late baillie of Glasgow father of the said
John Craig merchant in Glasgow, and which tenement of
land is bounded by a part of the said ground [re] disponed
by the said John Craig merchant to the Magistrates and

Town Council of Glasgow on the south, Mains wynd on the
west, the tenement of land built by Archiband Allison and
William Colquhoun thereafter belonging to Walter Sterling
and others on the north, and the said Kings street on the
east parts together with all right and title to said subjects
all in real security to the said Janet Coulter and
her foresaids of the payment of the said principal sum
of five hundred pounds sterling interest and penalty above
written, and of all sums of money which might be debursed
by the said Janet Coulter and her foresaid
in obtaining themselves inſeſt in the said subjects
making neceſsary repairs thereon paying the public burdens
affecting the same insuring the subjects against
loſses by fire or in any other way in relation to the premises
with the interest of such sums from the time of debursement,
and these sums whole and together, in one
sum upon the said term of whitsunday eighteen hundred
or on any other term of whitsunday or martinmaſs
thereafter, within the sheriff Clerks office in Glasgow
betwixt the hours of ten and Seven o' clock forenoon
but on premonition of such redemption to be made
by the said John Stewart or his foresaids to the said
Janet Coulter and her foresaids personally or at their
dwelling places in presence of a Notary, and witneſses
as use is forty days preceding the time at which such
redemption is to be made, and in case of their absence or
refusal to accept the said sums, then by consignation
thereof with a sponsible banking Company in Glasgow
to be made furth coming at the peril of the consigner,
upon payment or Consignation of which sums
the said Janet Coulter and her foresaids should
be obliged at the said John Stewarts expences to
grant all writings neceſsary for reinvesting him and his
foresaids in the said subjects in the most ample and
valid manner with warrandui from fact and deed only
But providing always as it is by the said disposition
in security expreſsly provided and declared that

in case the whole or any part of the said sums principal
interest and penal should be remaining unpaid at the
term of martinmaſs one thousand eight hundred and three
then and in that case the clause of reversion above written
should without any declarator or order of law cease and
so ipso become void and null as in the said event the
said John Stewart thereby Sold disponed conveyed and
made over from him to and in favour of the said Janet
Coulter, and her foresaids heritably and irredeemably all
and whole the subjects before described with the writings
thereof, and the rents mails and duties of the same and
all right and title thereto to the end that the said Janet
Coulter and her foresaids might sell as they are thereby
empowered to do any time after the term of Martn. one thousand eight hundred & three without the consent of the said John Stuart
and his foresaids and without any declarator or
order of law to sell and dispose of the said subjects by
public roup in Glasgow after due advertisements being
made in any of the Glasgow newspapers once a week
for six weeks successively before the roup at such price
as the same would bring to receive and discharge the
price and grant all writings neceſsary for conveying the
same to the purchaser and his heirs and aſsigns in
the most ample and valid manner binding the said
John Stewart and his foresaids in absolute warrandui
and to apply the price thereof and what rents might be recovered
in the first place in payment of the expence
of levying these rents, and of the said advertisements
and Sale, and of expecting the writings following thereon
[neset] in payment of the said principal sum and interest
and penalties or other sums that the said Janet Coulter
and her foresaids might deburse as aforesaid, and lastly
the said Janet Coulter and her aforesaids should account for
and pay the remainder if any be to the said John Stewart
and his foresaids declaring that any right or Conveyance
of the said Subjects or any part thereof to be granted by
the said Janet Coulter and her aforesaids after the said
term of martinmaſs eighteen hundred and three should be
equally good and sufficient to the purchaser and his heirs as
if the same were granted by the said John Stewart and his
foresaids, and inſeſtments thereon at and preceding the said
disposition in security, and the said John Stewart obliged
him and his foresaids to ratify and Confirm the same
whenever desired declaring that the purchase of the said

subjects should have no right to see to the application
of the price, but should pay the same to the said Janet
Coulter and her foresaids whose receipt should be a sufficient
voucher for the same, and which application of
the price or any objections which the said John Stewart
or his foresaids might have to the regularity of said
advertisements and sale should be merely personal
questions between him and the said Janet Coulter
and his and her foresaids in no respect affecting
the said subjects, and with which the purchaser
should have no right to interfere as the said disposition
in security continuing Prory of resignation and
other clauses bears, and upon the ground of the
said lands appeared James Miller one of the officers
of the said city of Glasgow who as procurator specially
constituted by the granter of said disposition
in Security as was made known to the
said bailie and me notary public by the letters
of procuratory therein contained did resign
and Surrender all and whole the said annualrent
of twenty five pounds sterling at present offering on
such other annualrent as might by law offeir
and correspond to the said principal sum of five
hundred pounds sterling yearly to be paid or uplifted
and taken at two terms in the year whitsunday
and Martinmaſs by equal portions (beginning) and
with penalty in case of failure before mentioned furth
and from all and whole the respective lands and other
heretages before described lying and bounded as aforesaid
and also all and whole the said lands and other heretages
before described themselves In the hands of the
said baillie by delivering to him staff and baton as use
is in favour and for new inſeſtment thereof to be
granted to the said Janet Coulter not only in real
security to the said Janet Coulter and her foresaids of
the payment of the sums principal interest and penal
above specified and in that case redeemable as aforesaid,
but also to the above end and intent that the
absolute and irredeemable property of the said subjects
might be vested in the person of the said Janet

Coulter and her foresaids so as they might have full power and authority
notwithstanding the clause of reversion above written to
sell dispose of, and convey the same absolutely and irredeemably
in the event in the manner and for the purposes before mentioned
which resignation being so made admitted and received
by the said baillie he by virtue of his office and at request of
procurator Gave and delivered heretable Inſeſtment State and
Seisin real actual and corporal poſseſsion of all and whole
the foresaid annualrent or such other annualrent as by
law for the time should offeir and correspond to the said
principal sum to be paid or uplifted and taken at the
terms and with the penalty in case of failure before mentioned
forth of and from all and whole the foresaid subjects
above described and also all and whole the said
subjects before described themselves in real security as
aforesaid, but redeemable always and with power of
sale in the event in the manner and for the purposes before
mentioned to the said Janet Coulter, and that by delivering
to the said James Hall present and accepting as attorney
for her and in her name a penny money money for the
said annualrent and earth and stone of and upon the
ground of the said lands for the said lands themselves
and so did inſeſt her therein conform to the said disposition
in security and procuratory of resignation therein contained
in all points saving all mens rights, whereupon
and upon all and sundry the premises the said James
Hall Attorney foresaid required instruments under the
hands of me the said Notary - These things were so
done at and upon the ground of the said lands betwixt
the hours of one and three afternoon of the day month
year of God and Kings reign above written being there
present John Davidson and John Muir two of the officers
of the said city of Glasgow witneſses to the premises
specially called and required Sic Sub Et ego vero Joannes
Wilson & manu aliena & John Davidson witneſs. John Muir
Recorded 27 January 1800
I Campbell Falconer one of the four children procreated of
the marriage between the deceased John Falconer barber and
wig maker in Glasgow and Florence Macfarlane his wife acknowledge
that Margaret Falconer daughter of the said John
Falconer by the deceased Margaret Smith his first wife, and
widow of James Lang Coppersmith in Glasgow has of this date

made payment to me of the sum of twenty five pounds sterling
being the one fourth part to which I have right of the
sum of one Hundred pounds sterling which the said
John Falconer my father by Contract of Marriage executed
between him and with the consent of the said Margaret
Falconer and the said James Lang her husband of the
one part, and my mother of the other part of date the
eighth day of March one thousand seven hundred
and seventy six obliged himself and his heirs executors
and succeſsors to pay to the iſsue of the marriage
thereby contracted and also that I have in like manner
received the lawful interest of the said principal
sum of twenty five pounds sterling since the term of Martinmaſs
one thousand Seven Hundred and ninety nine
the whole prior interest thereof due since my fathers decease
having been paid to the said Florence McFarlane my mother
conformably to receipts granted by her and having been
applied by her toward my maintenance and education; of
which sum of twenty five sterling, and interest since Martinmaſs
One thousand Seven hundred and ninety nine so
paid to me I hereby Grant the receipt renouncing all objections
in the contrary and therefore I hereby Exoner
and forever discharge the said Margaret Falconer, and the
estate of the said John Falconer of the foresaid sum of twenty
five pounds sterling being the one fourth part due to me
of the said provision of one hundred pounds sterling and
of the whole interest due and to grow due thereon, and of
all claims and action competent to me for the same and
also of all share of legitim of bairns part of gear executry dead
part of any other legal provision competent to, or aclaimable
by me from my fathers subjects at and thro the diſsolution
of the marriage between him and my mother, and in whereas
by the foresaid Contract of marriage my father disponed
to and in favour of himself in liferent, and of John Campbell
of Clathic Peter Murdoch and Michael Bogle Merchants in
Glasgow, and John Craig baker and deacon conveener of
the trades of Glasgow or the major number of them accepting and
surviving as trustees, and fiduciaries for the ends and [purpose]
therein written in fee all and whole the said John Falconer

tenements of land high and laigh back and fore, and ground
adjoining or belonging thereto, part whereof was lately built upon at
his charges, and which lands are described in the rights thereof to be
All and Whole that tenement of land high and laigh back and fore
with the yeard at the back thereof lying within the territory of the burgh
of Glasgow on the west side of that wynd commonly called Lindsays
Wester Wynd of the old wynd bounded betwixt the lands of Andw. Lindsey on the south the lands sometime of
John Caldwell on the west, the lands of Mr. Archibald Dennistoun on
the north, and the said wynd on the east parts, and which lands
sometime belonged to John Cummine Maltman Burgeſs of Glasgow,
thereafter to Alexander Stewart only lawful son of the deceased John
Stewart Maltman in Glasgow by Agnes Cummine his wife, and grandson
and heir of the said John Cummine and which were acquired
by the said John Falconer from the said Alexander Stewart with fore
ish and entry thereto, and whole houses that might there after be
built thereon, and other parts pendules and pertinents thereof declaring
that the said disposition was granted under the conditions and
for the purposes therein written and particularly that the said disponees
or the major number of them or any one of them accepting
and surviving might hold the fee of the said subjects vested in
them or him in trust during the life of the said John Falconer
and untill they should divest themselves or himself thereof as underwritten,
and might immediately after the death of the said John Falconer
denude and divest themselves or himself of the premises in favour
of the said Margaret Falconer she being in life and failing her by
death in favour of the other persons therein specified, and it is thereby
declared that the dispositions and conveyances to be executed by the
said Trustees should be granted under the burden upon the disponees
therein personally and upon the said land themselves as a real burden
affecting them of the payment of the said One hundred
pounds sterling with Interest thereof and penalty in case of failure
therein mentioned, and of the other provisions therein written, and where
as the said trustees or a majority of them have since the death of
the said John Falconer executed a disposition in terms of the said
contract of marriage conveying the said Lands to the said Margaret
Falconer under the burden of the said provision of One hundred
pounds sterling with the interest and consequences, and the other
burdens specified in the said Contract And now seeing that the
foresaid sums paid to me extinguish part of the said burden of one
hundred pounds sterling Therefore I hereby declare, and acknowledge
that the said lands are freed and disburdened of the said one

hundred pounds sterling, and interest thereof to the extent of the
said sum of twenty five pounds sterling paid to me and of
the whole interest due and to grow due thereon, and to that
extent of discharge the real burden created on the said lands
by the foresaid contract of Marriage, and the subsequent disposition
by the said trustees to the said Margaret Falconer
and her inſeſtment following thereon and oblige myself my heirs and
succeſsors to warrant these presents at all hands Consenting to
the registration hereof in the Books of Council and Seſsion
or others competent for preservation, and in the record of
Sasines, and other real rights for the burgh of Glasgow
for publication, and for that purpose Constituting " "
" " " " [Prors] In witneſs where of these presents
written upon this and the two preceding pages of
stamped paper by John Wright apprentice to Alexander
Parke senior writer in Glasgow are subscribed by me
at Glasgow the twenty fifth day of January one thousand
eight Hundred before these witneſses Quentin Bowman teacher
in Glasgow Robert Dudgeon Accountant there, Robert Brown
portioner of Brownfield of Westmuir, and the said John
Wright (sic Sub.) By special mandate of the said Campbell
Falconer who declares that she cannot write and in testimony
of the said mandate touches the pen we Robert King and
Alexander Park notaries public and Conotaries required
in the premises subscribe for her; the foregoing deed having
been previously read over to her in the presence of us and
the witneſses before named Robert King S. P. Alexander
Park S. P. Quintin Bowman Witneſs Robt Dudgeon
Witneſs, Robert Brown witneſs John Wright Witneſs.
Recorded 31st Jany. 1800
Crawford to M Caul
In the name of God amen Know all men by this
public instrument that upon the thirty first day of January
In the year of God One thousand eight hundred, and of
the reign of our Sovereign George the third by the grace of God
King of Great Britain France and Ireland defender of the
faith the fortieth year In presence of me Notary public
and Witneſses subscribing Compeared personally an honourable
man James Black Esquire one of the baillies of the city
and burgh of Glasgow and paſsed with and at desire of

Thomas Ballingal clerk to William Lindsay writer in Glasgow
as attorney for, and in name and behalf of John MCaul Merchant
in Glasgow to the ground of the lands after described and there
the said attorney produced a Feu contract dated the eighth day
of September One thousand Seven hundred and ninety Seven
entered into between Andrew Crawford Merchant in Glasgow and
John Walkinshaw Mason in Glasgow on the one and other
part, whereby for the causes therein mentioned the said Andrew
Crawford Granted alienated and disponed to the said John
Walkinshaw, and his heirs and disponees heretably and irredeemably
inter alia All and Whole these three acres two
roods thirty one falls, and thirteen ells of ground being a
part of the lands of Wester Common lying in the territory of
the burgh of Glasgow and bounded as follows viz by part
of the lands of Kappoch hill sometime belonging to the said
Andrew Crawford on the east by other parts of the lands
of Kippoch hill belonging to Lord Blantyre upon the north
by a thorn hedge and row of trees, which separate the above
from the other lands belonging to the said Andrew Crawford
and which was to become a mean property between the
parties upon the south but with and under the reservation to the community
of the burgh of Glasgow of the stone quarries and Coal
within the said lands, and power of working the same
as specified in the Feu Contract thereto relative dated the
eighteenth day of June Seventeen hundred and thirty and
as explained by subsequent acts of Council and of the
heritage to the Town of Glasgow mills as mentioned in the
said Contract, But the said subjects were disponed with
and under the burden as the said John Walkinshaw by
the said Feu Contract bound and Obliged himself and his
heirs executors and succeſsors whomsoever to make payment to
the said Andrew Crawford and his foresaids of the sum of
eleven pounds five shillings sterling of Ground annual yearly
at the term of Martinmaſs yearly beginning the first years
payment of the said ground annual at the term of Martinmaſs
then next for the year preceding and so forth yearly
thereafter in all time coming with two pounds five shillings
like money of penalty for each years failure in payment of
the said ground annual, and the lawful interest thereof from
and after the respective terms of payment during the not payment
of the same as the said feu Contract containing Procuratory of

resignation and other clauses bears to which subjects and
procuratory of resignation contained in the said Feu Contract
the said John McCaul had right by disposition and aſsignation
dated the fifth day of May One thousand Seven
hundred and ninety nine granted in his favour by the said
John Walkinshaw which disposition and aſsignation was
likewise produced and shown to the said baillie, and me notary
public, and upon the ground of the said land,
appeared Archibald Turner one of the officers of the said
city of Glasgow who as procurator specially constituted by
the said Andrew Crawford as was made known to
the said baillie and me notary public by the letters of prory contained in
the foresaid Feu Contract did resign & Surrender
the foresaid three acres two roods thirty one falls and
thirteen ells of land before described part of the foresaid
lands of wester Common lying bounded and described as
aforesaid In the hands of the said baillie by delivering
to him staff and baton as use is In favor and for
new Inſeſtment thereof to be given to the said John
McCaul in due form but always with and under
the burden of the payment to the said Andrew
Crawford and his foresaids of the foresaid sum of
Eleven pounds five shillings sterling of ground annual
of the term of Martinmass yearly with two
pounds five shillings like money of penalty for
each years failure in the payment thereof, and
the lawful interest of the said ground Annual from
and after the respective terms of payment during the
not payment of the same, and which ground Annual
is in the said Feu Contract declared to be a real
burden affecting the foresaid lands, and as such is
thereby appointed to be engroſsed in the inſeſment to
follow thereupon and in All the subsequent transmiſsions
and Inſeſtments of the said lands otherwise the same to
be void and null, and likewise under the conditions
reservations and heritage before mentioned which resignation
being so made admitted and received by the said
baillie, he by virtue of his office and at request of the
said procurator Gave and delivered heretable

inſeſtment state and Seisin real actual and Corporal poſeſsion
of all and whole the subjects so disponed and resigned but
always with and under the burden of the payment of the
foresaid ground rent penalty payable therefore in case of
failure and interest thereof as aforesaid, and likewise under
the conditions reservations and heritage before mentioned to
the said John McCaul and that by delivering to the said
Thomas Ballingal present and accepting as attorney for
him and in his name earth and stone of and upon the
ground of the said lands, and so did inſeſt him therein
conform to the said Feu Contract Prory of resignation therein
contained and the said disposition and aſsignation in
all points Saving all mens rights, whereupon and upon
all and sundry the premises the said Thomas Ballingal attorney
foresaid required instruments under the hands of me
the said notary. These things were so done at and upon
the ground of the said lands betwixt the hours of one and
three afternoon of the day month year of God and Kings reign
above written being there present John Davidson and
William Watson two of the officers of the said City of Glasgow
Witneſses to the premiſes specially called and required
(sic sub.) Et ego vero Joannes Wilson & manu aliena
&c. John Davidson Witneſs, John Muir Witneſs
Recorded 31st January 1800
Morrison & Burns to Morrison
In the name of God Amen Know all men by this
public instrument of Seisine that upon the thirty first
day of January in the year of God One thousand eight
hundred and of the reign of our Sovereign George the third
by the grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland
defender of the faith the fortieth year In presence
of me Notary Public and witneſses subscribing Compeared
personally an honourable man James Black Esquire one of
the baillies of the city and burgh of Glasgow and paſsed with
and at desire of John Morrison Wright in Glasgow to the ground
of the lands after described, and there the said John Morrison
produced a disposition dated the nineteenth day of october one
thousand Seven hundred and ninety Seven years granted by
James Morrison and James Burns both Wrights in Glasgow whereby
for the causes therein mentioned they Sold alienated heritably
and irredeemably disponed and Conveyed from them their heirs
and succeſsors to and in favour of the said John Morrison his
heirs or aſsignees all and whole the ground stone being the first
storey above the cellars of that new large tenement of land fronting
Argyle street, and Queen street lately built by the said

James Morrison and James Burns, which ground storey
so disponed consists of four shops and dwelling houses
behind together with five cellars below all as then poſseſsed by
William Scot, James Mcalpine and Company William Wingate
and Robert Campbell, and which tenement of land was
built by the grantees upon all and whole that plot of ground
consisting of five hundred and forty three square yards and
seven feet more or leſs at the foot of Queen Street of Glasgow,
Bounded the said plot by Queen Street on the east along
which it measures ninety one feet or thereby by the lands
sold to the deceased Alexander McKie merchant in Glasgow,
along which it measures ninety four feet two inches or thereby
on the west, by Argyle street on the south along which it
measures fifty two feet or thereby and by the lands sold by
Walter Nelson merchant in Glasgow to John McKenzie on the
north parts now belonging to John Riddell merchant along
which it measures fifty one feet nine inches or thereby which
plot of ground was acquired by the granters from John Lang
Writer in Glasgow trustee for the creditors of the said Walter
Neilson with his consent along with an old malt kiln or
barn built on part thereof and since taken down by them and
as the said plot of ground was then described in a Decreet
of Sinning, of the Dean of Guild Court of Glasgow at the
instance of the said Walter Nelson of date the twenty
eight day of January Seventeen hundred and ninety Six
to which reference was had and which was part and
portion of all and haill these eight riggs of land being
croft land with the malt kiln and house and loft at
the same lying in that croft called Pillons croft extending
to three acres of land or thereby lying in the territory of
the burgh of Glasgow bounded as specified in the title
deeds thereof but declaring as it is by the said desposition
expreſsly provided and declared that the said John
Morrison and the tenants and poſseſsors of the said subjects
thereby conveyed should be obliged to carry their whole
[fulzie] and ashes to the common middenstead of said
tenement, and that the said [fulzie] and ashes should
belong to the said James Morrison and James Burns and

their succeſsors as proprietors of the said middens lead in all
time coming together with all right and title to said subjects
as the said disposition containing Procuratory of resignation
and other clauses bears, and upon the ground of the
said lands appeared Archibald Turner one of the officers of the
said city of Glasgow who as procurator specially constituted by
the granters of the said disposition as was made known to the
said baillie and me notary public by the letters of procuratory
therein contained did resign and Surrender the foresaid ground
storey of the tenement of land above described consisting as a foresaid
with the cellar's so disponed lying and described as above
written in the hands of the said baillie by delivering to him
staff and baton as use is in favour and for new Inſeſtment
thereof to be granted to the said John Morrison in due form,
but always with and under the declaration above written
which resignation being so made admitted and received by the
said Baillie he by virtue of his office and at request of the said
procurator Gave and delivered heretable inſeſtment state and
seisin real actual and corporal poſseſsion of all and whole the
subjects so disponed and resigned, but always with and under
the declaration above written to the said James Morrison present &
accepting, and that by delivering to him earth and stone of and
upon the ground of the said lands and so did inſeſt him
therein conformably to the said disposition and procuratory of
resignation therein contained in all points Saving all mens
rights whereupon and upon all and sundry the premises the
said John Morrison required instruments under the hands of
me the said Notary These things were so done at and upon
the ground of the said lands betwixt the hours of one and
three afternoon of the day month year of God and Kings
reign above written being here present Peter McMillan
and John Muir two of the officers of the said City of Glasgow
witneſses to the premises specially called and required (Sic
sub.) Et ego vero Joannes Wilson &c. manu aliena &c. John Muir Witneſs,
Peter McMillan Witneſs.
Recorded 3d February 1800
Adam to Kay
In the name of God Amen Know all men by this public Instrument
that upon the third day of February In the year of God
One thousand eight hundred and of the reign of our Sovereign
George the third by the grace of God King of Great Britain France
and Ireland defender of the faith the fortieth year In

presence of me notary public and witneſses subscribing Compeared
personally an honourable man John Morrison Esquire one of
the baillies of the city and burgh of Glasgow and paſsed with
and at desire of Robert Stewart clerk to Peter Peterson writer
in Glasgow as attorney for and in name and behalf of John
Kay wright in Glasgow To the ground of the lands after
described, and there the said attorney produced a disposition
dated the twenty-first day of January One thousand
eight hundred granted by John Adam Vintner in Glasgow
whereby it is narrated that he sometime ago acquired
right to the lot of ground after described from Samuel
Smith Rene Payne George Smith and John Smith barbers
in London co-partners under the firm of Smith Payne
and Smiths conform to disposition thereof by them with
consent of Robert Smith Architect John Thomson Merchant,
and Archibald Graham banker in Glasgow
in the said John Adams favour dated the twentieth
and twenty fourth of February Seventeen hundred and
ninety eight That since acquiring right to the said
steading it had been agreed upon believed the said
John Kay and him the said John Adam that he
the said John Kay should build and finish for him
a tenement of land and offices on part of the said
steading for which the said John Adam should pay
to him a certain sum of money and convey to him
these parts of the said tenement after described, and
Subsuming that in conformity to the said agreement
the said John Kay had carried up and finished
the outer walls of the said tenement and roofed
the same in and was proceeding in compleating and
finishing the other parts of the said building in terms
of their said agreement, and that he was in the meantime
desirous that the said John Adam should grant in his
favour the said disposition as underwritten which he
was willing to do; therefore he thereby in implement pro
[tanto] of the foresaid agreement Sold alienated and heritably
and irredeemably disponed and Conveyed from him to and
in favour of the said John Kay his heirs and disponees

whomever all and whole the three uppermost flats or storeys of
the foresaid tenement of land with the small sunk cellar under
the stair case of the said tenement and the other three southmost
back sunk cellars lying to the south of the said stair case
and entering from the sunk area with free ish and entry
thereto by the common stair case, and by the said sunk area
which bounds the said cellars on the east together with the
use and priviledge of the pump well in the back closs on
the north side of the stair case of the said tenement and of
the office house and dunghill adjoining, which tenement is
situated on part of all and whole the foresaid lott of ground lying
on the west side of Brunswick Street within the burgh
of Glasgow containing two hundred and Sixty Seven Square
Yards and five feet or thereby and bounded by the said street
on the east along which it extends fifty feet or thereby by
other grounds belonging to the said Samuel Smith Rene Payne
George Smith, and John Smith on the north, along which it
extends forty eight feet four inches or thereby by the tenements
and ground behind the same partly belonging to Ichabod
Wright of Nottingham Esquire, and partly to John Burnside
of Nottingham on the west along which it extends fifty feet or
thereby, and by the tenement of Land belonging to the said
Ichabod Wright with the cloſs behind the same on the south
along which it extends forty eight feet or thereby which
lot of ground above described is past and portion of
that yeard or piece of garden ground lying on the north
side of Trongate street of Glasgow with the acre of land at
the back of the same in the croft called Long croft which
was acquired by the said Robert Smith from Robert
Lee Merchant in Greenock together with all right and title
thereto, but the said disposition was granted and the said
subjects disponed to the said John Kay and his foresaids
with and under the burdens of supporting the roof of the
said tenement, and keeping the same in proper order and repair
in all time coming, as also of their being at one half of the
expence of keeping in like good order and repair the foresaid
pump well and the pavement in the back close of the said tenement,
and the foresaid office houses and dunghill

to which dunghill he should be bound to carry and lay
down the whole dung ashes and [fulzie] to be made in the
subjects so disponed in time coming, and also with and
under the following burdens and conditions viz. that the
said John Kay and his foresaids should be obliged to bear
one half of the expence of laying and maintaining a free stone
pavement of twelve feet broad along the front of the said steading
that the buildings to be erected thereon should line [with]
Brunswick street, and the fronts there of to the street should
be of ashler work and the said buildings should be four
square stories and no more in height, and that none of
the buildings on the said steading either back or fore
should be covered with thatch, and lastly that it should
not be lawful to nor in the power of the said John Kay
or his heirs or aſsigns or the tenants and poſseſsors of
the foresaid subjects to carry on upon any part of the
said ground any busineſs of tanning of leather making
of candle soap or glue making or preparing of
vitriol or [cutbear] to erect any glaſsworks breweries distilleries
sugar houses founderies or smelting houses of
iron brass lead or any other metals or forges for making
cast or bar iron or anchors or any other large or
bulky articles or utensils of iron or any other metals or
to exercise any of these trades or occupations upon all
or any part of the said ground, or to make bricks or
tyles on any part of the said grounds excepting for
their own use and alter only for building on the
said ground and in general that it should not be
lawful to nor in the power of the said John Kay
or his foresaids to erect any building or to exercise
any trade or occupation on the subjects so disponed that
should be hurtful nauseous or noxious to the houses and inhabitants
in their neighbourhood, which declarations provisions
and restrictions above written were by the said
disposition appointed to be inserted in the instrument of
sasine to follow thereon and in all the future transmiſsions
and inſeſtments of the sd subjects as real burdens on the same otherwise
the said transmiſsions and inſeſtments should be void

and null as the said disposition containing procuratory of
resignation and other clauses bears, and upon the ground of the
said lands appeared John Grahame one of the officers of the said
city of Glasgow who was procurator specially constituted by the granter
of the said disposition as was made known to the said baillie
and me Notary public by the Sellers of procuratory therein contained
did Resign and Surrender all and whole the foresaid
subjects so disponed lying bounded and described in manner
particularly above written In the hands of the said
baillie by delivering to him staff and baton as use is
In favour and for new Inſeſtment thereof to be given and
granted to the said John Kay in due form, but always
with and under the burdens restrictions conditions, and others
aforesaid which resignation being so made admitted and received
by the said baillie, he by virtue of his office and at
request of the said procurator gave and delivered heretable
inſeſtment state and seasine real actual and corporal poſseſsion
of all and whole the subjects so disponed and resigned but
always with and under the burdens restrictions conditions
and others foresaid to the said John Kay, and that by delivering
to the said Robert Stewart present and accepting as
attorney for him and in his name earth and stone of and
upon the ground of the said lands, and so did inſeſt him
therein conform to the said disposiion and procuratory of
resignation therein contained in all points Saving all mens
rights whereupon and upon all and sundry the premiſses the
said Robert Stewart attorney foresaid required instruments under
the hands of me the said notary these things were so done
at and upon the ground of the said lands betwixt the
hours of one and three afternoon of the day month year of God
and Kings reign above written, being there present John Muir
and James Miller two of the officers of the said city of Glasgow
witneſses to the premiſses specially called and required Sic Sub.
Et ego vero Joannes Wilson &c. manu aliena, John Muir Witneſs
James Miller Witneſs
Recorded 3d February 1800
In the name of God amen Know all men by this public
instrument that upon the third day of February, in the year of
God One thousand eight hundred and of the reign of our Sovereign

George the third by the grace of God King of Great Britain
France and Ireland defender of the faith the fortieth year In
presence of me Notary public and witneſses subscribing Compeared
personally an honourable man John Morrison Esquire
one of the Baillies of the city and Burgh of Glasgow and
paſsed with and at desire of Robert Stewart clerk to
Peter Peterson writer in Glasgow as attorney for and in
name and behalf of Joseph Bain Coach Master in Glasgow
to the ground of the lands after described and there the
said attorney produced an heretable bond dated the twenty
eight day of January One thousnd Eight Hundred granted
by John Kay Wright in Glasgow whereby he acknowledged
to have borrowed upon the date thereof from the said Joseph
Bain the sum of eight Hundred pounds sterling which
sum the said John Kay Bound and obliged him & his
succeſsors to repay the said Joseph Bain and his
succeſsors whomever at the term of Candlemaſs one
thousand eight hundred and one with the lawful interest
thereof from the date of the said heretable Bond
till payment, and a fifth part more of penalty in
case of failure and for the further security to the
said Joseph Bain and his foresaids of the payment
of the foresaid principal sum interest and penalty
and without prejudice of the above personal obligation
or of any diligence whatever to follow therein
but in corroboration thereof the said John Kay
by the said heretable Bond Sold alienated and disponed
from him and his foresaids to and in favour
of the said Joseph Bain, and his aforesaids
heretably but under reversion as after mentioned
and also heritably and irredeemably for the purpose of
a Sale as after written all and whole the three
uppermost flatts or storeys of that tenement of land
with the small sunk cellar under the stair case
of the said tenement, and the three southmost back sunk
cellars lying to the south of the stair case, and entering
from the sunk area with free ish and entry thereto by the
common stair case and by the said sunk area which
bounds the said cellars on the east together with the
use and priviledge of the pump well in the back closs

on the north side of the stair case of the said tenement
and of the office house and dunghill adjoining, which tenement
is situated on part of all and whole that lot of ground on
the west side of Brunswick street within the burgh of
Glasgow containing two hundred and Sixty Seven square
yards and five feet or thereby and bounded by the said
street on the east alongst which it extends fifty feet or
thereby by other grounds belonging to Samuel Smith Rene
Paye George Smith, and John Smith on the north, along
which it extends forty eight feet four inches or thereby, by
the tenement and ground behind the same partly belonging
to Ichabod Wright Esquire of Nottingham, and partly to John
Burnside of Nottingham on the west along which it extends
fifty feet or thereby and by the tenement of land belonging
to the said Ichabod Wright with the close behind
the same on the south along which it extends forty eight
feet or thereby, which lot of ground above described is
part and portion of that yeard or piece of garden ground
lying on the north side of the Trongate street of Glasgow
with the acre of land at the back of the same in the
croft called Long Croft which was acquired by Robert Smith
from Robert Lee Merchant in Greenock together with all right
and title thereto But the said Subjects were disponed to
the said Joseph Bain and his foresaids with and
under the burden of supporting the roof of the said
tenement, and keeping the same in proper order and repair
in all time coming. As also of their being at one
half of the expence of keeping in the like good order and
repair the foresaid pump well, and the pavement in the back
closs of the said tenement and the foresaid office house and
dunghill to which dunghill they should be bound to carry
and lay down the whole dung ashes and [fulzie] to be made
in the subjects so disponed in time coming, and also with
and under the following burdens and conditions to wit
that the said Joseph Bain and his foresaid should be obliged
to be at one half of the expence of laying and maintaining
a free stone pavement of twelve feet broad, along the
front of the steading that the building to be erected thereon
should line with Brunswick street, and the fronts

thereof to the street should be of ashler work, and the said
buildings should be four square stories and no more in
height, and that none of the buildings on the said steadding
either back or fore should be covered with thatch
and lastly that it should not be lawful to nor in the
power of the said Joseph Bain or his heirs or aſsignees or
the tenants or poſseſsors of the foresaid subjects to carry
on upon any part of the said ground any busineſs of
tanning of leather making of candle soap or glue making
or preparing of vitriol or [cutbear] to erect any glaſswork
breweries or distilleries Sugar houses founderies or smelling
houses of iron braſs lead or any other metals or forges
for making cast or bar iron or anchors or any other
large or bulky articles or utensils of iron or any other
metals or to exercise any of these trades or occupations upon
all or any part of the said grounds or to make any bricks
or tyles on any part of the said grounds excepting for their
own use and allenarly for building on the said ground
and in general that it should not be lawful to nor
in the power of the said Joseph Bain or his foresaids
to erect any buildings or to exercise any trade or occupation
on the subjects so disponed that might be hurtful
nauseous or noxious to the houses and inhabitants in
their neighbourhood which declarations provisions and
restrictions above written by the said heretable bond appointed
to be inserted in the Instrument of Seasine to follow
thereon and in all the future transmiſsions and Inſeſtments
of the said subjects as real burdens on the same
otherwise the said transmiſsions, and inſeſtments should be
void and null In real security to the said Joseph Bain and
his foresaids of the payment of the foresaid principal sum
interest and penalty with all expences to be debursed respecting
the premiſses, and interest thereof as aftermentioned But the said
John Kay by the said heretable bond declared that the
foresaid subjects should be redeemable by him or his foresaids
by making payment to the said Joseph Bain or his foresaid
of the foresaid principal sum interest thereof and penalties of
incurred expence of establishing their rights in the

premises obtaining inſeſtment defending their right, levying the rents
mails and duties paying public & parish burdens, and other expence relating to
the premises with interest of these debursements from the respective terms
of debursing thereof, as the amount and dates of debursement should
be sufficiently liquidated and proved by the account and oath
of the deburser, and by such account alone in case of his death Secluding
all other proof, and these all together in one principal sum
at Candlemaſs one thousand eight hundred and one or at any term of
whitsunday or martinmaſs thereafter, the place of redemption being
the Town Clerks Chamber of Glasgow between the hours of twelve
midday and one in the afternoon upon due premonition of such redemption
to the said Joseph Bain or his aforesaid personally or at
their dwelling places of if forth of Scotland at the Market croſs
of Edinburgh Pier and shore of Leith in presence of a Notary
and witneſses forty days preceding the term at which redemption
is intended and in case of absence or refusal of the money
by consignation thereof in any responsible Bank in Glasgow to
be made furthcoming free of all charges on the consigners peril
for using which redemption a copy of the said heretable bond or of
the inſeſtment thereon should be as sufficient as Letters of reversion
executed by the said Joseph Bain, and upon payment or consignation
as aforesaid he and his aforesaid should be bound to grant all writings
neceſsary for reinvesting the said John Kay and his aforesaid
in the foresaid subjects upon his charges with warrandui from fact
and deed, and it is [deel] area that in case the said principal
sum interest thereof charges foresaid and penalties of incurred be
not paid up to the said Joseph Bain or his aforesaid on or
before Candlemaſs one thousand eight hundred and one then
the said clause of reversion should be void and null without
the neceſsity of any declaration and it should be lawful and
competent to, and the said John Kay by the said heretable bond
authorized and empowered the said Joseph Bain or his aforesaid
at any time thereafter to Sell the foresaid subjects by public roup
in Glasgow on six weeks notice by two or more advertisements
made at intervals during the said Six weeks in any two or more
of the Glasgow newspapers under the proper and usual conditions
and to grant the neceſsary conveyance to the purchaser binding
the said John Kay and his aforesaid in absolute warrandui and
to apply the price first in the charges of the said Sale and

conveyances, next with changes of prosecuting or defending the
said heretable bond and Securing and presenting the premises next
in payment of the interest and lastly in payment of the said principal
sum itself, and the residue if any to be paid to the said
Joseph Kay or his aforesaid, declaring that the purchaser should
have no concern with the application of the price but that, that
application and any objection respecting the said Advertisements
and Sale should be personal questions between the said John
Kay and his aforesaid and the said Joseph Bain and
his foresaids in no respect affecting the said subjects or
the purchasers thereof, and the said John Kay declared the
said power of Sale to be a real quality and condition of
the said heretable bond which should not determine upon
his death but should thereafter remain effectual to the said
Joseph Bain and his aforesaid as the said heretable bond
containing procuratory of resignation and other clauses bears
and upon the ground of the said lands appeared John Grahame
one of the officers of the said city of Glasgow who as procurator
specially constituted by the granter of the said heretable bond
as was made known to the said baillie and me Notary public
by the letters of procuratory therein contained did resign
and Surrender all and whole the foresaids subjects described
as aforesaid, but with and under the declarations
provisions and restrictions aforesaid and redeemable as
above mentioned, and also irredeemable for the purpose
of a sale as aforesaid in the hands of the said
baillie by delivering to him staff and baton as use
is in favour and for new Inſeſtment thereof to be given
and granted to the said Joseph Bain in due form,
which resignation being made admitted and received by
the said baillie, he by virtue of his office and at request
of the said procurator Gave and delivered heretable inſeſtment
state and Seasine real actual and Corporal
poſeſsion of all and whole the subjects so disponed
and resigned, but with and under the declarations provisions
and restrictions aforesaid, and redeemable as above
mentioned, and also irredeemable for the purpose of a Sale
in the manner and to the effect foresaid to the said

Joseph Bain, and that by delivering to the said Robert Stewart
present and accepting as attorney for him and in his name earth
and stone of and upon the ground of the said lands and so did
inſeſt him therein conform to the said heretable bond and procuratory
of resignation therein contained in all points Saving all
mens rights whereupon and upon all and sundry the premises
the said Robert Stewart attorney foresaid required instruments
under the hands of me the said notary These things were so done
at and upon the ground of the said lands betwixt the
hours of one and three afternoon of the day month year of
God and Kings reign above written being there present John
Muir, and James Miller two of the officers of the said city
of Glasgow witneſses to the premises specially called and
required Sic Sub: Et ego vero Joannes Wilson &c manu aliena
John Muir Witneſs, James Miller Witneſs.
Recorded 4th February 1800
In the name of God Amen Know all men by this public Instrument
that upon the fourth day of February In the year of
God one thousand eight hundred and of the reign of our Sovereign
George the third by the grace of God King of Great Britain France
and Ireland defender of the faith the fortieth year, In presence of
me notary public and witneſses subscribing compeared personally
an honourable man John Morrison Esquire one of the baillies of
the city and Burgh of Glasgow and paſsed with and at desire
of James King apprentice to John Scales Writer in Glasgow as attorney
for and in name and behalf of Margaret Lawson daughter
of the deceased James Lawson Flesher in Glasgow to the ground
of the lands after described, and there the said attorney produced a
disposition and Settlement dated the twenty third day of April
One thousand and Seven hundred and ninety eight and recorded
in the Commiſsary Court books of Glasgow the twenty ninth day of
October one thousand Seven hundred and ninety nine granted by
the said James Lawson whereby for the reasons therein mentioned
the said James Lawson Gave Granted aſsigned disponed and
made over to and in favour of the said Margaret Lawson his
youngest daughter All and haill that house or tenement of land
consisting of four [storries] and flatts with the [pertinents] lying in
the new wynd of Glasgow on the east side thereof and immediately
on the north side of the church in said wynd, as the
same are more particularly bounded and described in his

disposition thereto granted in his favour by George Nisbet of
[Caernhill] of date the day of with free
ish and entry to the same upon which disposition the said
James Lawson was Inſeſt conform to his Instrument of Seasine
date and recorded in the Town Court books of Glasgow
the eighth day of July one thousand seven hundred and sixty
Six, likewise produced and shewn to the said baillie
and me notary public, and in which the said subjects
are described as follows viz all and haill that tenement
of land high and laigh back and fore lying within the
Burgh of Glasgow sometime pertaining to the deceased
William Wilson Shoemaker in Glasgow on the east
side of Lindsays Easter wynd bounded betwixt the
lands of Walter Douglaſs on the north, mains wynd on
the east, the lands of Constantine Miller on the south and
the said wynd called Lindsays Easter wynd on the east
parts But providing always and declaring as it is by the
said disposition and Settlement expreſsly provided and
declared and Ordained to be engroſsed in all conveyances
prorys or Inſeſtments of said lands to follow thereon other
ways the same to be void and null that the same was
granted, and to be accepted by the said James Lawsons
disponees therein mentioned with and under the burdens
conditions provisions and declarations after written In the
first place he thereby reserved to himself the liferent use and
disposal of the whole or any part of the said subjects and
others therein mentioned both real and personal during all
the days and years of his life and full power at any
time therein or even upon deathbed to alter innovate
and cancel the said disposition and settlement in whole
or in any part or otherways burden the same as he
should think proper; but in case of no alteration the same
should have the full force and effect of a delivered evident
to all intents and purposes any law or practice to the contrary
notwithstanding even altho' found lying by him at the time
of his death, Likewise his said disponees should be bound
burdened and affected with the payment of all his just and
lawful debts sick bed and funeral charges in a decent manner
as also they and the subjects before described, and the others
mentioned in the said disposition and Settlement should be

burdened with and obliged to pay the persons after named and designed
the sums of money after mentioned in manner after directed
viz. In the first place Alexander Lawson son of the said James
Lawson and the said Margaret Lawson should each of them make
payment to David Lawson Soldier in the twenty ninth Regiment of
Dragoons then in or on his way to the East Indies, and that
upon the first term of whitsunday after his arrival in Scotland of
the sum of ten pounds sterling with the lawful interest of said expective
sums from said term of payment ay and untill payment with
a fifth part farther of said principal sum of penalty in case of
failure therein but in case of his decease, and not coming to
Scotland that the said Margaret and Alexander Lawson should be no
ways bound for said sums, but the same should properly belong to
themselves In the second place that the said James Lawsons disponees
named in the said disposition and Settlement jointly and Severally
should be bound to make payment to James Craig son of the
deceased Marion Lawson his daughter of the sum of one pound
sterling payable on the first term of martinmaſs or whitsunday after
his death with the lawful interest thereof till payment with one
fifth part of said principal sum further of penalty in case of failure
In the third place to Martha Lawson daughter of the deceased Thomas
Lawson the granters eldest son the sum of fifty pounds Sterling and to
John Bryce son of the deceased Jean Lawson the granters daughter the
like sum of one pound sterling, which several sums last mentioned
should likewise be payable on the first term of martinmaſs or
Whitsunday next after his decease with the lawful interest thereof
from said term ay and untill payment with one fifth part
further of said respective sums in name of penalty in case of
not punctual payment thereof reserving also the granters son James
Lawson his eight day clock and desk, and it is by the said
disposition and settlement declared that none of his disponees
therein named should be at liberty at any time to Sell wadset or
otherwise dispose of the said subjects before and therein mentioned
or any part thereof during their lifetimes as the said disposition
and Settlement containing procuratory of resignation and
other clauses bears; and upon the ground of the said lands appeared
William Todd one of the officers of the said City of Glasgow
who as prior specially constituted by the granter of the said disposition
and Settlement, as was made known to the said baillie &
me Notary public by the letters of prory therein

contained did resign and Surrender all and haill the
foresaid tenement of land lying bounded and described as
before mentioned In the hands of the said baillie by delivering
to him staff and baton as use is in favour
and for new inſeſtment thereof to be given and granted to
the said Margaret Lawson in due form but with and under
the conditions burdens reservations and other before mentioned
which resignation being so made admitted and
received by the said baillie he by virtue of his office
and at request of the said procurator Gave and delivered
heretable inſeſtment state and seisin real actual and
corporal poſseſsion of all and haill the subjects so disponed
and resigned but with and under the conditions burdens
reservations and others before mentioned to the said
Margaret Lawson and that by delivering to the said James
King present and accepting as attorney for her and in her
name earth and stone of and upon the ground of the said
lands, and so did inſeſt her therein conform to the said
disposition and Settlement and procuratory of resignation
therein contained in all points Saving all mens rights
whereupon and upon all and sundry the premises the said
James King attorney foresaid required instruments under
the hands of me the said notary these things were so done
at and upon the ground of the said lands betwixt the
hours of one and three afternoon of the day month year
of God and Kings reign above written being there present
John Grahame and John Thomson two of the officers of the
said city of Glasgow Witneſses to the premiſses specially called
and required Sic Sub Et ego vero Joannes Wilson &c manu
aliena John Grahame Witneſs John Thomson Witneſs
Recorded 4 February 1800
In the name of God Amen Know all men by this public
instrument that upon the fourth day of February In
the year of God One thousand eight hundred and of the
reign of our Sovereign George the third by the grace of
God King of Great Britain France and Ireland defender
of the faith the fortieth year In presence of me notary
public and witneſses subscribing Compeared personally
an honourable man John Morrison Esquire one of the
baillies of the city and burgh of Glasgow, and paſsed with
and at desire of James King apprentice to John Scales writer
in Glasgow as attorney for and in name and behalf of

John Lawson son of the deceased James Lawson Flesher in
Glasgow to the ground of the lands after described and there the
said attorney produced a disposition and Settlement dated the
twenty third day of april one thousand Seven Hundred and
ninety eight, granted by the said deceased James Lawson whereby
for the reasons therein mentioned he gave granted aſsigned
disponed and made over to the said John Lawson these his houses
and other subjects situated and lying in the Budgegate of Glasgow
in that class there commonly (called) known by the name of Marshalls
cloſs purchased by him from John Hamilton Grocer in Glasgow as the
same are more particularly bounded and described in the disposition
granted in his favour by the said John Hamilton of date the
day of upon which disposition the said deceased
James Lawson was inſeſt conform to his Instrument of Seasine
dated and recorded in the Town Court Books of Glasgow the twenty
third day of July Seventeen hundred and Ninety and in which the
said subjects are described as follows viz. All and haill that tenement
of land high and laigh, back and fore with closs yeard and pertinents
lying upon the southside of the Bridgegate Street of Glasgow bounded betwixt
the lands which belonged to David Hodgeart thereafter to the heirs of John
Tofts on the east the lands sometime belonging to the heirs of [Umqle.] William
Bowie thereafter to Thomas Lennox Taylor on the west, the little green
on the South, and the High Street on the north parts thereof, with free
ish and entry thereto, and haill parts pertinents and priviledges of the
same excepting and reserving from the said subjects the fore land of
the said tenement sold by the deceased Alexander Marshall to James
Wilkie, and as described in his disposition dated the fourth day
of February Seventeen hundred and eighty to be a fore tenement high
and laigh covered with states and pertinents lying on the southside
of said Bridgegate Street of Glasgow and then poſseſsed by Andrew
Dun, James Wilkie and Christian Leslie and a vacant house
above the said James Wilkies poſseſsion, which foresaid instrument of
Seasine was likewise produced and shewn to the said baillie and me
Notary public, but providing and declaring as it is by the said disposition
and Settlement expreſsly provided and declared and ordained
to be engroſsed in all conveyances prorys or Inſeſtments of said lands
to follow thereupon otherways the same to be void and null that the
same was granted and to be accepted by the said John Lawson and the
other disponees therein mentioned with and under the burdens conditions
provisions and reservations after written in the first place the said deceased
James Lawson by the said disposition and settlement reserved to
himself the liferent use and disposal of the whole or any part of the subjects
above described and the others therein mentioned both real

and personal during all the days and years of his life and full
power at any time therein or even upon deathbed to alter innovate &
cancel the same in whole or in part or otherways burden the same
as he should think proper, But in case of no alteration the said
disposition and Settlement should have the full force and effect
of a delivered evident to all intents and purposes any law or
practice to the contrary notwithstanding even altho found lying
by him at the time of my death Likewise the said James Lawsons
said disponees should be bound burdened and affected with
the payment of all his just and lawful debts sickbed and funeral
charges in a decent manner as also they and the subjects before
described, and others mentioned in the said disposition and
Settlement should be burdened with and obliged to pay the persons
after named and designed the sums of money after mentioned
in manner after directed viz. In the first place Alexander Lawson
son of the said deceased James Lawson, and Margaret Lawson
his daughter should each of them make payment to David Lawson
soldier in the Twenty Ninth Regiment of Dragoons then in or
on his way to the East Indies, and that upon the first term
of Whitsunday after his arrival in Scotland of the sum of ten
pounds sterling wth the lawful interest of the said respective
sums from said term of payment ay and untill payment with a
fifth part further of said principal sum of penalty in case of
failure therein but in case of his decease, and not coming to Scotland
that the said Margaret, and Alexander Lawson should be
no ways bound for said sums but the same should properly
belong to themselves, In the Second place the said James Lawsons
said disponees named in the said disposition and Settlement &
jointly and severally should be bound to make payment to
James Craig son of the deceased Marion Lawson his daughter of
the sum of one pound sterling payable on the first term of Martinmaſs
or whitsunday after his death with the lawful interest
thereof till payment, and one fifth part of the said principal
farther of penalty in case of failure, and in the third place to
Martha Lawson daughter of the deceased Thomas Lawson the
said James Lawsons eldest son the sum of fifty pounds sterling
and to John Bryce son of the deceased Jean Lawson his daughter
the like sum of one pound sterling which several sums last mentioned
should likewise be payable on the first term of Martinmaſs
or whitsunday next after the said James Lawsons death with the
lawful interest from the said term of payment ay and untill payment
with one fifth part further of land respective sums in name
of penalty in case of non punctual payment thereof reserving

reserving also the grantees son James Lawson his eight day clock &
desk and it is by the said disposition and settlement declared
that none of the granters disponees therein named should be at liberty
at any time to Sell wadset or otherways dispose of the subjects above
and therein mentioned or any part thereof during their lifetimes as the
said disposition and Settlement containing procuratory of resignation
and other clauses bears, and upon the ground of the said lands
appeared William Todd one of the officers of the said City of Glasgow who
as procurator specially constituted by the granter of the said disposition
and Settlement as was made known to the said baillie
and me notary public by the letters of prory therein contained
did resign and Surrender all and whole the foresaid tenement
of land lying bounded and described as before mentioned excepting
as aforesaid In the hands of the said baillie by delivering
to him staff and baton as use is In favour and for new
Inſeſtment thereof to be given to the said John Lawson in due form
but with and under the conditions burdens reservations, and others
before mentioned which resignation being so made admitted and
received by the said baillie he by virtue of his office and at request
of the said procurator Gave and delivered heretable inſeſtment
state and Seasine real actual and Corporal poſseſsion of all
and haill the subjects so disponed and resigned excepting as aforesaid,
but with and under the conditions burdens reservations and
others before mentioned to the said John Lawson, and that by delivering
to the said James King present and accepting of earth and stone of and upon
the ground of the said lands as attorney for him and in the name
and so did inſeſt him therein conform to the said disposition and Settlement,
and prory of resignation therein contained in all points Saving all
mens rights whereupon and upon all and sundry the premises the said
James King Attorney foresaid required instruments under the hands of me
the said Notary these things were so done at and upon the ground of
the said lands betwixt the hours of one and three afternoon of the day
month year of God and Kings reign above written being there present
John Grahame and John Thomson two of the officers of the said City of
Glasgow Witneſses to the premises specially called and required (Sic Sub.)
Et ego vero Joannes Wilson & manu aliena & John Graham Witneſs, John
Thomson Witneſs. _
Recorded 4 February 1800
In the name of God Amen Know all men by this public Instrument
that upon the fourth day of February In the year of God One
thousand eight hundred and of the reign of our Sovereign George the third
by the grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland defender
of the faith the fortieth year In presence of me notary public and
witneſses subscribing compeared personally an honourable man
John Morrison Esquire one of the baillies of the city and burgh

of Glasgow and paſsed with and at desire of James King apprentice
to John Scales Writer in Glasgow as attorney for and in name
and behalf of Alexander Lawson son of the deceased James
Lawson Flesher in Glasgow to the ground of the lands after
described and there the said attorney produced a disposition
and Settlement dated the twenty third day of april Seventeen
hundred and ninety eight, and recorded in the Commiſsary Court
books of Glasgow the twenty ninth day of October one thousand
Seven hundred and ninety nine granted by the said deceased
James Lawson whereby for the causes therein mentioned he
gave granted aſsigned disponed and made over to the said
Alexander Lawson all and haill that house or tenement of land
high and laigh back and fore with the variant ground and
other pertinents of the same lying in Brownfield immediately
west of the Delfthouse of Glasgow and fronting the river Clyde
as the same were purchased by the said James Lawson from
Mathew Clelland mason in Glasgow and more particularly bounded
and described in his disposition in the said James
Lawsons favour of date the day of
upon which the said James Lawson was inſeſt
conform to his Instrument of Seasine dated and recorded
in the Town Court Books of Glasgow the twelth
day of august One thousand Seven hundred and ninety
Six likewise produced and shewn to the said baillie
and me notary public, and in which the said subjects
are described as follows viz. all and whole these
pieces of ground containing seven Hundred and five
yards or thereby being lotts number fifteenth and
Sixteenth laid off for building of that park or inclosure
containing nine acres one rood and ten falls of ground
or thereby known by the name of Brownfield required
by John Brown Junior and Robert Carrick Merchants
in Glasgow from the principal and profeſsors of Glasgow
College lying within the territory of the burgh of Glasgow
in that part called the Broomielaw and immediately
to the west of the lands belonging to the Delft
field Company in Glasgow under the burden of the
payment to the said principal and profeſsors of a ground
annual of forty Six pounds twelve shillings and three
pence sterling which is appointed to be engroſsed in all the
rights and Seasines of the said park in manner

specified in the Contract of Ground annual betwixt the said
principal and profeſsors and the said John Brown Junior and Robert
Cavick after mentioned, which lotts so disponed are bounded
by lotts numbers fourteenth upon the the north along which they extend
Seventy Six and one half feet by the grounds belonging
to the Delft field company on the east along which they extend
seventy six and one half feet by the road leading from Glasgow
to Finniston on the south along which they extend Seventy five
and one half feet, and by that street running through the
said ground called Brown street on the west along which
they extend ninety and one half feet with the large tenement
of land and other houses and buildings erected by the said
Mathew Clelland on the said ground and free ish and entry
to the said lotts and buildings by the foresaid road and street
and all right and title which he had or could pretend thereto
in time coming but the said subjects were burdened with a
ground annual or yearly ground rent of Six pounds Eleven
shillings and eight halfpenny sterling to be paid to or uplifted and
taken by the said John Brown and Robert Carrick and their heirs
succeſsors or their aſsignees at the term of Martinmaſs yearly furth
of the said subjects or any part thereof and readiest rents mails
and duties of the same and of the double of the said ground
annual to be paid or uplifted as aforesaid at the end of
each nineteenth year after the term of martinmaſs one thousand
Seven hundred and ninety one in name of groſsum including
the ground annual for the said nineteenth year beginning the first
years payment of the said ground annual at the term of martinmaſs
One thousand Seven hundred and ninety Six, and the
first years payment of the said groſsum at the term of martinmaſs
One thousand eight hundred and ten and so forth
continuing in the regular payment of the said ground annual and groſsum
in all time coming without delay with one fifth part thereof in
name of liquidate damages and expences in case of failure in
the regular payment besides the said ground annual and groſsum
themselves, and the lawful interest thereof after the several terms
of payment untill payment providing and declaring that the proprietors
of the said subjects shall be obliged in so far as not already
done to erect dwelling houses or other buildings on the said ground
which should yield a yearly rent equal to the ground rent so payable,
and to help the said houses in such repair in all time coming
as will make them yield the said rent. That the said houses

in so far as they are in front of the said street called Browns
Street shall be built with stone fronts and covered with slates
and that no houses otherwise constructed shall be allowed
to build or to stand fronting the said street That no stairs
shall be erected on the front of any of the buildings to the sd
street. That none of the back buildings should be covered with
thatch and that it shall not be lawful to the proprietors
of the said steading to set down upon any part thereof any
Candleworks Glaſsworks tan works sugar houses vitriol
works, founderies of braſs or iron or any other works of
such a nature as may be legally deemed a nuisance also
providing that the said ground annual and provisions
shall be not burdens on the foresaid lotts of ground and
further providing that the said provisions and conditions
relative to building and nuisances should be extended
over and be real burdens in favour of the proprietors
of the said lotts of ground and the whole other steadings
into which the said park is divided declaring always that
the said prohibitions [of] houses otherwise constructed than
with stone fronts and slated roofs does not extend or apply
to the houses or buildings to be erected fronting the road betwixt
Glasgow and Finniston bounding the foresaid park on
the south but none of the said conditions and provisions
shall be constructed so as to authorize any of such
houses or buildings to be covered with thatch and further
providing that the said John Brown and Robert Carrick
and their heirs and Succeſsors shall not be at liberty or have
right to build upon the ground belonging to them betwixt
the said road to Finniston and the river Clyde But providing
always and declaring as it is by the said disposition and
Settlement expreſsly provided and declared and [ordained]
to be engroſsed in all conveyances procuratorys or inſeſtments
of said lands to follow thereon otherwise the same to be
void and null that the same was granted and to be
accepted by the disponees therein named with and under the burdens conditions
provisions and restrictions after written in the first place the
said James Lawson reserved to himself the liferent use and
disposal of the whole or any part of the subjects before described
and the others mentioned in the said disposition and

Settlement both real and present during all the days and years of his
life, and full power at any time therein or even upon death bed
to alley innovate and cancel the same in whole or in part or otherwise
burden the same as he should think proper But in case of no
alteration the said disposition and Settlement should have the
full force and effect of a delivered evident to all intents and purposes
any law or practice to the contrary notwithstanding even altho
lying by him at the time of his death Likewise his said disponees
therein named should be bound burdened and affected with the payment
of all his just and lawful debts sick bed and funeral charges
in a decent manner as also they and the subjects above and
therein mentioned should be burdened with and obliged to pay
the persons after named and designed the sums of money often
mentioned in manner after directed viz. In the first place the
said Alexander Lawson and Margaret Lawson daughter of the said
deceased James Lawson should each of them make payment to
David Lawson Soldier in the twenty ninth regiment of dragoons
then in or on his way to the East Indies and that upon the
first term of Whitsunday after his arrival in Scotland of the sum
of ten pounds sterling with the lawful interest of the said respective
sums from said term of payment ay and untill payment
with a fifth part further of said principal sum of penalty in
case of failure therein, but in case of his decease and not
coming to Scotland that the said Margaret Lawson and Alexander
Lawson should be no ways bound for said sums
but the same should properly belong to themselves In the Second
place the said disponees named in the said disposition and
Settlement jointly and severally should be bound to make
payment to James Craig son of the deceased Marion Lawson
the granters daughter of the sum of one pound sterling payable
on the first term of martinmaſs or whitsunday after his
death with the lawful interest thereof till payment with one
fifth part of the said principal further of penalty in case of failure
and in the third place to Marion Lawson daughter of the deceased
Thomas Lawson the granters eldest son the sum of fifty pounds
sterling, and to John Bryce son of the deceased Jean Lawson
his daughter the like sum of one pound sterling which several
sums last mentioned should likewise be payable on the first
term of martinmaſs or whitsunday next after his death with the

lawful interest thereof from said term ay and untill payment
with one fifth part further of said respective sums in name
of penalty in case of not punctual payment thereof reserving
also to the granters son James Lawson his eight day clock
and desk, and it is by the said disposition and Settlement
declared that none of the said disponees therein named
should be at liberty at any time to Sell wadset or
otherwise dispose of the subjects above and therein mentioned or
any part thereof during their lifetimes as the said disposition
and Settlement containing prory of resignation and other clauses
bears; and upon the ground of said lands appeared William
Todd one of the officers of the said city of Glasgow who as
procurator specially constituted by the granter of the said
disposition as was made known to the said baillie and
me Notary public by the letters of prory therein contained
did resign and Surrender all and haill and whole the
tenement of land and haill parts and pertinents thereto belonging
lying bounded and described as before mentioned but
with and under the burdens conditions provisions reservations
and others before specified In the hands of the said
baillie by delivering to him staff and baton as use is
in favour and for new inſeſtment thereof to be given to the
said Alexander Lawson in due form which resignation being
so made admitted and received by the said baillie he by
virtue of his office and at request of the said procurator
Gave and delivered heretable inſeſtment state and Seasine
real actual and corporal poſseſsion of all and whole the subjects
so disponed and resigned but with and under the
burdens conditions provisions reservations and others aforesaid
to the said Alexander Lawson and that by delivering
to the said James King present and accepting as
attorney for him and in his name earth and stone of and
upon the ground of the said lands and so did inſeſt him
therein conform to the said disposition and Settlement and
procuratory of resignation therein contained in all points
saving all mens rights whereupon and upon all and sundry
the premises the said James King attorney foresaid required
instruments under the hands of me the said Notary these things
were so done at and upon the ground of the said lands betwixt

hours of one and three afternoon of the day month year of God
and Kings reign above written being there present John Grahame
and John Thomson two of the officers of the said city of Glasgow
witneſses to the premises specially called and required (Sic Sub.) Et ego
vero Joannes Wilson &. manu aliena &c. John Grahame Witneſs
John Thomson Witneſs -
Recorded 4 February 1800
In the name of God amen Know all men by this public
instrument that upon the fourth day of February In the year
of God one thousand eight hundred and of the reign of our
Sovereign George the third by the grace of God King of Great Britain
France and Ireland defender of the faith the fortieth
year In presence of me notary public and witneſses subscribing
compeared personally an honourable man John Morrison Esquire
one of the baillies of the city and burgh of Glasgow and paſsed
with and at desire of James King apprentice to John Scales writer
in Glasgow as attorney for and in name and behalf of Grizel
Lawson daughter of the deceased James Lawson Flesher in
Glasgow to the ground of the lands after described and there the
said attorney produced a disposition dated the fourteenth day
of February one thousand Seven hundred and sixty four
granted by Mathew Turnbull shoemaker in Glasgow with consent
of Isabel Sheddan his spouse for all right or interest
which she had or could pretend to the subjects after described
and he the said Mathew Turnbull as taking full burden
on him for said wife, and they the said spouses both of one
consent and aſsent Sold disponed and made over from him
his heirs and succeſsors to and in favour of David Banner
his heirs and aſsignees whomever heretably and irredeemably
that his acre of land or thereby called in the Decreet of division
after mentioned one acre five falls and eighteen elns
lying within the territory of the burgh of Glasgow on the north
side of Gargashill, bounded betwixt the lands of [Umqle.] William
Nielson thereafter of John Stirling and thereafter of William Black on
the east the lands sometime of [Umqle.] John Ferrier, there after of [Umqle.]
Robert Gray, and thereafter of Alexander Kerr on the west parts
and which acre of land was by a decreet of division dated the
twenty fourth day of August then last obtained at the said
Mathew Turnbulls instance before the Sheriff of Lanark against
Mathew Jackson journeyman shoemaker in Glasgow deceived and
adjudged to pertain and belong to him his heirs or aſsignees heretably
in all time coming together with all right and title thereto as the
said disposition containing Prory of resignation and other clauses bears

To which subjects and procuratory of resignation the said James
Lawson had right by disposition and aſsignation dated the twenty seventh
day of April Seventeen hundred and ninety two years granted
in his favour by the said David Banner therein named Bannerman
which disposition and aſsignation was likewise produced
and shewn to the said baillie and me Notary public and
the said attorney likewise produced a disposition and Settlement
dated the twenty third day of april one thousand Seven hundred
and ninety eight granted by the said James Lawson whereby
for the causes therein mentioned he Gave Granted aſsigned disponed
and made over to and in favour of the said Grizel Lawson
his daughter the foresaid acre of land which along with other
lands of Garngadhill aforesaid immediately adjoining thereto
and also disponed by him in her favour is described in the
said disposition and Settlement as follows viz. All and whole
that Park or inclosure lying on the north side of Garnagadhill
near Glasgow as the same are more particularly bounded and
described in the said James Lawsons disposition thereto granted
by in his favour of date the
day of and as the same were then poſseſsed
by Robert Bullock Flesher in Glasgow in virtue of a Tack
thereof granted by the said James Lawson in his favour But
providing always and declaring as it is by the said disposition
and Settlement expreſsley provided and declared and ordained
to be engroſsed in all conveyances prorys of Inſeſtments of
said lands to follow thereon otherways the same to be void
and null that the said disposition and Settlement was
granted and to be accepted by the said disponees therein named
with and under the burdens conditions provisions reservations
after written In the first place the said James Lawson thereby
reserved to himself the liferent use and disposal of the whole
or any part of the subjects above described and others therein
mentioned both real and personal during all the days
and years of his life, and full power at any time therein or
even upon deathbed to alter innovate and cancel the same
in whole or in part or otherways burden the same as he
should think proper, but in case of no alteration the
said disposition and Settlement should have the full force and
effect of a delivered evident to all intents and purposes
any law or practice to the contrary notwithstanding even altho'
found lying by him at the time of his death Likewise

his said disponees should be bound burdened and affected with the
payment of all his just and lawful debts Sickbed and funeral charges
in a decent manner, as also they and the subjects before and therein
described should be burdened and obliged to pay the persons after
named and designed the sums of money after mentioned in manner after
directed viz. In the first place Alexander Lawson Son and Margaret
Lawson daughter of the said James Lawson should each of them make
payment to David Lawson soldier in the twenty ninth Regiment of
Dragoons then in or on his way to the East Indies and that upon
the first term of Whitsunday after his arrival in Scotland of the sum
of ten pounds sterling with the lawful interest of said principal sums
from said term of payment ay and untill payment with a fifth part
further of said principal sum of penalty in case of failure therein but
in case of his decease and not coming to Scotland that the said
Margaret and Alexander Lawson should be no ways bound
for said sums, but the same should properly belong to themselves
In the second place the said disponees named in the said disposition
and Settlement jointly and severally should be bound to
make payment to James Craig son of the deceased Marion Lawson
the granters daughter of the sum of one pound sterling payable
on the first term of martinmaſs or Whitsunday after his death with
the lawful interest thereof till payment and one fifth part further of
said principal sum of penalty in case of failure and In the third
place to Martha Lawson daughter of the deceased Thomas Lawson
the granters eldest son the sum of fifty pounds sterling and
to John Bryce son of the deceased Jean Lawson the granters
daughter the like sum of one pound sterling which several last
mentioned sums should likewise be payable on the first term of
Martinmaſs or whitsunday after the granters death with the
lawful interest thereof from said term ay and untill payment with
one fifth part of said respective sums of penalty in case of failure
in the punctual payment thereof reserving also to the granters son
James Lawson his eight day clock and Desk and it is by the
said disposition and Settlement declared that none of the disponees
therein named should be at liberty at any time to sell
wadset or otherwise dispose of the subjects above and therein
mentioned or any part thereof during their lives as the said
disposition containing aſsignation to the said procuratory of
resignation contained in the said first mentioned disposition

and upon the ground of the said lands appeared
William Todd one of the officers of the said city of
Glasgow who as procurator specially constituted by
the granter of the said first mentioned disposition as
was made known to the said baillie and me notary
public by the Letters of procuratory therein contained
did resign and surrender all and haill the foresaid
acre of land or thereby lying bounded and described
as in manner before mentioned but with and under
the burdens conditions provisions reservations and
others before mentioned and also under the burden of
the foresaid tack In the hands of the said baillie by
delivering to him staff and baton as use is in favour
and for new inſeſtment thereof to be given to the said
Grizel Lawson in due form which resignation being so
made admitted and received by the said baillie he
by virtue of his office and at request of the said [pror]
Gave and delivered heretable inſeſtment state and Seisin
real actual and Corporal poſseſsion of all and haill the
foresaid acre of land described as aforesaid but
with and under the burdens conditions provisions reservations
and others before mentioned, and the tack
before specified to the said Grizel Lawson, and that
by delivering to the said James King present and accepting
as attorney for her and in her name earth and stone of
and upon the ground of the said lands and so did
inſeſt her therein conform to the said several writings
before mentioned and procuratory of resignation contained
in the said first mentioned disposition in all points Saving
all mens rights, whereupon and upon all and sundry
the premises the said James King attorney foresaid request
instruments under the hands of me the said notary
These things were so done at and upon the ground of
the said lands betwixt the hours of one and three
afternoon of the day month year of God and Kings
reign above written being there present John Thomson
and John Grahame two of the officers of the said city
of Glasgow witneſses to the premises specially called
and required (sic Sub.) Et ego vero Joannes Wilson &c
manu aliena &c. John Grahame witneſs John
Thomson witneſs.

Recorded 4 February 1800
In the name of God Amen Know all men by this public
Instrument that upon the fourth day of February In the year
of God One thousand eight hundred and of the reign of our
Sovereign George the third by the grace of God King of Great
Britain France and Ireland defender of the faith the
fortieth year in presence of me notary public and witneſses
subscribing compeared personally an honourable man
John Morrison Esquire one of the baillies of the city and
burgh of Glasgow and paſsed with and at desire of James
King apprentice to John Scales writer in Glasgow as attorney
for and in name and behalf of Grizel Lawson daughter
of the deceased James Lawson Flesher in Glasgow to the ground
of the lands after described and there the said attorney produced
a disposition dated the twentieth day of october one
thousand Seven hundred and eighty four granted by Mary
Kerr widow of the deceased Thomas Robertson dyer in
Glasgow only child then in life and heir [served] to the
deceased Alexander Kerr Land labourer in Glasgow her father
conform to Service therein mentioned whereby for the causes
therein mentioned the said Mary Kerr with the special advance
and consent of Ebenezer Robertson clock and watchmaker in
Glasgow, and Mary Robertson spouse of Patrick Letham weaver
in Glasgow children procreated between her and the said Thomas
Robertson her husband and the said Patrick Letham for
himself and as taken full burden on him for his said
spouse and they the said spouses of mutual consent disponed
Conveyed and made over from her after her decease
to and in favour of Thomas Robertson weaver in Glasgow
eldest son also procreate between the said Mary Kerr and
her said deceased husband his heirs and aſsignees all
and whole these three half Closes of land lying continguous
with the pertinents lying within the territory of the burgh of Glasgow
upon the north side of that hill commonly called Gargadhill bounded
betwixt the lands sometime belonging to James Waterston thereafter
to the heirs of [Umqle.] John Bryson Commiſsary of Hamilton
and Campsie on the East. The lands of [old] belonging to Andrew
Harvie thereafter to the heirs of the said John Bryson on the
west. The Kings high way or lane on the south and the lands
sometime belonging to Robert Balton thereafter to John Stirling
merchant on the north parts with all right or title which the granter
had thereto in time coming, as the said disposition which

duty satisfied by the said Mary Robertson upon the twenty ninth
day of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty four
containing Prory of resignation and other clauses bears. To
which subjects and procuratory of resignation John Herbertson
merchant in Glasgow had right by disposition
and aſsignation in his favour dated the nineteenth day
of March one thousand Seven hundred and eighty Seven
granted by the said Thomas Robertson with consent of
the said Mary Kerr which disposition and aſsignation
was likewise shewn to the said baillie and me notary
public. To which subjects and procuratory of resignation
contained in the said first mentioned disposition
the said deceased James Lawson had afterwards right by
disposition and aſsignation dated the twenty Sixth day of
May one thousand Seven hundred and ninety one granted
by the said John Herbertson with consent of the said Thomas
Robertson in his favour which disposition and aſsignation
was also produced to the said baillie and me Notary
public, and the said attorney likewise produced a disposition
and Settlement dated the twenty third day of April
One thousand Seven hundred and ninety eight and
recorded in the commiſsary Court Books of Glasgow
the twenty ninth day of October one thousand Seven hundred
and ninety nine granted by the said deceased James
Lawson whereby for the causes therein mentioned he gave
granted assigned disponed and made over to and in
favour of the said Grizel Lawson his daughter the foresaid
three half acres of land which along with other lands of Garngadhill
aforesaid immediately adjoining thereto and also disponed by him
in her favour are described in the foresaid disposition and
Settlement as follows viz. all and haill that park or enclosure
lying on the northside of Garngadhill near Glasgow as the same
are more particularly bounded and described in the granters disposition thereto
granted by in his favour of date the
day of and as the same was then
poſseſsed by Robert Bullock Flesher in Glasgow in virtue of a
tack thereof granted by the said James Lawson in his favour
with the haill parts and priviledges of said subjects but providing
and declaring as it is by the said disposition and Settlement
expreſsly provided and declared and Ordained to be engroſsed in
all conveyances Prorys or inſeſtments of said lands to follow
thereupon otherwise the same to be void and null that the said

disposition and Settlement was granted and to be accepted by the
said James Lawsons disponees therein named with and under the burdens
conditions provisions and reservations after written in the
first place he thereby reserved to himself the liferent use and disposal
of the whole or any part of the subjects before described
and the others therein mentioned both real and personal during all
the days and years of his life, and full power at any time therein
or even upon deathbed to alter innovate and Cancel the said disposition
and Settlment in whole or in part or otherwise burden
the same as he should think proper but in ease of no
alteration the same should have the full force and effect of a
delivered evident to all intents and purposes any law or practice
to the contrary notwithstanding even altho found lying by him
at the time of his death Likewise his said disponees should be bound
burthened and affected with the payment of all his just and lawful
debts sick bed and funeral charges in a decent manner as also
they and the subjects before described and the others mentioned in
the disposition and Settlement should be burthened with and obliged
to pay the persons after named and designed the sums of money after
mentioned in manner after directed viz. In the first place Alexander
Lawson the granters son and Margaret Lawson the granters
daughter should each of them make payment to David Lawson soldiers
in the twenty ninth Regiment of Dragoons then in or on
his way to the East Indies and that upon the first term of whitsunday
after his arrival in Scotland of the sum of ten pounds
sterling with the lawful interest of the said respective sums from
said terms of payment ay and until payment with one fifth
part further of said principal sums of penalty in case of failure
therein, but in case of his decease and not coming to Scotland
then the said Margaret and Alexander Lawson should be no
ways bound for said sums, but the same should properly
belong to themselves In the Second place the said disponees named
in the said disposition and Settlement jointly and Severally should
be bound to make payment to James Craig son of the deceased
Marion Lawson the granters daughter of the sum of one pound sterling
payable on the first term of martinmaſs or whitsunday after his death
with the lawful interest thereof till payment and one fifth part of said
principal farther of penalty in case of failure and in the third place
to Martha Lawson daughter of the deceased Thomas Lawson the granters
eldest son the sum of fifty pounds sterling and to John Bryce son of that

the deceased Jean Lawson the granters daughter the like sum of
one pound sterling which several sums last mentioned should
likewise be payable on the first term of martinmaſs or whitsunday
after his death with the lawful interest thereof from said
term ay and untill payment with one fifth part further of
said respective sums in name of penalty in case of not punctual
payment thereof receiving also to the granters son James Lawson
his eight day clock and desk, and it is by the said disposition
and Settlement declared that none of the said James Lawsons
disponees therein named should be at liberty at any
time to sell wadset or otherwise dispose of the subjects above
described and others therein mentioned or any part thereof
during these lifetimes as the said disposition containing
aſsignation to the unexecuted procuratory of resignation contained
in the said first mentioned disposition, and other clauses
bears And upon the ground of the said lands appeared William
Todd one of the officers of the said city of Glasgow
who as procurator specially constituted by the granter of
the said first mentioned disposition as was made known
to the said baillie and me Notary public by the letters of
Procuratory therein contained did resign and Surrender all and
haill the foresaid three half acres of land lying contiguous
with the pertinents upon the north side of that hill commonly
called Garngadhill bounded in manner particularly above mentioned
but with and under the burdens conditions provisions
reservations and the foresaid Tack and others before mentioned
In the hands of the said baillie and that by delivering to
him staff and baton as use is In favour and for new
Inſeſtment thereof to be given and granted to the said Grizel
Lawson in due form, which resignation being so made admitted
and received by the said baillie he by virtue of his office
and at request of the said procurator Gave and delivered
heretable inſeſtment state and seasine real actual and corporal
poſseſsion of all and haill the subjects so disponed and resigned
but with and under the burdens conditions provisions
reservations tack and others before mentioned to the said
Grizel Lawson and that by delivering to the said James
King present and accepting as attorney for her and in her
name earth and stone of and upon the ground of the said
lands and so did inſeſt her therein conform to

the said several writings and procuratory of resignation contained
in the first mentioned disposition in all points Saving all mens
rights whereupon and upon all and sundry the premises the said
James King attorney foresaid required instruments under the
hands of me the said notary These things were so done at
and upon the ground of the said lands betwixt the hours
of one and three afternoon of the day month year of God
and Kings reign above written; being there present John Grahame
and John Thomson two of the officers of the said
city of Glasgow witneſses to the premisses specially called
and required (sic sub.) Et ego vero Joannes Wilson & manu
aliena &c. John Grahame witneſs, John Thomson witneſs.
Recorded 4 February 1800
In the name of God amen Know all men by this public
instrument that upon the thirty first day of January In the
year of God one thousand eight hundred and of the reign of
our Sovereign George the third by the grace of God King of Great
Britain France and Ireland defender of the Faith the fortieth
year in presence of me Notary public and witnesses
subscribing Compeared personally an honourable man,
James Black Esquire one of the baillies of the city and burgh
of Glasgow and paſsed with and at desire of William Crawford
Writer in Glasgow as attorney for and in name and
behalf of James Stevenson Merchant in Dunkeld as nearest
and lawful heir of provision duly served as aftermentioned
to the deceased Margaret Fulton his mother sometime relict
of the deceased Robert Stevenson maltman in Glasgow
thereafter wife of John Maxwell Merchant in Dunkeld To the
ground of the Lands after described, and there the said
attorney produced a decreet of Adjudication and Abbreviate
thereof dated the Sixth day of February Seventeen hundred &
eighty two obtained before the Lords of Council and Seſsion at
the instance of the said Margaret Fulton and the said John
Maxwell for his interest against Robert Stevenson Sailor presently
in and James Stevenson Stocking
maker in Glasgow sons and apparent heirs of the said deceased
Robert Stevenson and as lawfully charged to enter
heirs in special to him in manner libelled whereby the
said Lords Adjudged from the said Robert and James
Stevensons defenders as lawfully charged to enter heirs in

to their deceased father as libelled all and whole that
back tenement of land high and laigh at the back
of that fore tenement of land sometime belonging to
M Alexander Kinnear minister of the Gospel of Glasgow
and which fore tenement of land was then converted
and made the entry to that Wynd called Bellswynd
lying in the said Burgh on the west side of that
street leading from the croſs to the Metropolitan church
in the said burgh on the Southside of Bells wynd
Bounded betwixt the lands of and belonging to the
heirs of John Bell on the east, the lands sometime
belonging to John Maxwell thereafter to Zacharias Maxwell
on the west, the said Bells wynd street on the north
and the lands of the said Zacharias Maxwell
and cloſs belonging thereto on the south parts together
with all right and title thereto with the haill reversions
thereof as well legal as conventional legal of legal and
legal upon legal bonas promises provisions and conditions
reversion dispositions services [retours] Procuratories
and (inſeſtments) Instruments of resignation tacks of
Tiends and Decreets of Valuation thereof Decreets
of [plat] and prorogation of the same and all
other (rights) writes evidents rights titles and securities
made granted or conceived or that could be interpreted
in favour of the said deceased Robert Stevenson
or the said Robert and James Stevenson or
their foresaids and decerned and declared the same
to pertain and belong to the said Margaret Fulton
and John Maxwell her husband for his interest
or her heirs and aſsignees heretably in payment
and satisfaction to them of the sum of eight pounds
eleven shillings and three pence and one pound
five shillings and five pence one Sixth of a penny
both sterling and interest of said two sums from
and since the twentieth day of December Seventeen
hundred and sixty five when the last of these
sums was disbursed extending the same in haill at
the date of the said decreet of adjudication and
abbreviate to the accumulated sum of Seventeen
pounds fifteen shillings sterling money. Item of the
principal sum of ten pounds nineteen shillings sterling
and interest thereof from and since the first day

of February Seventeen hundred and Sixty five when the same
fell due contained in the bill originally due to David Jones
deducing therefrom ten pounds seven shillings like money as the
amount of the said deceased Robert Stevensons executry and interest
thereof from the eleventh day of December Seventeen hundred
and Sixty five the date of the confirmation in favour of the said
Margaret Fulton extending the said principal sum and interest
after the above deduction at the date of the said decreet of adjudication
and abbreviate to the accumulated sum of one pound
eleven shillings sterling money Item of the principal sum of
nine pounds nine shillings sterling and interest thereof from
and since the term of martinmaſs Seventeen hundred and Sixty
four when the same was payable contained in the bill libelled
on originally due to Andrew Duncan extending in haill at
the date of the said decreet of adjudication and abbreviate to
the accumulated sum of Seventeen pounds eleven shillings and
nine pence sterling. Item of the principal sum of Two pounds eighteen
shillings and nine pence like money and interest thereof from and since
the first day of March one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Six
when the same became payable contained in the bill libelled on
originally due to Alexander Wyllie extending the same in haill at
the date of the said decreet of adjudication and abbreviate to the
accumulated sum of Six pounds fourteen shillings and nine pence
sterling Item of the principal sum of Seven pounds Seventeen shillings
and Seven pence sterling, and interest thereof from and since the
term of martinmaſs One thousand Seven hundred and Sixty four
when the same became payable contained in and due by the
bill libelled on originally due to Robert McLintock extending
in haill at the date of the said Decreet of Adjudication and
Abbreviate to the accumulated sum of fourteen pounds thirteen
shillings and three pence sterling. Item of the principal
sum of two pounds sterling and six pence sterling,
and interest thereof from and since the eighteenth
day of September one thousand seven hundred and sixty
one where the same became payable contained in the bill
libelled on originally due to Duncan Niven, extending in
haill at the date of the said Decreet of Adjudication and
abbreviate to the accumulated sum of five pounds three shillings
and ten pence sterling. Item of the principal sum
of Six pounds nineteen shillings and Six pence Sterling and
interest thereof from and since the fifteenth day of June

one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty four when the same
became payable contained in the bill libelled on originally
due to James Morris extending in haill at the date of the
said decreet of adjudication and abbreviate to the accumulated
sum of thirteen pounds two shillings and Six pence
Sterling. Item of the sum of thirty pounds Sterling of
annualrent due by the said deceased Robert Stevenson
on the Bond Libelled on to James Whitelaw paid by
the pursuer Margaret Fulton on the twenty ninth day
of november One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy
and interest thereof from that date extending in haill
at the date of the said decreet of Adjudication and
abbreviate to the accumulated sum of forth Six pounds
fifteen shillings and Six pence Sterling Item of the principal
sum of one thousand merks Scots contained in
the bond libelled on granted by the said deceased Robert
Stevenson & others to the Incorporation of Wrights
in Glasgow with one pound eighteen shillings and
two pence sterling of Interest due thereon at the Second
day of September One thousand Seven Hundred and
fifty eight together with two hundred merks Scots of
penalty incurred through failure aſsigned to Hugh Fulton
the pursuers father and to which she had then right
as executrix decerned and confirmed to him and
interest of the said principal sum from and since
the Second day of September one thousand Seven
hundred and Seventy Six Extending the said
Sums principal interest and penalty in haill at the
date of the said decreet of adjudication and abbreviate
to the accumulated sum of Eighty two pounds
nineteen shillings Sterling Item of the sum of five
Pounds like money as the expence of obtaining and
extracting the decreet of Cognition libelled or obtained at the
pursuers instance against the defender James Stevenson
and his tutors and Curators before the Commiſsary Substitute
of Glasgow upon the twenty fourth day of July one
thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven Item of the
principal sum of twenty pounds and Six pence sterling contained
in the heretable bond libelled on granted by the said
deceased Robert Stevenson in favour of Arthur Connell and
aſsigned to the pursuer Margaret Fulton and interest through

from and since the twentieth day of August one thousand Seven
hundred and Sixty four with four pounds ten shillings money
foresaid of liquidate expences and penalty incurred through failure
extending in haill at the date of the said decreet of adjudication
and abbreviate to the accumulated sum of forty five pounds
fifteen shillings sterling money Item of the principal sum of
fifteen pounds fifteen Shillings sterling contained in the bill
originally due to Alexander Brown of Quarter merchant in
Glasgow drawn by him upon and accepted by the said deceased
Robert Stevenson dated the twentieth day of november
one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty two payable three
months after date to which the pursuer had right in manner
libelled and interest thereof from and since the twentieth day
of February One thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Three
when the same fell due extending in haill at the date of the
said decreet of adjudication and abbreviate to the accumulated
sum of thirty pounds thirteen shillings and Six pence
Sterling Item of the principal sum of fifty pounds Sterling
contained in the Heretable Bond libelled on granted by
the said deceased Robert Stevenson to James Whytelaw
Saddler and late Baillie of Glasgow ten pounds like money
of liquidate penalty and expences incurred through failure
with ten Pounds two shillings and Six pence money foresaid
of annualrents due and resting on the said principal
sum at Whitsunday One thousand Seven hundred and
Seventy six together with One pound Seventeen Shillings
and eight pence of expences debursed by the said James
Whitelaw in prosecuting the said Robert Stevensons tenants
as libelled and to which bond and sums above mentioned
the pursuer Margaret Fulton had then right in manner
libelled and interest of the said principal sum from and
since the said term of whitsunday, one Thousand Seven hundred
and Seventy Six Extending the same in haill at
the date of the said decreet of adjudication and abbreviate
to the accumulated sum of eighty Six pounds Sixteen
Shillings and Six pence Sterling. Item of the sum
of fourty two pounds fourteen Shillings and four pence
sterling being a fifth part more of said respective [¿] sums
as the expence of obtaining and Extracting the decreet
libelled on obtained before the said Lords at the pursuers
instance against the defender dated the fifteenth day

of February One thousand Seven hundred and eighty
one and of the annual rents of the said several extended
accumulated sums and other sums from
and after the said decreet of Adjudication and Abbreviate
during the not redemption of the lands and others
aforesaid, and that by and [allow] the composition
to the Superiors and the expences of the charters and
inſeſtments to follow on the said decreet of adjudication,
and decerned and Ordained the Superiors of the
lands and others foresaid to inſeſt and [Lease] the said Margaret
Fulton and her said husband for his interest and her foresaids
therein to be holden of them in manner particularly therein mentioned
As the said decreet of Adjudication and Abbreviate thereof more
fully bear To which sums and decreet of adjudication the said
James Stevenson now has right in virtue of a disposition and Aſsignation
dated the eleventh day of October One thousand Seven
hundred and Seventy nine years and recorded in the Sheriff
Court books of Lanarkshire at Glasgow the Sixteenth day of
October One thousand Seven Hundred and eighty eight produced
to the said baillie and me notary public granted by the said
Margaret Fulton with consent of the said John Maxwell
whereby she Gave granted and disponed from her after
her death to and in favour of the said John Maxwell
her husband in case he survived her in liferent, and to
the said James Stevenson in fee and property all and sundry
the whole debts and sums of money due to her by the
estate of the said deceased Robert Stevenson and particularly
the sums before specified together with the said bonds bills
and other vouchers and instructions of said debts themselves
and any decreets of Constitution or Adjudication
competent to follow at the granters instance on the said
vouchers of debt, as the said disposition and aſsignation
more fully bears. And in virtue of a General Service
of the said James Stevenson as nearest and lawful her of
provision in terms of the last mentioned deed duly served
to the said deceased Margaret Fulton his mother before the
baillies of Renfrew upon the Seventeenth day of December
last duly retoured to Chancery also produced to the said
baillie and me notary public In obedience to which

Decreet of Adjudication, and at request of the said attorney
the said James Black baillie foresaid by virtue of his office
Gave and delivered heretable inſeſtment state and seasine
real actual and corporal poſseſsion of all and whole the lands
and other subjects so adjudged to the said James Stevenson
as having right thereto in manner foresaid, but redeemable
conform to law and that by delivering to the said William
Crawford present and accepting of earth and stone of and
upon the ground of the said lands as attorney for him and
in his name, and so did inſeſt him therein conform to the said
adjudication and abbreviate thereof disposition and aſsignation
thereto, and general retoured service before mentioned in all
points Saving all mens rights whereupon and upon all and sundry
the premises the said William Crawford attorney foresaid
required instruments under the hands of me the said notary
These things were so done at and upon the ground of the
said lands betwixt the hours of one and three afternoon of
the day month year of God and Kings reign above written
being there present John Davidson and William Watson two
of the officers of the said city of Glasgow Witneſses to the premises
specially called and required (sic Sub.) Et ego vero
Joannes Wilson &c. manu aliena, (signed) John Davidson,
witneſs, William Watson witneſs.
Recorded 4 February 1800
Know all men by these presents That me David Dale and
William Wardlaw Merchants in Glasgow and Robert Gray
Jeweller there Surviving trust disponees of the deceased John
Auchencloſs Merchant in Glasgow appointed by his deed of
Settlement dated the twelth day of May one thousand Seven
hundred and ninety two years, and recorded in the Sheriff
Court books of Lanarkshire kept at Glasgow the twenty fifth
day of April one Thousand Seven hundred and ninety three
years Considering that where the now deceased William
Auchincloſs Cooper in Glasgow by his heretable bond and disposition
in Security bearing date the fourth day of April one
Thousand Seven Hundred and ninety Six years bound and
obliged himself his heirs executors and Succeſsors whomsoever
thankfully to content and pay to us and the now deceased Robert
Baillie, and William Auchincloſs, and to the major number
of us in life for the time and our aſsignees all and haill the
sum of nine hundred pounds Sterling and that at and upon
the term of whitsunday one thousand Seven hundred and ninety

Seven years with a fifth part thereof further of liquidate
penalty and expences in case of failure allow the said principal
sum itself together also with the ordinary legal interest
thereof from the date of said heretable bond to the term of
Whitsunday then first, and then to the term of martinmaſs
following and so on thereafter at the terms of whitsunday
and martinmaſs in each year by equal portions so long
as the principal sum itself should continue to remain unpaid
and for as the said David Dale William Wardlaw,
and Robert Gray and the said deceased Robert Baillie
and William Auchincloſs and major number of us and
our aforesaids our farther and better security and
more sure payment of the said sum of principal interest
and penalty stipulated therefor and without prejudice in
any respect to the personal obligation therein contained or
any diligence competent to follow thereon [sed] accumulande
jurd juribus he the said William Auchincloſs did thereby
dispone convey and make over to us and our
foresaid heretably but redeemable always and under reversion
in manner therein and after mentioned all and
haill these four acres of arable land or thereby lying contiguous
in the nether Gallows muir within the territory of
the burgh of Glasgow bounded by the lands belonging
to John Orr upon the east and south, by the lands of
William Luke upon the west and by the high way
that leads from Glasgow to Camlachie upon the north
parts together with the mansion house and offices erected
upon the said lands and pertinents thereof and all
right and title which he the said William Auchincloſs
his authors or predeceſsors had or could any way claim
or pretend to the same or any part or portion thereof
with the rents mails and duties to become due at
the term of whitsunday aforesaid, and at every future
term of martinmaſs and whitsunday there after, and also
the writes title deeds evidents and securities thereof, and
all action and execution competent to him thereupon All
in real security of the payment of the foresaid principal
sum of nine hundred pounds sterling, and interest thereof
with the penalty thereto annexed but declaring that the
said subjects were and should be redeemable and under

reversion by him the said William Auchincloſs his heirs
or aſsigns by their making payment to us the said David
Dale William Wardlaw Robert Gray and Robert Baillie
and William Auchincloſs our aforesaids of the foresaid principal
sum of Nine Hundred pounds sterling with the interest
due thereon and penalty thereto annexed so far as incurred
as the said Heretable Bond and disposition in security containing
sundry other usual and neceſsary clauses in itself more
fully bears In virtue of which we were duly inſeſt and [Leased]
in the foresaid subjects conform to our Instrument of Seasine
thereon dated and recorded in the register of Seasine for
the Burgh of Glasgow the eighteenth day of April one thousand
Seven Hundred and Ninety Six years. And now seeing
that Mrs. Agnes Auchincloſs relict of the said decesed Robert
Baillie Isabella Auchincloſs relict of James Mathie Writer in
Glasgow, and Jean Auchincloſs spouse of the Reverend Jonathan
Rankine one of the ministers of Paisley heireſses
portioners of the said deceased William Auchincloſs have
of the date of these presents made payment to us the
said David Dale William Wardlaw and Robert Gray
as surviving trust disponees aforesaid of the foresaid
principal sum of Nine Hundred pounds sterling with
the whole interest due thereon of which sum and interest
we do hereby acknowledge the receipt renouncing all
objections proponeable in law to the contrary, and exone
and discharge the said Mrs. Agnes Isabella, and Jean
Auchincloſs and the said Jonathan Rankine and their
heirs as well as all others the heirs and representatives of
the said William Auchincloſs thereof forever therefore
we will Grant confeſs acknowledge and declare the whole foresaid
lands and pertinents to be freed loosed acquited, and forever
disburdened of and from the foresaid heretable bond and disposition
in Security and sums therein contained, and of our own Instrument
of Seasine following thereon dated the eighteenth day of April one
thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Six, and recorded in the Register
of Seasines &c. for the burgh of Glasgow the same day together with
all that has followed or is competent to follow thereupon, and farther
declare that the real [ben] or burden thereby created over the foresaid
lands and others in our favour are as completely and effectually
extinguished as if the said security had never been created or existed
which discharge and Renunciation above written we bind
and oblige ourselves and our Succeſsors as trustees foresaid

to warrant to the said Mrs. Agnes Auchincloſs Isabella Auchincloſs
Jean Auchincloſs and Jonathan Rankine and their foresaid
as well as all others the heirs and representatives of the
said William Auchincloſs at all hands and against all deadly
as law will and having herewith delivered up the foresaid
original Bond and disposition in Security and Inſeſtment
following thereon we consent to the registration hereof in the
Register of Saesines Reversions &c. for the burgh of Glasgow ad
publicandum, and in the books of Council and Seſsion
or others competent therein to remain for preservation and
Constitute Procurators
&c. In witneſs thereof these presents wrote upon this and
the three preceding pages of stamped paper by John Gibson
apprentice to Benjamen Mathie writer in Glasgow are
subscribed by the said David Dale William Wardlaw
and Robert Gray at Glasgow the fourth day of February
One thousand and eight hundred years before these witneſses
Andrew MacFarlane clerk and Peter Gilfillan apprentice
to the foresaid Benjamen Mathie (signed) David
Dale, William Wardlaw, Robert Gray A. MacFarlane
Witneſs Peter Gilfillan witneſs.
Recorded 5th Februry. 1800
I Joshua Noble wright in Glasgow Grant me to
have borrowed, and actually received from James Forrester
Merchant in Glasgow all and whole the sum
of four hundred pounds sterling money renouncing all
objections to the contrary, and therefore I the said Joshua
Noble Bind and Oblige myself my heirs executors and
succeſsors whomever thankfully to content And pay to the
said James Forrester his heirs executors and aſsignees the
said principal sum of four hundred pounds sterling and
that in the proportions, and at the terms after written
namely twenty five pounds sterling upon the term of
whitsunday one thousand eight hundred; twenty five
pounds sterling further upon the term of martinmaſs
in the same year, and the like sum of twenty five
pounds sterling upon each of the terms of whitsunday
and martinmaſs in the years one thousand eight hundred
and one one thousand eight hundred and two one
thousand eight hundred and three one thousand eight
hundred and four one thousand eight hundred and five
one thousand eight hundred and six and one thousand

eight hundred and Seven with five pounds sterling of liquidate
penalty and expence for each failure in the regular payment of the
said instalments, and also to make payment to the said James
Forrester and his foresaids of the lawful interest of the said principal
sum of four Hundred pounds sterling from and after the
date hereof or such part thereof as may be remaining due from
time to time at Whitsunday and Martinmaſs, yearly by equal
portions beginning the first payment at whitsunday one thousand
eight hundred for the half year preceding, and the next terms
payment being at martinmaſs following and so continuing in the
punctual payment of the interest of the said principal sum or such,
part as may from time to time to remaining due termly and proportionally
at the terms foresaid untill complete payment
with a fifth part further of one terms payment of penalty and
expences for each failure in the regular payment of the said
interest besides the said interest itself and for the said James
Forrester and his foresaids their further and better security
and more sure payment of the foresaid principal sum interest
foresaid and penalty if incurred, and without prejudice to
but in corroboration of the personal obligation before written
I the said Joshua Noble have assigned and conveyed as I
do by these presents aſsign convey and make over from one
and my foresaids in favour of the said James Forrester
and his foresaids my right and interest in a tack entered
into betwixt Robert Brisbane Esquire of Milltown and me
of date the third day of December One thousand Seven hundred
and Ninety Six and registered in the Sheriff Court books
of Lanerkshire the Sixteenth day of December One thousand Seven hundred
and ninety Seven, whereby the said Robert Brisbane let to me
my heirs subtenants and aſsignees all and whole the said Robert Brisbane
front tenement of land with the close thereof and his whole houses
stables and pertinents all lying near the exchange on the north side
of the Trongate street of Glasgow, and then poſseſsed by me and my
subtenants, and the subtenants and aſsignees of John Hay, stabler in
Glasgow, and upon which front tenement I lately built a new tenement of
land, and which new tenement houses close and stables and pertinents
before described are at present poſseſsed by Meſsrs Brash and
Reid Booksellers Walter Bell, Forrester and Reid, John Bell and
Dunclaſs Peterson merchants in Glasgow William Reid bookseller
Miſs Inglis residenter and John Deuchrass broker and others
my subtenants which tack is hereby aſsigned in so far only as
the same regards the front tenement of the said subjects

poſsesſed by the said Brash and Reid, Walter Bell, Forrester and
Willis, John Bell, Dundaſs Paterson William Reid Miſs Inglis, and
the back warehouse poſseſsed by the said John Deuchrass with the
rents mails and duties thereof after the term of Martinmaſs one
thousand seven hundred and ninety nine In security to the said
James Forrester and his foresaids of the payment of the
foresaid principal sum of four hundred pounds sterling with
the lawful interest thereof aforesaid and the penalties to both
annexed in so far as the same may be incurred, and to the
end and intent that in the event of the failure in payment
of any of the instalments of the said principal sum and
interest before stipulated or any part thereof the said James
Forrester or his foresaids may enter into the posſeſsion of
the said subjects by uplifting the rents thereof or otherwise
and may continue the said poſseſsion untill he or they
obtain complete payment of the said principal sum interest
and penalties, for which purpose I empower him
and his foresaids to apply the rents in so far as recovered
first in payment of the expence of levying the same and
in relief of the rent payable to the said Robert Brisbane
under the foresaid tack so far as the same affects or may
be exacted from the subjects to which the aſsignation extends,
Next in payment of the said principal sum of four
Hundred pounds sterling interest and penalties, and of all
expences which may be incurred in defending their right to
the premises in neceſsary repairs public burdens and Insurance
against fire and in any other way in relation to
the premises as the said expence shall be ascertained
while in life in place of all other proof, and in the last
place the said James Forrester or his foresaids shall account
to me or my foresaids for the remainder if any be declaring
that upon regular payment of the whole instalments of the
said principal sum as the same become due and of interest
thereof or upon payment at the term of martinmaſs One
thousand eight hundred and seven or at any prior term
of the said principal sum and interest and debursements
or of any part thereof that may be remaining unpaid the

said James Forrester and his foresaids shall be bound to execute
and deliver such writings as may be neceſsary for reinvesting
me and my foresaids at our own expence in the right of the foresaid
tack so far as hereby aſsigned declaring that the said
James Forrester and his foresaids shall not be liable to do diligence
for the rents of the said subjects or be answerable for
omiſsions, waste rents or Insolvencys of tenants, but that they
shall be accountable only for the actual intromiſsions ascertained
by receipts under the hands dedicating neceſsary expences
and debursement to be ascertained by their account and oath
as aforesaid, and further declaring that these presents are
excecuted under the burden of the written Tacks and verbal
Leases granted by me to the tenants in the said subjects
and in these terms I oblige myself to warrant these presents at
all hands and against all deadly, and Consent to the registration
hereof in the books of Council and Seſsion or
others competent that Letters of Horning on six days charge
and all other legal execution may if neceſsary paſs hereon
in common form, and thereto Constitute
Procurators &c. In witneſs whereof
thereof these presents written upon this and the two preceding
pages of stamped paper by John Wright apprentice
to Alexander Park, senior writer in Glasgow are subscribed
at Glasgow the thirteenth day of November Seventeen Hundred and
Ninety Nine years Before these witneſses James Grant writer
in Glasgow and Duncan Thomson Waiter there by the first
of whom the place date names and designations of witneſses are
insert (signed) J Noble, Ja Grant witneſs, Duncan Thomson,
Recorded 6th Febry. 1800
I John Haigh Esquire late from the East Indies, and late of Bonnyhill,
now of Gartcows Considering That Andrew Stark (now deceased)
late merchant in Glasgow by his heretable bond and disposition
in security dated the seventeenth day of april one thousand
Seven hundred and eighty Six years bound and obliged him his
heirs &c. to content and repay to me my heirs or assigns the principal
sum of five hundred Pounds sterling borrowed by him from
me and that against the term of Martinmaſs then next without
delay with one hundred pounds sterling of damages and penalty
in case of failure together also with the lawful interest
of the said principal sum from the said seventeeth day of
April One Thousand Seven hundred and eighty Six till the
foresaid term of payment and thereafter yearly termly and
continually during the time the same should remain unpaid

and that at two terms in the year whitsunday
and martinmaſs by equal portions beginning as therein
mentioned and for further security and more sure payment
of the foresaid sums principal interest and penalty
he Sold disponed Conveyed and made over from him
to and in favour of me my heirs and aſsigns not only all
and whole an annualrent or yearly interest of twenty five
pounds sterling these corresponding, or such other annual
rent as by law for the time should correspond to the
foresaid principal sum of five Hundred pounds sterling
to be paid or uplifted and taken by me or my foresaids
yearly at two terms in the year whitsunday
and martinmaſs by equal portions beginning as therein
mentioned with a fifth part of one terms payment
farther of expences and penalty in case of and for each
failure in the payment of the said annualrent forth
of and from all and whole that tenement of land and
yeard and pertinents thereof lying within the burgh of
Glasgow on the northside of the Drygate Street of
old let in Feu by the rector of Cardroſs to George
Hutcheson of Lambhill wih a yearly feu duty of nineteen
merks and others out of the same, and furth of
and from all and whole that fore tenement or lands
which belonged to the laird of Hardgray, and that
back tenement of land with houses yeard and pertinents
adjoining to the said tenement lying within
the said burgh on the northside of the said Drygate
street, and adjoining to and on the east of
the said other tenement yard and pertinents before
described feued out to Hutcheson of Lambhill
which whole lands herein before mentioned comprehending
the new tenement lately built thereon
are now bounded on the south by the Drygate
Street on the north by the Molindinar burn on
the west by the lands sometime of William Sterling
thereafter of Thomas McAlpine and on the east by the
Lands sometime of the Laird of Minto, thereafter of
Thomas Coats, and now of Malcolm Dunn, but also

all and whole the foresaid land and others themselves and
the rents mails and duties thereof from and after Martinmaſs
one thousand Seven hundred and eigthy five with
the title deeds writes evidents and securities of the same
and all right title and interest he had or could pretend to
the said lands or any part thereof with the pertinents all
in real security to me and my foresaids of the payment
of the said principal sum of five Hundred pounds Sterling
and interest thereof foresaid, and penalties to both annexed
with all expences to be debursed by us in relation to the
premises and interest of the same as more fully therein
mentioned as the said heretable bond containing Prory
of resignation, assignation to the writes and title deeds
rents mails and duties of the said lands during the
non redemption with a clause of reversion declaring
the said annualrent and lands redeemable as therein
mentioned more fully bears In virtue of which I was
inſeſt on the foresaid annualrent lands and others in
security as aforesaid conform to my Instrument of
Sasine therein dated and recorded in the register of
Sasines of the burgh of Glasgow the Seventeenth day of
April One thousand Seven hundred and eighty Six, and
whereas the said Andrew Stark by his disposition
and Settlement dated the twenty second day of June
last registrated in the Sheriff Court books of Lanarkshire
kept at Glasgow the twenty ninth of July last disponed
all his estate real and personal and particularly the
lands above described to and in favour of Thomas
Stark your merchant in Glasgow his brother James
Millikan Junior hosier in Glasgow John M Gilchrist
Merchant there and me the said John Haigh as trustees
for the purposes therein mentioned, and now seeing that
they the said trustees of the said Andrew Stark have
out of his Estate and funds by the hands of the said
Thomas Stark made payment to me of the said principal
sum of five hundred pounds Sterling and Interest due
thereon since seventeenth day of April one thousand Seven
hundred and ninety nine to the twelfth day of October
last when the said principal sum was paid with said

interest (all prior interest having been paid and discharged)
whereof I hereby acknowledge the receipt renouncing
all exceptions forever to the contrary have
therefore Exonered and discharged as do hereby
exoned quit claim and simply forever discharge the
said Andrew Stark his heirs and succeſsors and his
said trust disponees above named of the foresaid
principal sum of five hundred pounds sterling and
whole bygone interest due thereon and penalties before
mentioned contained in the said bond and annualrent
right, and of the said bond and inſeſtment following,
thereon themselves with all that has may or can
follow thereon (themselves) and hereby renounce and
overgive from me and my heirs to and in favour
of the said Thomas Stark James Milliken John
Gilchrist and John Haigh trustees foresaid and their
succeſsors whomsoever the foresaid annualrent lands and
others contained in the foresaid heretable bond and
disposition in security with the said deed itself,
and inſeſtment thereon and whole tenor and effect thereof
and grant confess and declare the annualrent lands
and others above specified to be lawfully redeemed freed
and acquited from me, and from all burden and
incumbrance whatever arising from the premises in
all time coming as if the said bond and inſeſtment
thereon had never been granted or executed which
discharge and Renunciation I bind and oblige me
and my heirs to warrant at all hands and against
all deadly as law will and having herewith delivered
up to the said trustees the foresaid bond and Inſeſtment
to be kept and used by them at pleasure I
consent to the registration hereof in the books of
Council and seſsion or others competent therein to
remain for preservation and in the register of
Seasines and reversions for the burgh of Glasgow
for publication and thereto Constitute
Procurators In witneſs whereof these
presents written on this and the three preceeding pages
of Stamped paper by Robert McLehose Clerk to James

Robb writer in Glasgow are subscribed by me with the
managerial note on the third page also written by the
said Robert MacLehose at Glasgow the fifth day of
February eighteen hundred years before these witneſses
the said James Robb and Robert McLehose (signed)
John Haigh James Robb witneſs Robert McLehose witneſs
Recorded 6th February 1800
Be it known to all men by these presents That I George Henry
Storie Esquire of Camberwell in the county of Surry eldest son
and heir served to the deceased Thomas Storie Esquire late merchant
in London and as such standing duty inſeſt and [Leased]
in the lands and others after mentioned conform to my instrument
of Seasine dated and recorded in the record of Seasines for the
burgh of Glasgow the day of One thousand
Seven hundred and Considering that James Robertson
of Millbank Manufacturer in Glasgow by Heretable bond
dated the day of One thousand Seven hundred
and eighty Six granted by him to and in favour of
the said deceased Thomas Storie my father the said James
Robertson thereby bound and Obliged him his heirs &c. to
have made payment to the said Thomas Storie his heirs
or assigns of the sum of one thousand Six hundred pounds
sterling with the penalty therein specified in case of failure
in the punctual payment at the term of payment and the lawful
interest of said principal sum of one thousand six
hundred pounds sterling from the date of said bond during
the not payment of said principal sum, and for farther
security to the said Thomas Storie and his foresaids the said
James Robertson thereby sold and disponed to the said
Thomas Storie his heirs and assignees but redeemable and
under reversion as after mentioned all and whole the town
of Glasgow miln mailling lying near to the heart of the
city of Glasgow, and within the royality thereof as sometime
possessed by John Dren Jackman thereof together with
the whole houses and other buildings erected by the said James
Robertson on the said lands, and all right and title whatsoever
which he had or could pretend thereto, all as more
particularly ascribed in the said bond, and in real
security to the said Thomas Stone and his foresaids of
the aforesaid principal sum of one thousand six hundred
pounds sterling interest thereof and penalties to both
annexed in so far as incurred and as more fully mentioned
in the said bond as the same containing

Procuratory of resignation and sundry other clauses in
itself more fully bears, and in virtue whereof the said
Thomas Storie was duly inſeſt, conformable to instrument
of Sasine in his favour dated and registered in the
record of Sasines for the burgh of Glasgow the
twenty seventh day of November one thousand Seven
hundred and eighty six, and considering that the
said James Robertson by another bond and [¿] to
the aforesaid heretable bond dated the day of
one thousand Seven hundred and ninety
two he thereby bound and obliged himself to have made
payment to the said Thomas Storie or his foresaids of
the farther sum of one thousand pounds sterling with
liquidate penalty and bearing interest as therein expreſsed
as the said bond and [¿] containing sundry clauses
and recorded in the said Record of Sasines for the
burgh of Glasgow the eighteenth day of september
one thousand Seven hundred and ninety two more fully
bears, and farther considering that by heretable bond of
Corroboration and disposition in security granted by
the said James Robertson in my favour as heir of
the said deceased Thomas Storie my father dated
the day of one thousand Seven
hundred and Ninety five the said James Robertson
thereby bound and Obliged himself to make payment to
me or my heirs or assignees of the aforesaid sums of
one thousand Six Hundred pounds and one thousand
pounds sterling making in whole the sum of two thousand
six hundred pounds sterling together with the legal interest
thereof, and with the penalty therein specified in case of
failure, and for further security the said James Robertson
thereby Sold and disponed to me and my foresaids with and
under reversion as after written all and whole the lands and
others before described all in real security to me and my
foresaids of the payment of the foresaid principal sum of
two thousand six hundred pounds sterling interest
thereof, and penalties to both annexed so far as incurred all as
more fully mentioned in the said heretable bond of Corroboration
and disposition in security, but redeemable always
and under reversion by payment making to me or my foresaids
of the aforesaid principal sum and interest due thereon at the
time and penalties to both annexed in so far as incurred with

the other sums mentioned in the said heretable bond of corroboration
and disposition in security as the same containing
procuratory of resignation, power and authority to sell
the aforesaid lands in the event and in the manner therein
expreſsed and various other clauses in itself more fully bears
and in virtue where of I was duly inſeſt in the said subjects
conformable to instrument of sasine of my favours dated and
recorded in the said Record of Seasines for the Burgh of Glasgow
the sixth day of March one thousand seven hundred and
ninety five, and where as there was paid to me by and on account
of the said James Robertson the sum of one thousand two
hundred pounds sterling in part of the aforesaid principal sum of
two thousand six hundred pounds sterling conform to a discharge
and partial renunciation granted by me to the said James
Robertson of date the twentieth and registered in the register
of Saesines for the burgh of Glasgow the thirty first day of
July one thousand Seven hundred and ninety Eight and
Whereas Archibald Newbigging manufacturer in Glasgow who
has acquired right to contain parts of the aforesaid lands and
houses above described hath now paid to me the said George
Henry storie the sum of one Thousand four hundred pounds sterling
only resting owing to me of the aforesaid principal sum
of two thousand six hundred pounds sterling, and the lawful
interest of the said sum of one Thousand four Hundred pounds
sterling from and since the fifteenth day of May last, (the interest
prior to that period being paid conform to receipts granted
therefor) and of which sum of one thousand four hundred
pounds sterling and interest thereof from and since the said
fifteenth day of May last receipt is hereby acknowledged and
all exceptions to the contrary forever renounced; therefore wit
ye me the said George Henry Storie, and in the right of the said
deceased Thomas Storie my father to have exoned and discharged
as I do by these presents exoner quit claim and forever
discharge the said James Robertson the granter of the
aforesaid heretable securities and also the aforesaid Archibald
Newbigging and their heirs and Succeſsors whomsoever of the aforesaid
sum of one thousand four hundred pounds sterling
and interest thereof from and since the said fifteenth day of
May last only resting any of the aforesaid principal sums of
one thousand Six hundred pounds sterling and one thousand
pounds sterling comprehended in the several bonds before
specified whole bygone interest due on said principal

and penalties stipulated in said bonds, and incurred
through faillie as also of the said several bonds themselves
and all that has followed or is competent to follow thereon
and farther I hereby confess acknowledge and declare
that the aforesaid lands called the Town of Glasgow miln
mailling lying and described as in manner particularly
before mentioned with the whole houses and other buildings
erected thereon and pertinents of the same from henceforth
are acquitted freed loosed and forever discharged of the aforesaid
principal sum of one thousand six hundred pounds
sterling contained in and due by the heretable bond first
mentioned, and instrument of Sasine following thereon
and of the aforesaid other principal sum of one thousand
pounds sterling contained in the aforesaid bond
and [¿] to the reversion annual rents or interest thereof
and consequents as also of the aforesaid heretable bond
of corroboration, and disposition in security and Instrument
of Sasine following thereon, all which are hereby
renounced and discharged, and that the real or heretable
securities erected over the said lands houses or pertinents
by the several bonds and inſeſtments following thereon
either in favour of my said deceased father or
myself, and all right and title which he or I had
or have thereto are hereby as completely and effectually
extinguished, and every part of the said lanes
houses and pertinents freed and disburdened of the
said securities as if (the (same) such heirs or securities
had never been created or existed declaring always
that the receipts for interest and the discharge for
part of said principal sum, and partial renunciation
heretofore granted shall not be understood or construed
so as to infer double payment with and under which
declaration I hereby bind and Oblige me, and my heirs to
warrant the present discharge and Reununciation at all
hands and against all mortals and consent to the registration
hereof in the books of Council and Session or others
competent therein to remain for preservation and in the
record of Seasines for the Burgh of Glasgow for publication
and for that effect Constitute Priors

In witness whereof these presents written upon this and the two
preceding pages of stamped paper by Archibald Smith apprentice
to John and David Lang writers in Glasgow are subscribed at
London the ninth day of June in the year one Thousand Seven
hundred and ninety nine Before these witnesses Alexander
Sangster Merchant in London and George Atkinson Gentleman
residing in London (signed) Geoden Storie _ Alexander Sangster
witneſs Geo. Atkinson witneſs _ I William Sprott Solicitor of law
Edinburgh Considering that the within designed George Henry
Storie by special commission and factory of date the eighth
day of October last proceeding upon the narrative of the within
designed James Robertson standing indebted to him in a balance
of one thousand four hundred pounds sterling with the lawful
interest thereof from the term of whitsunday last untill
payment and corresponding penalty also duly affecting and burdening
his lands of millbank conform to the ground and constitutions
of said debt within, and in said Commiſsion and factory
particularly narrated did thereby empower and authorize me
the said William Sprott to call and pursue for payment of said
balance and interest and penalty and on payment acquittances
and renunciations to grant which should be sufficient to the
receivers, and generally every thing to do thereanent competent to himself
if personally present or which to the office of a factor or
commiſsioner in the like cases is known to belong obliging himself
his heirs and succeſsors to ratify, homologate and confirm
whatever should be done by me in value thereof conform
to the said commiſsion and Factory itself hereunto referred
and that in the view of payment of said debt he the said
George Henry Storie had executed the within discharge and Renunciation.
But that before compleating the transaction or payment
being made, he the said James Robertson and his company of
James Robertson and Company consisting of himself and John
Robertson also manufacturer in Glasgow had failed in their circumstances,
and became sequestrated on the twelth day of July last
when William Aitcheson writer in Glasgow was chosen on the twenty
fourth day of said month Interim factor on their estate, was elected
trustee on the fifteenth day of August following, and on the nineteenth
day of said month an act of the Lords of Council and Seſsion
had paſsed in his favour confirming the said Nomination and adjudging
the Estates real and personal of the said bankrupts to belong
to him for behoof of the creditors of the said Company

and individuals thereof, by virtue of which title, and factory
the said William Aitcheson has since Sold and disponed
upon the said lands of Millbank and now seeing that the
said William Aitcheson as trustee foresaid has made payment
to me of the balance resting of said debt extending
as on the twelth instant to the sum of one thousand four
hundred and thirty four pounds fourteen shillings and
two pence farthing principal and interest I do therefore hereby
not only make a declaration to this effect notwithstanding
of the tenor of the within discharge and Renunciation -
but in virtue of the said power committed to me do hereby
Corroborate, and Confirm the [within] deed and bond
and Oblige my Constituent his heirs and succeſsors whomsoever
in warrandui of the payment of the foresaid sums
to the said William Aitcheson and all concerned at all
hands declaring the within debt now extinguished
and the within lands forever disburdened thereof, and I
have herewith delivered up to the said William Aitcheson
the whole grounds and constitutions of the said debt
to be, at his disposal in future alongst with my said
principal commiſsion and factory Consenting also that
this declaration and corroborative discharge and Renunciation
shall be recorded with and in terms of the
clause of registration within contained and for that end
Constitute Procurators &c
In witneſs whereof I have subscribed this declaration subjoined
to the said discharge and Renunciation wrote by John
Hutcheson my clerk at Edinburgh this ninth day of november
One thousand Seven hundred and ninety nine years before
these witneſses the said John Hutcheson and James Glaſs
Burgh officer of Cannongate (signed) William Sprott
John Hutcheson Witneſs, James Glaſs witneſs.
Recorded 7th Februry. 1800
In the name of God amen Know all men by this public
instrument that upon the seventh day of February
In the year of God One thousand eight hundred and of the
reign of our Sovereign George the third by the grace of
God King of Great Britain France and Ireland defender
of the faith the fortieth year In presence of me
notary public and witneſses subscribing Compeared personally
an honourable man John Morrison Esquire one
of the baillies of the city and burgh of

Glasgow, and passed with and at desire of Andrew White
clerk to Robert Walkinshaw writer in Glasgow as attorney for
and in name and behalf of William Forlong Esquire of Glespin
Merchant in Glasgow To the ground of the lands after
described and there the said attorney produced an heretable
bond and disposition in security dated the twenty
second day of January one thousand eight hundred
granted by James Fleming Merchant in Glasgow whereby
he acknowledged of the date thereof to have borrowed from
the said William Forlong the sum of Six hundred pounds
Sterling money, which sum he bound and obliged himself
his heirs executors and Succeſsors whomever to content and
repay to the said William Forlong his heirs and aſsignees
upon the term of Martinmaſs next, and the lawful interest
or annualrent thereof from the date of the said heretable
bond and disposition in Security till the foresaid term
of payment with one hundred and twenty pounds
sterling further of liquidate expences and partially in case
of failure over and above the said principal sum and
interest foresaid and also the legal interest or annualrent
of the said principal sum from and after the said term
of payment yearly termly and proportionally thereafter
so long as the same should remain unpaid at two
terms in the year (and) Whitsunday and martinmaſs, by
equal proportions beginning upon the term of Whitsunday
next and so forth continuing in the regular payment
of the said interest half yearly so long as the aforesaid
principal sum should remain unpaid with one fifth
part further of each terms payment thereof of liquidate penalty
and expences in case of and for each failure in the regular
payment of said interest over and above the said termly
payments themselves, And for further and better security to
to the said William Forlong and his foresaids of the payment of
the foresaid principal sum interest thereof and penalty and expences
aforesaid and without prejudice in any respect whatever
to the personal obligation before written but in corroboration
thereof the said James Fleming by the said heretable bond and disposition
in security disponed alienated and conveyed from
him his heirs and succeſsors to and in favour of the said
William Forlong his heirs and assignees whomsoever heretably
but under reversion in manner after mentioned not only all
and whole an annualrent or yearly interest of thirty

pounds sterling at present offering or such an annualrent
more or leſs as should by law for the time
offer and correspond to the foresaid principal sum
of Six hundred pounds sterling yearly to be paid to or
uplifted and taken by the said William Forlong or
his foresaids at two terms in the year, Whitsunday
and martinmass by equal portions beginning the
firſt terms payment of the said annualrent upon the
term of whitsunday next and so forth continuing in
the regular payment of the said interest or annualrent
half yearly during the not payment of the said principal
sum furth of and from all and whole that tenement
of land high and laigh back and fore with closs
stables brewhouse cellars middenstead and pertinents
(excepting the fore high shop sometime poſseſsed by
Fleming Coppersmith) Together with the [titles]
tenement of land built in the head of the cloſs by
the deceased William Stobo lying within the burgh
of Glasgow on the north side of that street thereof called
Gallowgate Street near to and on the west side of
the bridge bounded betwixt the lands of old belonging
to John Alexander thereafter to James and John
Lukes and now to the Glasgow Tan work Company
on the East The lands of the heirs of Robert Selkrigg
on the west and north and the high street on the
south parts as the same was sometime poſseſsed
by William Porteous William Brown and
possessors of the foresaid tenement, and by
Janet Mitchell Elizabeth Wright Grizel Morrison
and Elizabeth Nail possessors of the small tenement
at the head of the closs, and by James Baird
taylor poſseſsor of the back part of the third storey
of the foretenement, and also all and haill the
just and equal half pro indiviso of all and haill that tenement
of land high and laigh back and fore with
the closs stable brewhous cellars middenstead and pertinents
with the little tenement at the head of the closs
as also that foresaid back laigh shop under the foresaid
fore tenement, which was sometime designed a laigh dwelling
house and fore booth or shop and chamber at the

back of the same, as the said lands were repaired and
partly builded by William Fleming and James Fleming
brothers of John Fleming coppersmith in Glasgow lying
on the northside of that street in Glasgow called Gallowgate
Street near to and on the west end of the bridge
bounded betwixt the lands of old belonging to John Alexander
thereafter to James and John Luke and now to the
Tan work Company and the heirs of James Brodie on
the east, The lands of the heirs of Robert Selkrig writer
on the west and north and the high street on the south
parts excepting always therefrom the foreshop of the foresaid
subjects presently occupied by Robert Hunter winiming
spirit dealer in Glasgow, which shop was not
included in the security granted by the said heretable
bond and disposition in security or forth of any part or
portion of the foresaid subjects excepting as aforesaid
readiest rents mails and duties of the same but also
all and whole the foresaid subjects themselves above described,
and all right and title which the granter to said subjects
all in real security to the said William Forlong
and his foresaids of the payment to them of the foresaid
principal sum of six hundred pounds sterling interest thereof
foresaid and penalties to both annexed before mentioned
and of all sums of money he or his foresaids might expend
in obtaining themselves inſeſted in virtue of the
said heretable bond and disposition in security in paying
the public burdens and duties of said subjects, in
levying the rents thereof insuring the same against
losses by fire repairing thereof or in any other way relating
to the premises with the interest of these debursements
after the several times of debursing the same as the
amount and times of debursing thereof should be sufficiently
instructed and ascertained by the account and oath
of the debursee if in life or by such account alone in case
of death in place of all other proof; declaring as it is by
the same heretable bond and disposition in security specially
provided and declared and appointed to be engrosed
on the seasine to follow thereon otherwise the same
should be void and null, That the said annual rent
lands and others before disponed were and should be
redeemable, and under reversion by the said James
Fleming and his foresaids from the said William Forlong
and his foresaids by their making payment to

them of the foresaid principal sum of Six hundred pounds
sterling interest thereof aforesaid, and penalties to both annexed
so far as incurred, and of the sums of money to be debursed
as aforesaid with the interest due thereupon whole and
together in one sum upon the said term of martinmaſs
next or upon any other term of whitsunday and martinmaſs
thereafter upon the term day within the Sheriff
clerks office in Glasgow between the hours of one and
two afternoon, but on premonition always of such redemption
to be made by the said James Fleming
and his foresaids to the said William Forlong and
his foresaids personally or at their dwelling houses in
presence of a notary and witneſses at least sixty days
preceeding the term at which such redemption is to be
made, and in case of their absence or refusal to accept
of said sums, by consignation thereof in any responsible
Banking Company in Glasgow for the time to be made
furthcoming to the said William Forlong or his foresaids
free of all charges whatever at the peril of the consigner
and for using of such redemption a copy of the said deed
or of the inſeſtment to follow thereon that is the said heretable
bond and disposition in security should be equally
good and effectual as if Letters of reversion had been executed
by the said William Forlong or his foresaids to the
effect before mentioned upon payment or consignation of
which sums the said William Forlong or his foresaids
should be bound and obliged to execute and deliver
all writings neceſsary for divesting themselves of, and
reinvesting the said James Fleming and his foresaids
in the annualrent and subjects so disponed in the most
ample and valid manner, all which writings were to
be expede upon the expence of the said James Fleming
or his foresaids Provided always as it is by the said heretable
bond and disposition in security specially agreed to provided
and declared and also appointed to be engroſsed in
the inſeſtment to follow thereon that in case the whole or
any part of the sums principal interest and expences before
specified should be remaining unpaid at the said term of
martinmaſs One thousand eight hundred and in case the
same should not be compeately satisfied and paid by the
said James Fleming or his foresaids within Six months after

a demand of payment should have been made upon him or
his foresaids personally or at their dwelling places if within Scotland
and if forth thereof at the market cross of Edinburgh
Peir and shore of Lieth in presence of a Notary public and
witnesses, then the said James Fleming by the said heretable
bond and disposition in security Sold alienated
and disponed to and in favour of the said William Forlong
and his foresaids heritably and irredeemably all and
whole the foresaid subjects above described, and all right
and title thereto to the special end and purpose that he the
said William Forlong and his foresaids might thereupon
Sell and dispose of, and they are by the said heretable
bond and disposition in security on that event authorized
and empowered at any time after the expiry of the
said term of requisition without the consent of the said
James Fleming or his foresaids and without any order or
Declarator of law to sell and dispose of the subjects before
described together or separately in such as they might
think proper by public roup in Glasgow for such prices
as the same would bring after advertising the time and
place of such sale in any two of the Glasgow newspapers
once a week for six weeks successively before the roup
and also to receive and discharge the price, and to grant
and deliver a disposition or other writings necessary for
conveying the said lands and others to the purchaser
or purchasers and his or their heirs or assignees heritably
and irredeemably in the most ample and valid
manner binding the said James Fleming and his foresaids
in absolute warrandui, and to apply the price
thereof and interim rents if any be uplifted in the first
place in payment of the expences of levying these rents
and of the advertisements and Sale, and expeding the
writings following thereupon, Next in payment of the
said sum of six hundred pounds sterling and interest
due thereon at the time and penalties to both annexed
in so far as incurred, and sums to be debursed as
before mentioned with the interest thereof aforesaid, and
Lastly the said William Forlong and his foresaids should
account for and pay the remainder if any be to the said
James Fleming or his foresaids declaring that from and after
the said Sale the clause of reversion before written should
without any declarator or proceſs of law cease and be forever

void, and that any right or conveyance of the foresaid
subjects to be granted by the said William Forlong or
his foresaids in favour of the purchaser or purchasers
thereof after the sale should be equally good and effectual
to such purchaser or purchasers or their foresaids to all
intents and purposes as if the same were granted by the
said James Fleming or his foresaids and inſeſtments expect
thereupon prior to the date of the said heretable bond and
disposition in security and the said James Fleming obliged
himself and his foresaids to ratify and confirm the same
whenever required declaring also that the purchaser
of the aforesaid subjects should not be bound or have
right to see to the application of the price thereof but
should be obliged to pay the same to the said William
Forlong or his foresaids whose receipt should be a sufficient
exoneration of the same, and which application
of the price as well as any objection the said James
Fleming or his foresaids might have to the regularity
of the aforesaid advertisements and sale should be
only personal questions between him and his aforesaids
and the said William Forlong and his aforesaids
no ways affecting said lands and with which the
purchasers should have no concern or right to interfere
As the said heretable bond and disposition in security
containing procuratory of resignation and other
clauses bears and upon the ground of the said lands
appeared John Stevenson One of the officers of the said
city of Glasgow who as procurator specially constituted
by the granter of the said heretable bond and disposition
in security as was made known to the said baillie
and me notary public by the letters of procuratory
therein contained did resign and Surrender all
and whole the foresaid annualrent of thirty pounds
sterling or such an annualrent more or less as by
law for the time should [effeir] and correspond to the foresaid
principal sum of six hundred pounds sterling yearly
[¿] uplifted and taken at the terms and with the interest
and penalties in case of failure before narrated furth
of all and whole the subjects before described

excepting the aforesaid shop and also all and whole the said
subjects themselves excepting as aforesaid in the hands of the
said baillie by delivering to him staff and baton as use is
In favour and for new inſeſtment thereof to be given and
granted to the said William Forlong in due form not
only in real security to him and his foresaids of the
payment of the sums of money principal interest and penalties
and expences before specified and redeemable in manner
before mentioned, but as so heritably and irredeemably
in the event of non redemption and with power of Sale
in the manner and for the purposes aforesaid which
resignation being so made admitted and received by
the said baillie he by virtue of his office and at
request of the said Procurator Gave and delivered heretable
inſeſtment state and sasine real actual and corporal
poſseſsion of all and whole the aforesaid annualrent of
thirty pounds sterling or such other annualrent more or
less as by law for the time should [effeir] and correspond to
the foresaid principal sum with interest and penalty in case
of failure before mentioned to be uplifted and taken at the
foresaid terms furth of all and whole the subjects before described
excepting the aforesaid shop, and also all and
haill the aforesaid subjects themselves excepting as aforesaid
not only in real security as aforesaid, and redeemable in
manner before mentioned, but also heretably and irredeemably
in the event of non redemption and with power of sale in
the manner and for the purposes aforesaid to the said William
Forlong, and that by delivering to the said Andrew White present
and accepting as attorney for him and in his name earth
and stone of and upon the ground of the said lands for the
lands themselves, and a penny money for the said annualrent
and so did inſeſt him in the said lands and annualrent
conform to the said heretable bond and disposition in security
and prory of resignation therein contained in all points saving
all mens rights, whereupon and upon all and sundry the premises
the said Andrew White attorney foresaid required instruments under
the hands of me the said Notary These things were so done at and
upon the ground of the said lands betwixt the hours of one
and three afternoon of the day month year of God and
Kings reign above written being there present John Grahame and
John Muir two of the officers of the said city of Glasgow witnesses
to the premises specially called and required sic Sub. Et ego vero Joannes
Wilson &. manu aliena &c. John Grahame witness John Muir Witneſs.


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Register of Sasine, Concerning Land Lying on the Southside of Trongate Street, Glasgow. 2024. In The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Retrieved 26 April 2024, from

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"Register of Sasine, Concerning Land Lying on the Southside of Trongate Street, Glasgow." The Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2024. Web. 26 April 2024.

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Register of Sasine, Concerning Land Lying on the Southside of Trongate Street, Glasgow

Document Information

Document ID 271
Title Register of Sasine, Concerning Land Lying on the Southside of Trongate Street, Glasgow
Year group 1800-1850
Genre Administrative prose
Year of publication 1800
Place of publication Glasgow, Scotland
Wordcount 31714

Author information: Anonymous

Author ID 483
Surname Anonymous