Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 241 Title: Letter from Hogg to Byron, 30 Jul Author(s): Hogg, James Grieve & Scott's Edin July 30th My lord I have this moment received your letter and as far as it regards Lara I am considerably vexed but it is what I feared from a hint that was in your first letter as well as an intimation that appeared in the papers the other day — I deemed that you supposd my publication to be earlier than it was and that the tale was likely to appear in some shape before the time I proposed — However I will still depend on your generosity for less or more — so much indeed that till I get it or am assured of it I will not venture the work to the press for I have excused Mr. Scott for the first half year from a conviction that we both had that your name in particular fairly ensured the sale of the first No and that there would be more occassion for some exertion afterward to sustain the original character of the work. We sailed from Leith yesterday on a tour thro' the Orkney Shetland and western Islands in company with his friend Wm and a Mr Duff. It blows a terrible gale for the pa[¿] to day and I am sure he is not quite at his ease to say the least of it. He denys Waverly which it behoves him to do for while at least; indeed I do not think he will ever acknowledge it; but with regard to the author there is not and cannot be a doubt remaining — the internal evidence is of itself sufficient — it may be practical enough to imitate either your lordship or him for a few verses but that the same turn of thought character and expression in a word that the whole structure of mind should so exactly coincide in two distinct individuals is not in nature. By the by this seems to have brought a curious fact to light. I heard Ballantyne with my own ears attest when Waverly went first to the press which is now a long while ago that it was by the author of The Bridal of Triermain who in all the su[rmiz]es had never yet been named What are we to think here My Lord? However I like Waverly exceedingly and never was more diverted than by some pictures there of Scottish manners and I am much pleased to hear you commend it and more to find that you are half a Scotsman I m[¿]d as much from the nerve and freedom of your verse I beg pardon of the Saxon blood that is in you my lord But as I hope to be obliged to you I would avoid by all means the smallest appearance of flattery it is for that reason that I have never mentioned your poems. All that may appear in future I will give you my private opinions about them but only in a comparative point of view. You are now I understand to appear in the firm of Rogers & Co. the discounts in his favour will be prodigous — He is a fine writer but no great poet — he is classical and elegant but wants originality almost in toto. I have a poem 2000 lines The Pilgrims of the Sun which I want to publish instantly in onevolume price 7/6. I have an abominable shabby Bookseller here who never keeps his word with me nor ever lifts his bills when they become due they come back on me and distress me more than I had never seen them. G—d d—m him and them both I wish you could procure me some feasible conditions with yours I would give him the publication of the Repository too and likewise the fourth edition of the Wake which will be required as soon as the next Edin. Review appears. I am so perfectly a[ssure]d of the sale of this little poem that I would run any risk on that score. Now my good Lord pray do not forget me, an hour of your time once a half year is a small boon and that hour might be of high value to me I have blotted the if out of your letter with my own pen it has nothing to do there and as to your poetical days being at an end God forbid I hope you [¿] to business more serious — At all events to hear from you occassionally in the same free manly [¿] stil[e] I will always account one of the chiefest blessings under heaven Yours most truly James Hogg