Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW) - Document : 330 Title: Letter From Murray to Campbell, 8 Dec 1785 Author(s): Campbell, J St Andrews Friday 9th Dec Dear Campbell I hope yr goodneſs will form some excuse for my long silence. I can form none for myself My situation indeed might furnish me with one to any with whom I was not so much acquainted, but Mom petit Cabinet was to nearly situated to yr Room to endeavour to paſs upon you that it was study which prevented my writing to you sooner. This sentence I perceive is not very clear but you must do yr best to find out its meaning as I have not time to begin my letter again. I condole with you on yr accident in the Main Coach. I was more lucky I came to Leeds in one of them without meeting with any sort of accident. It will have convinced you I make no doubt of the Truth of the Old Proverb the more haste the Worse speed. But of convincing yourself of the truth of this saying be all that you have gained I think you had better have left it alone. Yr insinuations with regard to Maffei are too flattering to be true, I must confeſs that however anxious I am I find it impoſsible to persuade myself that I am the Cause of the pains in her stomach for except it was the melancholy prospect of yr leaving Kensington that caused her illneſs I can conceive nothing else that occasioned her confinement I give you credit for denying it, it is shamefull to Kiſs and tell. I had leter the other day from [¿] & another from Chauvet in neither of which her sweet name is mentioned, I am sorry for it as an account of her must have made my letter more acceptable I dont find myself in a jumor to give you advice concerning yr conduct thi Winter. there is only one topic on which I shall at present vouch & that is beware of _ You know what I suffer in Kensington, tyo you do not know what I suffered after I left that place, however you know [¿] to take care on what ground you go, besides the sin of the thing as My Mother tells me. I beleive I may as well give over my morality. I beg you will give an account of [¿] is going on with you it is always pleasent to know that a friend is happy. I hope you wil excuse this horrid scrawl as I just upon the Wing for a Ball next letter If I can shall be more worth reading Believe me Ever yr affect. Friend J Murray