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62 documents matching criteria (4.71% of corpus)

36,863 total words in matching documents (0.80% of corpus)

Showing documents 41 - 60 of 62

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Title Author Multimedia Word count Freq. Norm.
Dipper: 60 - Profit or Loss Begg, Dr James A 312
Dipper: 61 - Double Anyntit Begg, Dr James A 910
Dipper: 01 - Authors' Preface Begg, Dr James A,
Reid, John
Dipper: 03 - Glenburnie's Gun Reid, John Audio 218
Dipper: 05 - Fishers Tak Tent Reid, John Audio 342
Dipper: 10 - Aippleringie Reid, John 672
Dipper: 13 - The Bull Reid, John Audio 185
Dipper: 15 - The Roe Deer Reid, John Audio 274
Dipper: 19 - Tod Lowrie Reid, John Audio 243
Dipper: 23 - The Red Sea Crossing Reid, John 595
Dipper: 24 - Tribute to W.H.T.Inglis Reid, John 351
Dipper: 29 - Harpin Reid, John Audio 888
Dipper: 33 - The Feather Reid, John 212
Dipper: 37 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1977 - Mr.Ian Capperauld, F.R.C.S. Reid, John 197
Dipper: 38 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1980 - Mr. William Goudie, J.P. Reid, John 208
Dipper: 39 - Some Cumnock Burns Club Presidents: 1982 - Sheriff David B. Smith Reid, John 317
Dipper: 48 - Angling Club Minutes (Unofficial) Item 1. Reid, John 1,061
Dipper: 52 - The Dyker Reid, John Audio 228
Dipper: 53 - Tam Lowrie's Muckle Fish Reid, John 733
Dipper: 55 - The Angling Club Minutes Reid, John Audio 1,154

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