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note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
note dt signifies a decisiontakenat decision time the meeting
of the steps to betakenand arrangements to be made
what specific steps it hastakenand is taking to enhance
first investigation has the ministertakenany steps to ensure that
need for steps to betakenat present although no reasons
heritage and steps should betakenby any scottish government to
minister what steps have beentakenby scottish ministers to support
notes the further steps beingtakenby the executive to combat
executive what steps have beentakenby the forestry commission to
the further steps albeit inadequatetakenby the scottish executive to
economy commends the steps alreadytakenby the scottish executive to
the steps that they havetakenchristine grahame your background knowledge
executive what steps it hastakenfollowing the completion of the
ensure that those steps aretakenin every part of the
executive what steps are beingtakenin light of the learn
all the other steps beingtakenin line with the programme
all the other steps beingtakenin line with the programme
steps that the executive hastakenin that direction kenny gibson
detail the steps to betakenin the consultation process regarding
steps might have to betakenof course at that point
executive what steps it hastakenor plans to take to
advice what steps it hastakenor plans to take to
deaf people the executive hastakenquite a lot of steps
and what steps have beentakenregarding future arrangements s1w 17745
when such steps will betakens1w 12286 fergus ewing to
civic society on the stepstakenso far to enable integration
pleased that the fsa hastakensome practical steps to improve
in dyspraxia we have alreadytakensteps to ensure that dyspraxia
proper consultative framework i havetakensteps to ensure that meetings
be criticised if it hastakensteps to help producers conducted
executive what steps are beingtakento address depression specifically among
executive what steps are beingtakento address the issue of
and what steps are beingtakento address the situation s1o
executive what steps are beingtakento advocate sexual equality in
what new steps are beingtakento assist industrial museums s1w
what current steps are beingtakento bring a case against
executive what steps are beingtakento build career pathways and
the world steps should betakento build growth in the
scottish executive what steps weretakento consult representatives of patients
executive what steps have beentakento consult the fishing industry
executive what steps have beentakento consult the local community
any further steps will betakento correct the records placed
2002 what steps have beentakento date to rectify the
executive what steps are beingtakento develop the nhs as
executive what steps it hastakento encourage a low cost
chryston lab have steps beentakento encourage businesses particularly those
executive what steps are beingtakento encourage creativity in education
and what steps are beingtakento encourage greater pre registration
executive what steps have beentakento encourage more multi national
what further steps will betakento encourage more young people
executive what steps will betakento encourage other bus companies
so what steps are beingtakento encourage the other 71
executive what steps are beingtakento ensure adequate public transport
executive what steps have beentakento ensure adequate public transport
executive what steps are beingtakento ensure equal pay for
and what steps are beingtakento ensure that a similar
executive what steps have beentakento ensure that all new
executive what steps are beingtakento ensure that local authorities
executive what steps are beingtakento ensure that minority sports
executive what steps it hastakento ensure that money is
nhs what steps are beingtakento ensure that patient and
all necessary steps should betakento ensure that such faith
steps the scottish executive hastakento ensure that the interests
executive what steps it hastakento ensure that there are
assistance what steps will betakento ensure that there is
memorandum what steps have youtakento ensure that you can
and what steps are beingtakento ensure the future of
executive what steps are beingtakento ensure the survival of
what steps are currently beingtakento eradicate foot and mouth
in that year including stepstakento fulfil functions any recommendations
coming in steps had beentakento identify people who would
executive what steps are beingtakento improve health at work
minister what steps are beingtakento improve post operative care
executive what steps are beingtakento improve safety in the
executive what steps are beingtakento improve the availability of
the steps that have beentakento improve the delivery of
executive what steps are beingtakento improve the diet and
executive what steps are beingtakento improve the fabric of
executive what steps are beingtakento improve the recruitment of
executive what steps are beingtakento increase the number of
on the steps to betakento make taxi services more
executive what steps it hastakento make the manufacturing industry
executive what steps are beingtakento measure the level of
and what steps are beingtakento persuade the english welsh
ensure that steps are beingtakento promote and enforce the
minister what steps are beingtakento promote the life and
executive what steps are beingtakento protect scotland s historic
executive what steps are beingtakento provide on going training
know what steps have beentakento publicise it people watch
executive what steps are beingtakento reduce short term contracts
what recent steps it hastakento reduce waiting times for
executive what steps it hastakento resolve the junior hospital
and what steps have beentakento safeguard jobs in the
executive what steps are beingtakento speed treatment and shorten
the steps that have beentakentowards implementation of several of
what next steps should betakentricia marwick mid scotland and
heritage considers that any stepstakenunder subsection 1 above are
year the steps that weretakenwere sensible but they meant
executive what steps it hastakenwith regard to the development
1995 act matters to betakenaccount in assessment of needs
the supply has to betakenaccount of before you move
1968 act matters to betakenaccount of in assessment of
1968 act matters to betakenaccount of in assessment of
primary and secondary indicators aretakenaccount of in local authority
and community care we havetakenaccount of the equal opportunities
that the new regime istakenaccount of we will be
good practice the executive hastakenaccount of what worked and
it is taking advice havetakenany account of any aircraft
it is taking advice havetakenany account of any report
it is taking advice havetakenany account of the availability
it is taking advice havetakenany account of the value
needs of the crews aretakeninto account and fishing entitlement
once secondary employment issues aretakeninto account and the effects
voluntary sector committee to betakeninto account as part of
should and should not betakeninto account as reasonable grounds
should and should not betakeninto account as reasonable grounds
of schedule 2 the conducttakeninto account by the court
you gave that will betakeninto account by the minister
budget advisory group will betakeninto account by the new
extenuation her history must betakeninto account externally she was
scheme have not been fullytakeninto account further notes that
fleet in 2001 will betakeninto account however that decommissioning
of postage as insurance istakeninto account i met [censored: forename]
rural dimension has it beentakeninto account if the answer
in conditions which should betakeninto account in any regulations
to the school would betakeninto account in any such
1995 act matters to betakeninto account in assessment of
the recommendation that it istakeninto account in due course
of the charter has beentakeninto account in formulating its
executive what factors will betakeninto account in forthcoming decisions
cost of upgrading will betakeninto account in regard to
are accurate they will betakeninto account in the assessment
by the petitioner would betakeninto account in the committee
needs of cyclists are properlytakeninto account in the contracts
be used that factor istakeninto account in the licences
that those points will betakeninto account in the much
treatment compounds effectively should betakeninto account in the siting
potential benefits will be fullytakeninto account in the study
quite horrendous that must betakeninto account in your deliberations
ensure that our concerns aretakeninto account is it the
that that point would betakeninto account it is not
risks from disease agents aretakeninto account it would certainly
time consuming has that beentakeninto account malcolm chisholm that
off before income tax istakeninto account mr gibson does
that their views have beentakeninto account often we ask
service provision will also betakeninto account s1w 33283 christine
only scientific considerations can betakeninto account that is the
and housing management are fullytakeninto account the convener after
the high charges was nottakeninto account the decision was
operating the business have beentakeninto account the figure might
authorities or that it hastakeninto account the impact of
scotland s rurality has beentakeninto account the oft report
england and wales and havetakeninto account their experience you
the national park must betakeninto account this could be
asked health has to betakeninto account tobacco advertising makes
and whether such projections weretakeninto account when considering renovation
salmon netsmen might not betakeninto account when dsfbs were
to ensure that that istakeninto account when new school
the recommendation that it betakeninto account when the committee
executive what account it hastakenof any representations received from
operate jackie baillie account istakenof the areas in which
worried that no account istakenof the areas in which
age and what account istakenof the individual needs of
councils ensure that account istakenof the variable costs that
for rural scotland we havetakenrural interests into account in
strategic decisions have to betakenabout whether a group is
software such decisions were beingtakenall the time and we
ensure that those decisions aretakenappropriately and locally from what
wherever practical decisions should betakenas close as possible to
reform and the other decisionstakenat the december fisheries council
shape the decisions that aretakenat the intergovernmental conference in
is that decisions should betakenat the lowest level of
of decisions note of decisionstakenat the meeting of the
of decisions note of decisionstakenat the meeting of the
of decisions note of decisionstakenat the meeting of the
of decisions note of decisionstakenat the meeting of the
of decisions note of decisionstakenat the meeting of the
08 2001 note of decisionstakenat the meeting of the
03 2001 note of decisionstakenat the meeting of the
and the major decisions weretakenby the two señoras the
participate in decisions that aretakenby their landlord with the
before any final decisions aretakencertainly so far as concerns
the new millennium we havetakendecisions on which questions to
that bidding approach decisions aretakenfor the next twelve months
date what decisions have beentakenfurther to the forum s
reasons given for the decisionstakeni do not believe that
the policy decisions they havetakeniii where exceptionally committees find
that no decisions have beentakenin argyll and clyde on
that the right decisions aretakenin december that we sustain
decisions on sites will betakenis in december 2001 responsibility
mean that decisions were beingtakenmore centrally on how that
outlining decisions that we havetakenon european commission or european
decisions that need to betakenon transport projects are you
ensure that decisions can betakenquickly during a crisis management
level iii decisions have beentakenyou will appreciate that i
scotland effective action must betaken11 00 bruce crawford angus
any further action to betaken5 appointment of adviser for
managed although we have alreadytakenaction by working with local
the necessary remedial action beentakenafter those incidents these flaws
executive what action will betakenagainst any nhs trust which
whether any action has beentakenagainst nhs boards that have
allow enforcement action to betakenagainst those people i move
by sepa however no actiontakenagainst what is happening is
the action that it hastakenand all the improvements that
action had yet to betakenand reductions in the catch
and that action will betakenas a result of it
executive what action is beingtakenas a result of the
that comprehensive action must betakenat both uk level and
action that the parliament hastakenbecause it helps people to
the parliament deplores the actiontakenby her majesty s government
ensure that where action istakenby local authorities in respect
whether the industrial action beingtakenby medical secretaries in glasgow
action that could have beentakenby scottish ministers in exercising
entitled to investigate any actiontakenby such bodies explanatory notes
entitled to investigate any actiontakenby such bodies where a
be notified of the actiontakenby the committee under paragraph
the action that has beentakenby the council it is
the report considers the actiontakenby the department and more
see any connection between actiontakenby the eu and its
2001 and the subsequent actiontakenby the executive members indicated
from any action that istakenby the executive the time
tenant and d any actiontakenby the landlord before raising
law and action would betakenby the legal authorities as
fishing communities and the actiontakenby the scottish executive to
no action could have beentakenby the scottish ministers in
of action that has beentakenby the standards committee on
all possible action to betakenby the uk government to
action that is to betakenby the uk the paper
staff and that any actiontakenby universities which directly affects
key educational priorities we havetakendecisive action on several fronts
action that the owner hadtakendespite the fact that the
executive what action will betakenfollowing publication of the agriculture
calls for action to betakenfor these charges to be
calls for action to betakenfor these charges to be
1 5 the implementation actiontakenfrom the annual review states
which enforcement action has beentakenhas increased albeit that there
essential that remedial action betakeni have no doubt that
enforcement action could not betakenif a notice were withdrawn
action that is currently beingtakenin court i do not
not what action is beingtakenin order to complete it
executive what action is beingtakenin order to ensure that
executive what action is beingtakenin respect of employment sectors
acceptable what action it hastakenin respect of the town
and what action it hastakenin response to these representations
great deal of action wastakenin terms of the advice
say that action is beingtakenin that respect changes to
action the principal reporter hastakenin the case and b
consider what action might betakenin the past few weeks
decides whether action should betakeninstances of badger baiting are
action or where any actiontakenis not effective c provide
that action has already beentakenon a great many of
2002 act and any actiontakenon behalf of certain bodies
has seen serious action beingtakenon tackling scotland s drug
no further action should betakenon the issues identified in
indicating what action had beentakenon the issues raised by
the lack of action beingtakenon the proposals now 8
on their reasoning for actiontakenor discontinued improve services so
executive what action it hastakenor intends to take in
executive what action it hastakenor plans to take to
no further action should betakenpe83 petition by concern for
enable effective action to betakenquickly in a situation in
for and action to betakenregarding the terms of the
and for action to betakenregarding the terms of the
or corrective action has beentakenregarding those responsible for the
allow preventative action to betakens1m 745 karen whitefield storysack
executive what action it hastakensince being advised that gm
executive what action has beentakensince the publication of the
so which nhs boards havetakensuch action s1w 24834 colin
for certain action to betakenthat would not put any
stronger powers action will betakenthe convener i do not
their actions action has beentakenthroughout scotland to pull together
executive what action is beingtakento accelerate the number of
minister what action is beingtakento address the incidence of
executive what action it hastakento address the issues identified
executive what action is beingtakento address the lack of
executive what action will betakento address the length of
executive what action will betakento address the situation highlighted
the meantime is action beingtakento address those shortcomings craig
determine what action can betakento alleviate their plight supported
executive what action it hastakento assist south ayrshire council
additional action is now beingtakento assist the tourism industry
and what action is beingtakento avoid similar delays in
used gap sites some actiontakento clean up perhaps some
minister what action is beingtakento control infections within hospitals
any such action has beentakento date s1w 9224 david
executive what action is beingtakento deal with asbestos in
executive what action is beingtakento determine the underlying causes
executive what action is beingtakento develop a method of
executive what action it hastakento devise a national strategy
executive what action is beingtakento ensure adequate funding of
executive what action it hastakento ensure that all relevant
executive what action it hastakento ensure that all school
executive what action it hastakento ensure that bus and
and what action it hastakento ensure that communities scotland
executive what action is beingtakento ensure that crime against
executive what action is beingtakento ensure that individual nhs
and what action it hastakento ensure that no disruption
executive what action is beingtakento ensure that people with
urgent action must now betakento ensure that resourcing levels
and what action has beentakento ensure that such cases
not what action should betakento ensure that those objectives
executive what action is beingtakento ensure the availability of
executive what action is beingtakento ensure the availability of
and that action should betakento ensure the removal of
consider what action can betakento erect a suitable and
executive what action it hastakento establish whether there has
programmes and action will betakento give nurses and midwives
executive what action is beingtakento improve services for people
executive what action is beingtakento improve services for those
executive what action is beingtakento improve services on the
charging what action is beingtakento improve that situation in
endorses the important action beingtakento improve the quality of
executive what action is beingtakento improve the safety of
executive what action is beingtakento increase drug misuse awareness
executive what action is beingtakento increase the employment rates
executive what action has beentakento increase the number of
executive what action has beentakento increase the quality and
risks what action has beentakento inform the scottish public
for specific action to betakento manage disease if there
what specific action has beentakento offset recent job losses
executive what action it hastakento promote equality of opportunity
what recent action it hastakento promote sport in schools
executive what action is beingtakento protect children at risk
executive what action is beingtakento protect patients from contracting
2002 what action has beentakento put in place the
executive what action is beingtakento raise awareness of and
executive what action is beingtakento reduce the murder rate
executive what action it hastakento reduce youth crime in
calling for action to betakento repair storm damage to
calling for action to betakento repair storm damage to
calling for action to betakento repair storm damage to
appropriate action necessary to betakento reverse this decline supported
executive what action it hastakento seek a delay in
executive what action it hastakento seek flexibility from the
executive what action it hastakento support green office week
executive what action is beingtakento support the groups identified
detail what action is beingtakento tackle any welfare problems
executive what action is beingtakento tackle hate crime against
on what action has beentakenunder the franchising arrangements the
no action has yet beentakenwest end of wilton street
prescribing and what action istakenwhere nhs trusts refuse to
realistic prospect that the actiontakenwill result in the achievement
on what action has beentakenwith regard to overcrowding on
no further action can betakenyou can arrange to meet
seriously the scrutiny will betakenby that committee because i
her guilt and she istakeninto the forest seriously wounded
think crime fiction should betakenmore seriously erm f606: mmhm
their genuine concerns would betakenseriously and fed into the
their genuine concerns would betakenseriously and fed into the
and to have their viewstakenseriously article 12 has given
risible jokey not to betakenseriously in the eyes of
that made the work betakenseriously indeed i think at
ye know a language beingtakenseriously intellectually and very quickly
the contract needs to betakenseriously keith jones aberdeenshire council
the potential impact must betakenseriously richard lochhead north east
in scotland want to betakenseriously that is why i
it should be celebrated andtakenseriously the issue of funding
i think scots will betakenseriously when it it captures
think scots will only betakenseriously when it s used
ehm will scots only betakenseriously when it s used
the petition all members havetakenthe issue seriously certain members
suggest that it would betakenvery seriously the exchange between
executive what measures are beingtakenas part of its child
what specific measures have beentakenby health boards and nhs
that all measures have beentakenby her majesty s government
of the conservation measures alreadytakenby scottish fishermen believes that
they consider the current measurestakenby scottish natural heritage to
discusses some of the measurestakenby the parliament to facilitate
other practical measures will betakenin the next session if
to report annually on measurestakenmeasures proposed and progress to
practical measures which have beentakenor are planned in order
2000 what measures it hastakenor intends to take to
executive what measures it hastakenor intends to take to
scottish executive whether it hastakenor plans to introduce measures
what specific measures it hastakenor plans to take to
meant to take and hastakenother practical measures will be
force measures that have beentakenover the past few years
measures that are currently beingtakensuch as giving a week
the measures that we havetakensuch as the task force
pen harsh measures they wartakentae loss the extra inches
of measures that could betakenthat would assist in the
immediate measures that will betakenthe plan has been discussed
executive what measures have beentakento address any shortage of
executive what measures have beentakento address any shortage of
executive what measures are beingtakento address the problem of
executive what measures are beingtakento alleviate any financial difficulties
executive what measures it hastakento assist motorcyclists in making
executive what measures are beingtakento assist the arbroath fish
executive what measures are beingtakento encourage the recycling of
executive what measures are beingtakento ensure that all scots
minister what measures are beingtakento ensure that scotland works
executive what measures are beingtakento help post offices and
minister what measures are beingtakento increase the employment opportunities
executive what measures are beingtakento increase the number of
executive what measures are beingtakento increase the number of
executive what measures it hastakento promote the economic well
executive what measures are beingtakento protect the haddock fishing
executive what measures it hastakento reduce and remove any
executive what measures are beingtakento reduce the number of
executive what measures are beingtakento reduce the number of
executive what measures are beingtakento reduce the number of
executive what measures are beingtakento tackle patterns of persistent
executive what measures are beingtakento tackle the level of
new homes in the uktakentogether the measures will provide
range of measures is beingtakenwe need to reduce smoking
decision phil gallie it hastaken19 months the presiding officer
at stake the executive hastakena decision before committees of
years after the parliament hastakena decision is not sooner
time that a committee hastakena decision on an instrument
4 that decision time betakenat 5 27 pm the
inconsistent with a decision alreadytakenat the same stage shall
decision on commercialisation to betakenbefore a full evaluation of
decision on commercialisation to betakenbefore a full evaluation of
decision on that will betakenbefore may 2003 cathy jamieson
process until the decision wastakenbruce crawford i understand your
motion the decision would betakenby the lead committee the
a commission decision could betakenby the standing veterinary committee
before any ultimate decision istakeni asked him that yesterday
executive what decision has beentakenin relation to the release
the decision that can betakenin the westminster parliament to
which a decision has beentakenis that which is the
decision that we have alreadytakenlord james douglas hamilton lothians
ensure that no decision istakenon closing child cardiac operation
10 decision time decision weretakenon items 1 2 6
then a decision should betakenon the targeting of those
the decision that has beentakenon these contracts this is
hour after decision time hadtakenplace on thursday 7 february
programme the decision was thentakenthat all the money from
decision that it has alreadytakenthere are a number of
what ground a decision istakenthereafter there is usually a
free will that you vetakenthis decision deana i maun
if a strategic decision istakento carry out all the
consulted before the decision wastakento designate the ythan catchment
planned way the decision wastakento return exam scripts and
radio stations the decision wastakento switch the search to
not surprisingly the decision wastakento terminate the venture and
decision is i believe beingtakentoday the convener are there
the decision that has beentakenunbelievable i spent seven years
involved rhoda grant i havetakena note of them rev
the issue the clerks havetakencareful note of members comments
real self some children aretakennote of because they are
responsibility of ministers we havetakennote of that and we
fees and charges we havetakennote of the concerns that
considered in addition note wastakenof a selection of compounds
is a meeting i havetakenguests to the chamber and
of all members will betakenin the chamber afterwards the
lodged on 17 february 2000takenin the chamber on 01
lodged on 30 april 2001takenin the chamber on 02
lodged on 01 may 2001takenin the chamber on 02
lodged on 01 may 2001takenin the chamber on 02
lodged on 02 november 1999takenin the chamber on 03
lodged on 02 november 1999takenin the chamber on 03
lodged on 01 november 1999takenin the chamber on 03
lodged on 27 april 2001takenin the chamber on 03
lodged on 02 november 1999takenin the chamber on 03
lodged on 02 november 1999takenin the chamber on 04
lodged on 02 november 1999takenin the chamber on 04
lodged on 03 november 1999takenin the chamber on 04
lodged on 03 november 1999takenin the chamber on 04
lodged on 02 november 1999takenin the chamber on 04
lodged on 02 november 1999takenin the chamber on 04
lodged on 27 january 2003takenin the chamber on 06
lodged on 05 april 2002takenin the chamber on 08
lodged on 21 february 2000takenin the chamber on 23
lodged on 22 february 2000takenin the chamber on 23
lodged on 22 february 2000takenin the chamber on 23
lodged on 29 january 2003takenin the chamber on 30
lodged on 29 january 2003takenin the chamber on 30
lodged on 27 january 2003takenin the chamber on 30
lodged on 29 january 2003takenin the chamber on 30
lodged on 27 january 2003takenin the chamber on 30
by that time will betakenin the chamber to mark
being sworn in she hastakena close personal interest in
small under five child beingtakenalong for the wee sugar
lots of children obviously beingtakenas a special treat last
promote the positive approach beingtakenby institutions in relation to
and it is already beingtakenby several scottish schools projects
the actions that were beingtakenby the board mr drummond
insert the entrenched positions beingtakenby the teaching unions and
insert the entrenched positions beingtakenby the teaching unions and
was being transported it wastakendown in spring before sowing
written heritage are currently beingtakenforward or planned as part
all of which are beingtakenforward the proposals include there
other recommendations are also beingtakenforward they cover such issues
looking approach that is beingtakeni must now bring this
purely market driven approach beingtakenif we put targets into
to be regarded as beingtakenin the exercise of an
falling in mud and beingtakeninto the laundry to be
of markers are not beingtakenon and they are being
that was being done wastakenon board by the executive
us that agenda is beingtakenon board quite effectively by
on and they are beingtakenon late i can understand
eye witness of him beingtakenon the cage by the
great play about items beingtakenout of context or sensationalised
the section on licensing beingtakenout of the bill in
was in danger of beingtakenover by a fascination with
for such a route beingtakenthe meeting closed at 4
are being or will betakento diminish sectarianism in all
have been or are beingtakento encourage low cost carriers
executive what initiatives are beingtakento extend the provision of
end insert social development beingtakento include linguistic development and
end insert cultural heritage beingtakento include linguistic heritage and
public insert special qualities beingtakento include special linguistic qualities
ambiguity of such descriptions beingtakento refer to uk ministers
have been and are beingtakento tackle persistent youth offending
scotland specifically the approach beingtakentowards the recognition use and
ensure that a photograph istakenat every annual re registration
to ensure that cognisance istakenboth of those points and
ensure that amendment 38 istakenif the vote is tied
entire content however we havetakenpains to ensure that the
entire content however we havetakenpains to ensure that the
states great care has beentakento ensure that it is
reflection this item was nottaken2 fishing vessels decommissioning scotland
of ndpbs in scotland wastakenas read this item of
committee will consider the evidencetakenat agenda item 3 6
committee will consider the evidencetakenat agenda item 4 7
committee will consider the evidencetakenat agenda item 4 and
move that item 6 betakenin private 2 disabled persons
agreed that item 7 betakenin private 2 petitions the
moved that item 2 betakenin private 2 travelling people
move that item 6 betakenin private 3 housing stock
move that item 6 betakenin private 3 housing stock
revenue 2 item to betakenin private convener to move
revenue 2 item to betakenin private convener to move
03am 1 item to betakenin private it was agreed
1 item 8 to betakenin private the committee will
1 1 item to betakenin private the convener will
the next item will betakenin private which means that
the oral evidence it hadtakenunder agenda item 3 the
committee will discuss the evidencetakenunder item 5 on petition
cluster and his place wastakenby a des man wearing
and its metaphorical place aretakenby hnecca our word neck
shelter another car park hastakenits place the telephone exchange
to someone that surveillance hadtakenor was taking place unless
consultation on this issue hastakenor will take place and
into the place it wastakenover on valuation the bruiser
of the listening could havetakenplace a little earlier and
the following related developments havetakenplace a remarkable literary efflorescence
a suspicion that surveillance hadtakenplace although the rules for
of the delay that hastakenplace and how they might
minister for the environment hastakenplace and if so what
of the discussions that havetakenplace and that i understand
however the necessary distancing hastakenplace and this frees the
on 15 september 1999 hastakenplace and what the outcome
meetings gardens competition this hadtakenplace at the end of
scottish executive what discussions havetakenplace between it strathclyde passenger
scottish executive what discussions havetakenplace between ministers and or
one shape or form hastakenplace between mr gallie and
house has such a meetingtakenplace bristow muldoon the difficulty
to the discussion that hastakenplace but i am clear
mind whether if surveillance hastakenplace but there has been
correspondence after the meeting hastakenplace derek feeley thank you
several other similar closures havetakenplace elsewhere in scotland so
some of which could havetakenplace even with the previous
start after national proceedings hadtakenplace however the policy underlying
level of debate that hastakenplace i do not know
opposite effect seems to havetakenplace if the interviews with
of higher still would havetakenplace in a different time
of the things that havetakenplace in a house the
mother tongue this will havetakenplace in almost perfect conditions
play s supposed to havetakenplace in in er in
contracts until full exploration hastakenplace in particular by the
mentioned some changes that havetakenplace in regard to the
scottish executive what progress hastakenplace in relation to the
the excellent work that hastakenplace in scotland s theatres
modified organisms regulations which havetakenplace in scottish universities and
that factory inspections have alreadytakenplace in thailand who from
future of europe has alreadytakenplace in that forum this
criminal justice bill has alreadytakenplace in westminster it was
but that some improvement hastakenplace is that improvement due
the joint venture partnership havetakenplace on that basis ever
think that developments could havetakenplace outwith the hot pursuit
until a thorough investigation hastakenplace supported by alex neil
such evident preparatory work hastakenplace the intention of the
soon as the cancellation hastakenplace the police must seek
the further delay that hastakenplace this year helen eadie
any transfers which may havetakenplace through a primary legislation
of other communications that hadtakenplace through the fsa in
dalkeith bypass scheme will havetakenplace to determine whether a
bit of revision that hastakenplace to the report however
telephone exchanges where llu hastakenplace up to the present
debates about it have alreadytakenplace we must find a
a review of fees hastakenplace which included a survey
scottish executive what consultation hastakenplace with established voluntary organisations
june 1999 what consultation hastakenplace with regard to a
discussions about rsa have recentlytakenplace with several such firms
scottish executive what discussions havetakenplace with sportscotland regarding a
executive what recent discussions havetakenplace with the scottish commission
scottish executive what discussions havetakenplace within the executive following
dialogue and discussion that hastakenplace within the scottish executive
those projects would not havetakenplace without the commitment of
bulk of the conversion hastakenplace you mentioned that the
of income data will betakenforward 16 10 brian adam
two and three should betakenforward and i ll say
of identifying what can betakenforward and what can be
cosgrove s report were nottakenforward because the recommendations that
a singularly important task istakenforward by and large by
how this matter should betakenforward i am happy to
before a case could betakenforward if the landlord is
would expect this to betakenforward later this year we
rates relief scheme would betakenforward official report col 1320
the proposal is to betakenforward s1w 14959 irene mcgugan
one initiative that could betakenforward there are opportunities to
what percentage of the chargestakenforward were reduced by the
consider whether it could betakenforward what conclusion the minister
the next stage can betakenforward within the context of
in coming forward never reallytakenmuch interest in women mrs
the sum carried forward wouldtakentogether amount to more than
forward under that section wouldtakentogether amount to more than
the money carried forward wouldtakentogether amount to more than
however the scottish executive hastakena different view from the
of burns s horse hastakena fall and the poet
our re cycling it hastakena great deal of effort
the annals of arbuthnott hastakena huge effort from many
the annals of arbuthnott hastakena huge effort from many
and community care committee hastakena keen interest in and
that is why it hastakena little longer to get
the new poverty zone hastakena lot from our older
aware that duncan hamilton hastakena particular interest in dyspraxia
telling us her brother hastakena stroke and had to
ombudsman and the executive hastakenadvantage of that to consider
small red flower it hastakenall right and its supposed
to gestate and it hastakenalmost eight years for the
whether the first minister hastakenan interest this week in
considered the evidence it hastakenand agreed to consider a
once the evidence has beentakenand perhaps appear alongside the
has changed no one hastakenany notice i have what
transport and the environment hastakenas a result of her
the week has to betakenat a slower pace yes
a snapshot that has beentakenat this stage alasdair morgan
open and the trays aretakenaway before the food has
and over the executive hastakenaway the burden of financial
the past four years hastakenaway the freedom of the
proportion of the total catchtakenby rod and line has
sophisticated approach that has beentakenby scottish executive ministers there
the only council that hastakencounsel s or at least
bill such as this hastakeneffect we should study how
department the committee has alsotakenevidence from young people with
that the european committee hastakenfor example recently i spoke
3 7 billion has beentakenfrom the lottery to pay
my shoulder and fiona hastakenher hands away from her
that line has already beentakeni want to end by
a registration scheme has beentakeni would like the commercial
the washin has tae betakenintae the kitchen which was
two days but it hastakeninterruption i think that you
threatens to kill whoever hastakenit pompitie is tormented by
needle he threatens whoever hastakenit scene 4 the toll
its new london leader hastakenit to the brink of
motions once the committee hastakenits evidence it may report
not disclose whether it hastakenlegal advice s1w 33541 christine
to reveal whether it hastakenlegal advice s1w 33542 mr
document continues it has alsotakenlonger than expected to establish
another discussion the matter hastakenmany months of consultation in
the social justice committee hastakenmuch evidence i suspect that
into the garden deana hastakenoff her hat and is
to move into has beentakenon board by local authorities
particular interest that she hastakenon the issue trying to
sector the voluntary sector hastakenon the public sector s
to six months he hastakenour points on board and
convener the paragraph has beentakenout the next paragraph states
prestwick airport has recently beentakenover by a new local
mr simon [censored: surname] who hastakenover from mrs sylvia [censored: surname]
be ashamed that it hastakenso long to bring this
the uk why has ittakenso long to get even
in which john patterson hastakensome interest we are perhaps
commission this week it hastakensome time to analyse the
delay in starting it hastakensome time to get everyone
algal toxins that it hastakensome time to get the
be fair the government hastakensome very positive initiatives the
initiatives strathclyde police force hastakensuch initiatives to tackle the
service and the executive hastakenthat into consideration i see
understand that the spcb hastakenthat view but its view
stewart sutherland who has nottakenthe attitude of some opposition
in march why has ittakenthe executive two years to
fact that peter peacock hastakenthe opportunity to write to
f1121: what f1122: somebody hastakenthem f1121: oh no has
not there f1122: somebody hastakenthem f1121: what f1122: somebody
that mr alexander has alreadytakenthis matter up with the
i agree but it hastakentime to understand why many
at the top lampton hastakento going to church for
assessment particular care has beentakento identify and eliminate unnecessary
scottish parliamentary corporate body hastakento promote the use of
has been or will betakento tackle depression in children
has been or will betakento tackle such an increase
the minister why it hastakenuntil now for her to
our behalf although it hastakenuntil today for the executive
is disgraceful that it hastakenuntil two minutes before a
was presenting the seminar hastakenup most of my excess
approach that the parliament hastakenwe have heard some very
convention the universities have alreadytakena prominent lead in discussing
boyack no i have alreadytakeninterventions the amey bids for
whit yir doin you vetakensome of this already haven
the spelling of scots wastakenat a meeting of the
the committee will review evidencetakenat the meeting meeting of
notice that sim 3066 betakenat this meeting of parliament
that motion s1m 552 betakenat this meeting of the
that motion s1m 1966 betakenat this meeting of the
that motion s1m 2251 betakenat this meeting of the
that motion s1m 554 betakenat this meeting of the
that motion s1m 3706 betakenat this meeting of the
seats while the photograph istakeni now close this meeting
committee will consider the evidencetakenlocal government committee 3rd meeting
committee will consider the evidencetaken5 overview of the national
committee will consider the evidencetaken5 work programme the committee
significant cost implications evidence wastakenabout the potential costs to
it points out evidence wastakenalmost exclusively from the voluntary
discuss evidence from rhona brankintakenat the transport the environment
and the environment committee andtakenevidence from my predecessor hugh
week since then we havetakenevidence from other groups and
33 days or whatever havingtakenevidence the committee might have
other evidence that we havetakenit is clear that your
committee will consider the evidencetakenjustice 1 committee 30 october
concern arising from the evidencetakenon scro checks it was
the evidence that we havetakenso far relating to the
we have not of coursetakenthe same amount of evidence
a report on the evidencetakento date 8 report on
legal judgment four actions weretakenagainst the executive the executive
executive what the average timetakenby each health board to
from incinerated animal carcases weretakenby the scottish executive there
parliament could scrutinise the actionstakenby the scottish executive to
ordinated by the executive istakencountries such as denmark and
in the past we havetakenone from the executive side
the bill and it wastakenover as an executive measure
the executive before it istakens1w 27385 fergus ewing to
executive what actions have beentakensince 1 july 1999 to
that the executive would havetakenthe opportunity to improve on
and the scottish executive havetakenthe view that it would
executive what the average timetakento answer a 999 call
scottish executive our initiatives aretakenup we understand the complexities
committee that the matter betakenup with the executive phil
of his uncle james andtakenaway ben into the coal
into meal then it wastakenhome and pressed well into
their human rights records aretakeninto consideration before exchanges are
long term economic situation istakeninto consideration in my opinion
the exercises i mark aretakeninto consideration in their final
mrs [censored: surname] s to betakeninto consideration it was someone
thing but will that betakeninto consideration m608: aye m1163:
procedures the relevant authorities havetakeninto consideration the number of
they moved in should betakeninto consideration when looking at
port other factors to betakeninto consideration would be the
if and when they aretakeninto residential care will the
milking the warm milk wastakeninto the milkhouse which was
peggy was about to betakeninto theatre to have her
your argument like quotations gettakeninto your word count m605:
confirmed his new identity andtakenone gigantic step into adulthood
incorporated into mainstream education andtakenout of special educational needs
weedy tree sapling which hadtakenroot into the side of
moved into new markets andtakenup the new technology do
3 5 and 6 betakenin private 2 items to
the voluntary sector to betakenin private 3 budget process
the annual budget process betakenin private 3 questions for
7 and 14 february betakenin private is that agreed
6 and 7 should betakenin private ms white why
private 2 items to betakenin private the committee will
edinburgh 1 items to betakenin private the committee will
what a actions have beentakenand b financial contributions have
f1089: eh m1090: i vetakenblue off what s that
what is said must betakenon board in a real
m762: yeah it could havetakenover the whole i what
or three years could havetakenpressure off the sqa what
so what actions have beentakento address the concerns raised
what further actions will betakento address the concerns raised
be mr stone i havetakena close interest in the
relevant scottish ministers we havetakena consistent line in dealing
other countries seem to havetakena less robust attitude towards
shona robison no i havetakena lot of interventions many
assemblies in the uk havetakena similar view although a
end but things could havetakena sinister turn a young
the stairs it would havetakena team of burglars years
prisoners have a had proceedingstakenagainst them for and b
of other members who havetakenan interest i believe that
they and local authorities havetakenare taking and intend to
a misunderstanding we have nottakenaway the existing provisions relating
dialogue with table we havetakenaway your forest replaced it
existing cultural assets people havetakenburns s words to heart
our good lines have beentakenby the partners who have
which following extracts have beentaken[censored: table removed] where some trail blaze
over recent months we havetakencognisance of the views expressed
are willing those who havetakencourses in english language and
burns claimed to have hadtakendown from the singing of
easier for people who havetakenearly retirement from a strenuous
that he can possibly havetakenerm er but may- maybe
professionals told us i havetakenexception to that point in
mmhm that seems to havetakenf1009: bathroom m1008: over from
a date but you havetakenfour or five months to
d have demanded to betakenhome again however you stayed
approach that we have alwaystakenif we were dissatisfied with
have all of the harvesttakenin and stacked wir our
think the caretaker might havetakenin messages we had a
new approaches that have beentakenin participation planning and service
personal interest that you havetakenin that project as chair
know whether it will betakenin the morning i have
when it happened they havetakeninitiatives to support the local
art school people might havetakenit up but they were
year helen eadie have youtakenlegal advice on whether the
will still have to betakenlocally but the framework will
them however it would havetakenlonger to do so they
f640: round well you havetakenmeals round for people f639:
an official photograph will betakenof all members who have
and suchlike burns suppers havetakenoff in my area and
million might have to betakenoff that total for water
the gloss might have beentakenoff the report we should
her legs seemed to havetakenon a will of their
have been shelved will betakenon board in future i
have been but i vetakenon board only the day
europe wide level we havetakenon board opencast and deep
i hope that we havetakenon board those views wherever
in twinning associations who havetakenon the idea of spreading
it will have to betakenover by a compulsory purchase
restaurant the premises have beentakenover by a developer who
on sustainable development have beentakenover by another body and
electricity fisheries committee have beentakenover by another body and
of economic consultants have beentakenover by another body and
again and the wraiths havetakenover i can t stand
finnish parliament i have nottakenpart in a videoconference before
how many people who havetakenpart in an employment training
have appointed an adviser andtakenproper advice on some of
in the past we havetakenrather a cautious attitude on
water the directors have eventakensavage cuts in their own
many of its staff havetakensick leave as a result
i m sorry to havetakenso long to write but
but i ve i vetakensome blood we ll have
i confirm that we havetakensoundings from the informal focus
other major conurbations could havetakenthat step in that way
the fact that we havetakenthat view does not demean
committee last september we havetakenthe findings of that survey
rehouse us until they havetakenthe house over because if
made the nominee must havetakenthe oath or affirmed by
proposer and seconder must havetakenthe oath or affirmed prior
nomination form and must havetakenthe oath or affirmed prior
seconded by members who havetakenthe oath or have affirmed
of all members who havetakenthe oath or have affirmed
of all members who havetakenthe oath or who have
authority areas pupils who havetakenthe relevant course at school
committee feels that we havetakenthe spirit of those comments
them now people who havetakenthe time and trouble to
on setting targets we havetakenthe view that as the
this stage we have thereforetakenthe view that the most
irrelevant claiming that we havetakenthings out of context it
amount of editing might havetakenthirty or more days new
change is not to betakento have occurred by reason
in which applications have beentakento the nof that is
small and medium enterprises havetakentowards y2k compliance muir russell
i acknowledge that i havetakenup a bit of time
of our recommendations have beentakenup i regret that a
door mats etc we havetakenup the matter of many
public but scapa have nevertakenup the offer i am
a number of schools havetakenup the option over a
particularly pleased not to havetakenup the owner s invitation
like one i have beentakenup with the word christian
sure erm tesco s havetakenus on as well erm
erm the daily record havetakenus on i- normally it
pay the charges we havetakenvarious appeals to the independent
parents and teachers we havetakenviews from all the key
simple modelling approaches have beentakenwe need more of those
deputy presiding officer i havetakenyour point mr raffan robert
same stage shall not betaken12 00 if amendment 4
overcome that barrier will betaken2 with the agreement of
view will need to betakenabout whether the change in
where he was to betakenah m608: god m194: aye
how phase two might betakenahead and we re also
are lodged are to betakenand about whether motions can
estates the game will betakenand returned to you the
dr sylvia jackson to betakenas members business and to
thursday 2 may 2002 betakenat 4 21 pm the
wednesday 26 march 2003 betakenat 4 40 pm the
wednesday 5 march 2003 betakenat 4 43 pm the
on that motion will betakenat 5 o clock business
wednesday 29 january 2003 betakenat 7 00 pm the
the area nominations should betakenat annual general meetings from
the approaches that may betakenat health board level and
across scotland needs to betakenat present some authorities record
or sometimes it could betakenat supper time just to
it produced had to betakenaway by a steam pug
whether to approve should betakenby a group of democratically
of fish which can betakenby any method the size
the solo verses may betakenby other members of the
which amendments are to betakenby the parliament the amendments
is something that must betakencare of remote parts of
of fish which could betakenchanging daily weekly or annual
then some had to betakendown tae dublin and then
and they d aw betakendown to the bin and
will be aware that debatestakenduring members business are concluded
particular care needs to betakenfor example with the term
the curriculum can safely betakenfor granted for every component
or electricity card can betakenfor payment against outstanding debt
where that money should betakenfrom and give the criteria
argue that money should betakenfrom one area and delivered
states further reassurance may betakenfrom the fact that rf
tired so i would betakenhome and bathed or or
from how they might betakenif they went before the
housing however it cannot betakenin isolation from other issues
holyrood project vote that wastakenin june there might be
of europe need to betakenin public that ethos should
ye ken had to betakenin relays there wid aye
on the matter will betakenin scotland we will take
overview of work to betakenin the next year including
local authorities tendering bill betakenin whole by a committee
office branches cognisance must betakenof local need and a
a grip needs to betakenof the scheme further down
the committee stage will betakenon 24 march by a
or such modules can betakenon a free standing basis
the consultation responses would betakenon board and that detailed
the convener that will betakenon board the clerk will
only should the individual betakenon but the risks run
an tain on would betakenon ehm taken up with
before the case will betakenon i do not know
more roadmen began to betakenon in the early 1900s
said major weir to betakenon monday the 11th inst
as racism and sectarianism aretakenon scotland will be made
by the source should betakenon the amendment goes a
s leaders need to betakenon visits so they can
are to be analysed aretakenout and given a wash
wanted anything else to betakenout but they did not
that requirement needs to betakenout mr ingram i think
the full ones to betakenout my wage was 9
b is planned to betakenout of service since the
market or they will betakenover by a bigger player
that any vote to betakenshall be conducted using the
found when those measurements aretakenshould be punished quite severely
and this sall be atakentae ye ye sall fin
kist would be collected antakentae yer new employ m1000:
mr galbraith it cannot betakenthat the masts are on
used freend it could betakenthat you re talkin about
of fish which may betakenthe characteristics and specifications of
a certain route can betakenthe funding will not necessarily
the census is to betakenthe persons by whom and
eight so i d betakenthere at the back of
responses that needed to betakenthere is a hierarchy that
for this statement to betakenthis afternoon it is our
awareness and appreciation can betakenthrough sharing together the different
sunday school children to betakento a film show in
2003 christmas cards can betakento all wh smith and
and these had to betakento be charged regularly a
every opportunity needs to betakento compare and contrast aspects
outlining actions that will betakento fulfil the management strategy
wall and had to betakento hospital thirdly during a
and she had to betakento hospital with a suspected
been introduced these might betakento indicate changes in the
that incinerator is to betakento paterson s dump within
all possible means would betakento retrieve such information where
dogs a photograph could betakento show the type of
and shaming when councils gettakento task should ombudsmen be
characteristic first the corn wastakento the mill to be
that the complaint must betakento the ombudsman no more
available a customer could betakento the premises and told
every possible step to betakento welcome and integrate asylum
allowed the motion to betakentoday by juggling other members
of the motions to betakentoday or in the debates
no other business will betakentoday the motion was agreed
actions that are to betakenunder the bill there may
next step will not betakenuntil we are satisfied that
however renewed sites will betakenup and used only if
that remain will probably betakenup during the run up
should the winter diet betakenup there will be an
a technique that will betakenup to some extent by
scott s suggestion could betakenup we are told that
would be taken on ehmtakenup with the the situation
medical degrees bill shall betakenusing the electronic voting system
medical degrees bill shall betakenusing the electronic voting system
extreme care had to betakenwhen drinking home made wine
parliament the amendments to betakenwill appear in the business
that their qualifications can betakenwith them as they progress
against humanity will usually betakenwithin scotland and the person
of members interests to betakenwithout debate 12 30 pm
establishment of committees to betakenwithout debate 5 00 pm
committees for ssis to betakenwithout debate 5 00 pm
and accountability bill to betakenwithout debate b the following
ssi 1999 27 to betakenwithout debate followed by 5
immediately following agreement to betakenwithout debate followed by motion
appointments to committees to betakenwithout debate followed by motion
to approve ssis to betakenwithout debate insert followed by
about whether motions can betakenwithout notice lie with the
the approach which will betakenworking together with others to
better me than carolanne sadietakenaback whit rule number is
keep records of the numbertakenbut these are not collated
to the number of foxestakenby registered foxhunts 11 some

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